Weekly Forecast – October 7-11, 2024 – Know The Territory!

emma starMonday morning, the Sagittarius Moon squares retro Saturn in Pisces then goes on to sextile the Sun in Libra. All week, the Sun in Libra heads into square with Cancer Mars as Mars squares retro Chiron in Aries and the Sun moves to oppose Chiron, a tightening t-square. It’s like you can see a traffic jam way down the line and you get a chance to get right with being patient or high tail it for another route. The mood says, “You can’t spoil my joy!”

Monday through Tuesday morning, Libra Mercury trines Gemini Jupiter and opposes retro Chiron, while Scorpio Venus trines Mars. To quote the first scene in the musical The Music Man:

“Ya can talk, ya can talk, ya can bicker, ya can talk,
ya can bicker, bicker, bicker, ya can talk, ya can talk,
ya can talk, talk, talk, talk, bicker, bicker, bicker,
ya can talk all ya want but it’s different than it was.”
“No it ain’t, no it ain’t, but you gotta know the territory!”
“I don’t know how he does it, but he lives like a king
and he dallies and he gathers and he plucks and he shines,
and when the man dances certainly, boys, what else?
The piper pays him!”
“But he doesn’t know the territory!!”

SO, there’s a lot of socializing, a lot of talk about how things used to go, how the ought to go, and what a person’s going to do about it. But don’t confuse thinking and talking with doing and getting. There are plenty of scammers who’d love to take advantage. Still, there are plenty of librarians who love to fall in love. Deliver on your promises, and make sure you get delivery on what you’ve ordered.

Tuesday’s Sagittarius Moon is complimentarily busy, with an opposition to Jupiter, trine to retro Chiron, sextile to Mars, and square to retro Neptune in Pisces. The mood is a rollicking ride! Any regret or boredom you might encounter at the end of the day, well, that doesn’t have to wreck it all. Have a plan to wind down and you can keep that twinkle in your eye.

For the rest of the week, Mercury squares retro Pluto in Capricorn. So the tidbit about scammers is important to remember. Awareness is often enough to get by on. The bigger issue is not getting your mind caught on fear or worries and creating a complulsive loop of negative feedback for yourself. If someone is drawing you into such a loop, feel free to step back and grab some perspective. They don’t own your mind.

Wednesday, the Moon in Capricorn spends all day moving into sextile with retro Saturn in Pisces, exact overnight. It’s a great day to find your track and follow it. If you’ve been putting anything off, it’s an excellent mood to put procrastination in the rearview mirror and get into the flow of “easier than you thought it would be”.

Thursday’s Capricorn Moon finishes off that sextile to retro Saturn and goes on to form a cardinal grand square with the Mars-Sun-Chiron t-square. You’ll be glad you’ve gotten a productive start as the mood is rather self-critical (or you might get blamed or point the blaming outward). However, a sextile to Venus might save the day, particularly if you started the ball rolling on Wednesday. In any case, the Moon-Venus sextile is a perfect mood for yummy forays into earthy pleasures, and that WOULD put quite another spin on the cardinal clash.

Friday morning, the Moon finishes up in Capricorn with a square to Mercury, trine to retro Uranus, sextile to retro Neptune, and conjunction to retro Pluto. If you don’t let boredom or irritation win, it looks like the makings of an interesting turn of events! All day Friday, Mercury at the point of a yod from retro Uranus and retro Neptune provides twinkling shards of magical or otherworldly news and sensual tinglies.

By the time the Moon hits airy Aquarius in the afternoon, the mood is lifted into dream mode. Take advantage of a long lull in aspects to aerate your concerns and enjoy your shot at following a fairy.

2 thoughts on “Weekly Forecast – October 7-11, 2024 – Know The Territory!”

  1. Well, this week is feeling good to me.. I have an art retreat coming up and have been procrastinating getting ready, feeling a little un motivated about projects I signed up for months ago.I have a lot of prep to do and these aspects seem to be pointing towards renewed enthusiam for the project, the drive, meeting new people and being creative in a group setting. It will be “easier that I thought” hopefully, the logistics are a little bit daunting but I am beginning to get excited about seeing some autumn color on the drive up North.I also have a pot luck at my home for friends who have been through some difficulties, on Tuesday..Moon in Sag promises good conversations and a move into busier times up ahead.. thanks for this weekly update!

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