What Factors Make A Person Resilient?

sereI have read this post here (A Grueling Life With Meaning… And Bliss On The Sly) and have a question. What in a person’s chart shows this ability to handle terrible things when they happen, a capacity to be able to ‘take it’?

I think in the comments you mentioned that for you it’s Jupiter associated 8th house but that’s probably not the only thing, right?

I also remember a few posts where you talk about people who cannot be hurt even if anyone tries to hurt them. So who are these people? What are we looking for in their chart? Thank you

Unambitious Capricorn

Great and challenging question, Capricorn.  If you search the blog, resilient, I’ve written about this over the years but I admire your power of perception, re: “that’s probably not the only thing, right?”

Right! I see Jupiter’s connection to my 8th house to be sort of a “Wolverine” type energy.  Super hard to kill. But I have and I use other skills.

Jupiter Uranus allows me to detach and see the larger story. This is going on know, but what about later?  Let’s hang in and find out!  See the optimism?

This energy also allows me dissociate and view a scene as if I’m not in it.  The scene in my,  California story, where I am suffering a humiliating beating is an example. I was joking in my head, throughout the beating. I literally thought the irony of it all was, hysterical.

I did a similar thing during another humiliating, possibly life-threatening beating, in The Last Time W Beat Me, a story in my book.  My mind was running (Mercury Mars) around all the possibilities (9th house) and again, I was telling myself jokes, because, why not?

I might have learned this from my sister, primarily, my oldest, double Sagittarius sister.  You could not keep this chick down for ten seconds.  Regardless of what was done to her, she was up and pontificating, nearly immediately.  This suggests, a person could learn to be more resilient, just like they can be taught otherwise.

cf perez felt Mars was the key. I presented and fleshed out her theory here:

Mars and The Resilient Child

I’ll add to this now: my Sagittarius sister has a Scorpio Mars.  She’d be intending to escape out the window to go party, once our parents were asleep.   Beatings were irrelevant to her future good time!

We all acted in this manner.  I went out the window, many times, expecting to be beaten upon my return. It was not a deterrent at all.  The same with my middle sister.  We’re Jupitarians.  We also all had Capricorn rising and guess what?  You’re not running our life – we are!  Definance!

I actually worked out the optimum time to come home through the window – 3 AM.  If he heard us coming in, he’d not want to get up and beat us – even if he did, he’d be groggy, see? This worked!  Point being, this argues for Mars.  I have the Mercury Mars conjunction. I’ve always thought tactically.  Maybe I’m resilient because I’m keen to prevail?

nineRegarding, “the people who can’t be hurt”; I know what you’re talking about but I can’t find the post.  If someone else can, I’ll edit this and include a link. That post was about people who wanted their ex’s to struggle after breaking up with them. They wanted to injure them or see them harmed for all the pain they’d caused.

I understand the sentiment, but there are people out there with so much protection, you can’t take them out.  There are various situations that give this quality.  Of the top of my head, things like a Grand trine involving the sun, moon and Jupiter exalted in Cancer. You can cut this person’s leg off and they’re still going to bounce. Bounce and move on, actually.

There really isn’t one aspect. I have seen charts where eight of the nine planets are involved in ONE Grand Trine.  Where’s the vulnerability, huh?

The pictures are both me.  In the top one, I’m wearing my husband’s SERE school sweatshirt which he gave me.   It’s Special Forces “torture school”.  He’d concluded I deserved it as much as he did; been through as much.

The other one, I’m in the depths of hell at that point. Maybe nine years old?  That’s one of the dresses my mother made; too short because it’s the end of the school year, I’m sure.  I’m holding one of my cats.  My father used to twist their heads to torment me, but I remember that picture being taken. I couldn’t wait to have a picture with my cat. I thought I was going somewhere in life.

This leaves me with a last thought. I started planning to leave home when I was six years old. I felt I had a future.  I also think I used my father’s energy in that every time he messed with me, he hardened my resolve.

It’s like playing cards. You can lose any number of hands and still take the pot in the end.  To me, the most amazing this is I’ve had no hard will against him, since the last time he beat me at 17 years old. Somehow I know that’s a waste of energy and energy is not something I like to waste!

Are you a resilient person?  What factors make you this way? 
If you are not resilient, what factors create your situation?

26 thoughts on “What Factors Make A Person Resilient?”

  1. There’s also something of a sly or wiley aspect, calculating. Playing along much of the time but inside you’re just figuring out how you can get around this bs and do what you want or what you need.

    I do have Mars in my first but it’s mutable and it can get me in trouble as often as not. It’s trine my sun so maybe that’s the bounce to come back. Plus my Jupiter hits my moon so 😃

    1. It sounds like you have a fascinating astrological setup! With Mars in your first house, you naturally reflect energy, initiative, and a desire to assert yourself. However, being in a mutable sign, it gives you flexibility and adaptability that can sometimes lead to a change of direction or even impulsive actions. While this can get you into trouble, as you saw, the trine with your Sun helps bring resilience and bounce-back ability. This aspect provides a harmonious flow between your core self (the Sun) and your assertive, action-taking side (Mars), which may explain why you often find your way through challenges.

      Now, with Jupiter hitting your Moon, there’s a strong boost to your emotional landscape. Jupiter expands and grows wherever it touches, so your emotional reactions, intuitive sense, and sense of security (the Moon) are likely to grow with optimism and growth. This is a great placement for emotional resilience, helping you realize that no matter what happens, you can always find a way to move forward, especially in matters that touch your heart.

      Click “Moon” to learn more about your Moon sign Use your Jupiter-Moon energy to communicate nurturing and emotional intelligence. People are likely to connect with your message because it comes from optimism and emotional understanding.

