Weekly Forecast: August 19-23, 2024 – Aquarius Full Moon Square Uranus

skyIn the wee, early hours of Monday morning, the Venus-Jupiter-Saturn t-square finishes. No more running in place after a stationary carrot.

Virgo Venus is left in active square to Gemini Mars, while Virgo and Gemini ruler Mercury retrogrades back through Leo to trine retro Chiron and sextile Mars. Start your engines back up: reconsider where you want to go, because the keys are in your pocket and the instructions are starting to make some sense again.

Monday morning, the Aquarius Moon sextiles retro Aries Chiron then opposes retro Mercury just as the Leo Sun makes its exact square to Aquarius-ruler Uranus in Taurus. The electric, airy mood slips back into gear as the mode of the day takes a stick in its spokes. Then the Moon squares Uranus as well – and midday perfects an opposition to the Sun: the full moon. Served up, slapped down.

But that’s just how it feels. What it really is is dynamic and charged with potential (the ability to kick out a shock). It’s feeling the flex of movement again, and it’s a breath of fresh, life-giving air. Up, down – good, bad. We suddenly remember how it feels when life is really lifing – pumping, improving and rejuvenating. Yes, at first it’s uncomfortable; of course it is. We also need it. Get busy living or…

From the full moon through Thursday, the Sun moves through the point of a yod with the retro Neptune/retro Pluto sextile. At its peak, the Sun leaves Leo for Virgo (Thursday morning). The full moon marks an abrupt ending, snappy like lightning. But it’s an improvement. The arc of the yod across signs is a reckoning and an acceptance of the divine inevitable. What is not meant for us can vanish like a cloud; but we’re left with a purpose, and it smells like service.

This process can be frustrating, but there are too many decaying snippets and questionable whiffs of a dream cluttering up the process. We’ll be better off for having cleared up the field. Venus square Mars will peak Thursday night.

So Monday’s Moon is the full Aquarius Moon with Uranus frosting and retro Mercury filling. Have a slice of surprise.

Tuesday’s Pisces Moon engages our emotional center in flow, taking in a different type of balance, supported by the strong centering of self in the collective. By nighttime, the Pisces Moon highlights the past exact Venus-Jupiter-Saturn t-square with a conjunction to Saturn. What we have been seeking in grand fashion stands simply in our mind, obvious. Re-center it, judge it. Is it worthy?

On Wednesday, the Pisces Moon moves from a square to Mars into sextile with Uranus and through a conjunction with retro Neptune. The Sun perfects its quincunx to retro Neptune. We feel on the edge of balance, and can feel which way to lean. The Moon then moves to fiery, Mars-ruled Aries and a sextile to retro Pluto: lean into the fuel for your fire.

Thursday morning, the Aries Moon crosses the north node, then the Sun moves to Virgo and into its exact quincunx to retro Pluto by afternoon. Venus perfects its square to Mars by night, and the Aries Moon sextiles Jupiter. Hope is high and the mood is even higher. Now when we want to go, we go. If it feels right, and it does.

Friday morning, the Aries Moon sextiles Mars, trines retro Mercury, and conjoins retro Chiron. Mercury perfects its trine to Chiron. If you haven’t found your path, your plan, your whiff of truth – look again. Look NOW. Maybe the first time it wasn’t quite right. There’s something right to be sensed NOW. Sometimes learning means being willing to look again, try again (even if it just shows we were right to begin with)(maybe, maybe not).

Friday night, the Moon finishes up in Aries and heads to Venus-ruled Taurus, earthy and pleasure-seeking. As retro Mercury perfects its sextile to Mars, the Taurus Moon squares retro Pluto and trines the Virgo Sun. We don’t want to change, to switch it up when everything is starting to feel oh so tasty! Stay, keep doing that thing that feels so good. But no, there will be time for that if we need it.

Allow yourself to look further and find the next good thing. Variety is healthy, and we’re still walking back over a path looking for gems we missed in the dirt.

Over the weekend, Venus and Mars shake things up in a good way.

The full moon takes place at 27 degrees Aquarius, midday on Monday, in square to Uranus in Taurus. Where does the full moon hit your chart? Are you excited for change?

5 thoughts on “Weekly Forecast: August 19-23, 2024 – Aquarius Full Moon Square Uranus”

  1. Avatar
    Hildegard's noviciate

    My 5th house in Aquarius where my Saturn sits at 5 degrees. Uranus in Tautus will be in my 9th houseI dont expect lightening strikes but I am finding people ae actually listening and respecting what I say.
    For some reason I am able to see things that solve problems. I suggest what I see and people are considering actually taking my advice. Im inspìring people too. I would point out problems before and people looked at it as negative. But my approach is different. My voice is more sure of what Im saying firmer but more objective and humble. My voice has command but how I say things is in a strong wise woman way. Non judgemental but sure of myself. Its how its manifesting. Im letting go if being worried abiut what people might perceive of me. Its rather liberating.

  2. Avatar
    Hildegard's Noviciate

    Sorry for the mispells. I typed this on my narrow phone using a tiny font and so it’s difficult to proofread the whole comment

  3. Exactly on the cusp of my 11th. Have left behind leadership in a group that has worn out for me. Have curated my circle of friends, and activities in this past 6 months. Have some bright new ideas about how much MORE time I wish to spend on art, astrology, writing, and spirituality (lots!) .. Am feeling a need to back off any miserable,insulting kinds of political discourse and instead focus on the JOY and Laughter of Kamala and the Coach..Pluto in Aquarius is bring in a dew day.. I trust this. ANd Saturn in Pisces still is igniting my reliance and comfort in having FAITH.

  4. The Jupiter Saturn hit my Gemini Venus at 17 degrees in 11H. Uranus is on my mercury 10H opposite my moon, the eclipse squared it for good..The week before the square I received a small tax return and it was a sudden blessing when I needed it! I wonder if I ll be able to go under the radar with the square and eclipse energy…

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