Weekly Forecast: May 27-31, 2024 – Simplify and Learn

Lara Harris for elsaelsa.comAll Monday, Taurus Mercury moves in sextile to Pisces Saturn, exact by night. Are you thinking straight, tuning in to reality? Don’t try so hard; let your mind and senses find a natural frequency on their own. Where your first thought is to control, relax and go with your trained-up instinct.

Without getting too woo-woo, it’s a matter of trusting the force. You’re enough, so trust your own skills. Whatever is missing will fill in. Cut the chatter so you can hear what’s valuable. You’ll get more than one chance in life. Mistakes are the best way to learn.

Mars moves to conjoin Chiron in Aries, exact on Wednesday; for now, simple moves are best. Stand ready to teach AND to learn, but do it in a straightforward manner. A frivolous or fancy approach may waste your time. Sure you can come back from that, but just know that the timing favors an uncomplicated rise to the occasion. Have time left to practice. Do the thing, then do the next thing.

Monday morning, the Capricorn Moon sextiles Neptune in Pisces. The mood facilitates grooving on faith. And by grooving, I mean find your groove and flow from there. Put on some music and get into doing what needs doing. Even tho I said don’t be frivolous or fancy… maybe let a little of that in as you get on with your grown-uppy self. Melt the edges and remember to look around for others who do the same: camaraderie.

By afternoon, the Moon moves to airy Aquarius and a trine to Gemini Jupiter. The Moon then conjoins Pluto and goes on to trine Gemini Venus. Gemini ruler Mercury heads into conjunction with Aquarius ruler Uranus (through Thursday night). Monday’s afternoon’s quick and curious mood is quadrupled and intensified, and compelled to follow its nose into pleasure. We’re not looking in all the usual places, at all the usual suspects… strange delights are afoot. Sense the excitement and rumble.

Tuesday’s Aquarius Moon finishes up a Moon trine to the Gemini Sun before going on to square Taurus Mercury in the night. The electric mood in tune with our goals backs up when bogged down with too many reminders of reality and sticky details. As the Moon sextiles Mars and Chiron in Aries overnight, our best bet is to simplify and put one foot in front of the other.

By Wednesday morning, the Aquarius Moon finishes up with its sextiles to Mars and Chiron, it then squares Uranus as Mars conjoins Chiron exactly. Repetition is key to learning, but that’s not so simple when life is never the same detail twice. Still, we learn to classify and interpret on the fly – in new ways that increase our chances of success in the future as well. Observe. Stand ready to change your mind.

In the afternoon, the Moon moves to Neptune ruled Pisces and a square to Jupiter. It’s a lot, it feels like a lot. Just because something comes off rough does not mean it’s not working. Give yourself credit!

Thursday’s Pisces Moon squares Venus and the Gemini Sun then goes on to conjoin Saturn by night. The mood is at odds with the snappy-sweet mode of the day. In fact, it might feel like details are getting away from you. However, this may be the time to grab on to what does satisfy and let the rest take care of itself or go on without you for a bit. A Pisces mood can slip away in plain sight. Enjoy yourself anchored off the main current… or jump in when it feels right. You’ll know when… in an instant.

The Pisces Moon continues through most of Friday, sextile the past exact Uranus-Mercury conjunction midday and through a pairing with sign-ruler Neptune in the evening. A spicy, contemplative mood twinkles with options and connections. Not all connections are comfy, but many can lead us to wisdom.

Late Friday, the Moon leaves Pisces for Aries and a sextile to Pluto in Aquarius. Big, important air to fire inflames the mood, but eruptions can be ridden like a rocket. Again: SIMPLE. Simplify and look for your opening. We’ve had a chance to practice, put it in motion. Go strong.

Perceiving chaos? Simplify and learn.

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