  2. scorpio mars – wouldn’t call myself resilient (with a libra moon and a stellium in cancer) but mars in scorpio can definitely endure

    still, considering all, if there’s any resilience here, i do not think it was mars only, but also my soft placements – a soft ‘lens’ for looking at things (libra moon), unwavering faith (neptune-sagittarius, jupiter60saturn), venus-sun (combust, yet) a knowing that God loves me no matter what, etc.

    thank you for the question; thank you for the article; they brought insights, revelations

    1. I’m also a Scorpio Mars, trined by a Pisces moon in natal 1st house. I have a stellium in natal 8th house–Sun, Neptune, Mercury. To me the Moon acts as an anchor to the rest of my chart.

  3. I’m bouncing. My dad died Thursday. I was with him. I’m hanging with mom and I’m adapting. It’s my life 40 years ago. Mars 29 Gemini, Gemini sun.Jupiter is degrees off from MC. I’ve been power sorting the photo drawer and coming up with a memorial visual. He’s still in those photos. 84 years left a trail and I’m watching my moms every move. She’s never been on her own. She’s tough too (her Mars is 2 cancer). I’m cooking and being the buddy for all the paper work. Dad was a quiet bull (Stellium in cancer – Chiron Sun Mercury Pluto within 9 degrees of Mars in Leo. I have to remind everyone to not donate organs on your drvrs license. Change it. We were harassed into the night with the third party questionnaire that goes with that donor status for 24 hour after death. It’s sick. The vultures want to scavenge the dead. Apparently this hospital had bodies stolen and the crematorium is backed up with many dead. We have a week and a half to bring Dad to his resting place. Anyway, I’m learning this one. I’m trying to stay positive, I thought Dad might make the sunrise brighter- I love waking to watch it.

    1. Oh my…😢
      It sounds like rough going. So sorry about your loss. Hang in there. Take care of your mother but do not forget self care.
      I wish you courage, peace and resilience 💖

  4. sqirl, So sorry, about the loss of your father! Sounds like you are talking good care of your mom, take good care of yourself too.

  5. Hm. Though I honestly don’t know what to point to in my chart, I can see the evidence. I grew up with a dad who drank to cope (though he changed for the better, both ours and his, in his later years), and I do not think anything but fondly of my childhood even though I have full clarity of his behavior, which was made up of a lot of awful stuff.

    My brother on the other hand, was so impacted by a single incident that occurred when we were children, he never forgave my father, even now after my dad has passed away and been gone several years, and to this day insists he was scarred for life.

    Same home, family, parents, and daily life; very different charts. This post and its comments make perfect sense to me! Thank you for both.

  6. When Pluto has purged Mars of its need for revenge – it becomes a great source of resilience both thru its natal position and the rebirth implied in Scorpio and any rising sign.

    1. I have pluto on the DC exactly opp sun. also mars at the end of the 1H opp Saturn. Add Cap on the MC. Revenge is just not on the menu (not an option) even if I wanted to. Id be doomed to endure never-ending pain, abuse and frustration were not for the other aspects I have that I describe below. 🙂

  7. I have the sextile of jup-uranus, mutal reception (10 to the 8H,respectively). Also a merc-mars signature. “The killer joke”, anyone?

    1. I guess, but then mars-saturn is weak on sense of humor. All work and no fun…
      But if you add in some cheeky Gemini, say moon, in good aspect to mercury, say aqua, you might just have the recipe! Makes me think, in this somber time we’re living now, post-truth world, we might just get a crazy rebounds from crises/ funny comeback stories and a renewed sense of humor once uranus goes into ♊ ! That’s my 2H, I’d be all up for it 😃

            1. Ah! The 8th. Always quite something. Im gonna abstain of further observations on that combo you got, because my uranus 8th sag just got some instant flashes of what it may entail LOL. so your nickname derives from your AC? Don’t discount that! That’s inherent. I have my moon around 6gem. We’d be fine doing skits together 😆

  8. Cap rising , Jup/mo conj in 8th… I’d say VERY resilient, esp with Pluto in my 12th since 2008! The really weird thing is that when I look back on challenges, I don’t really remember the bad things unless I start to write them down…. really strange huh?

    1. Interesting, Lisa. its the same with me. I only remember in vivid detail while writing and most of it it the hard stuff. Jupiter in the 1st house Libra, Moon and Mars in Scorpio in the 2nd – Pluto finally on the way out of my 4th house Cap.

  9. Yes I am resilient and I guess I always was. Early memories of strategically using the fact that the family thought I’m weak and prone to illness to avoid going where I don’t want to go (for instance to school) or not to do what I was told to do. Knowing what works with whom and what not. Always, always having a sense that I belong to myself, especially my body, plus everything I own. I owned things to the point of feeling physically hurt when they were lost or taken away.

    I am over all of that, of course, and I bounced back from everything, still do. Jupiter in Libra in the 1st, Mars in Scorpio and my Sun in Sag are on 26/25 degrees of the signs. Me, what I own and what I say and learn is a combo, always activated together by whatever transit. Currently by Uranus from Taurus in the 8th. Capricorn Mercury retrograde in the chart I count as blessing, too. Grounding and realism will eventually win.

    I’d say know your chart and observe the major transits, especially when an outer Planet transits the sign it rules. Or even Mars transiting Aries or Scorpio. Wherever that falls in our chart, however it aspects your natal, use the energy. Get to know it, dont resist, invite it to learn from it. Everyone has stabilising placements and upsetting ones and fortunately the planets do move and fill the blanks in your chart by transit.

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