It takes approximately seven years for Uranus to transit a house in your natal chart. Uranus is currently about one third of the way through my 4th house. Uranus is in the 4th house of my Progressed chart as well. I’ve got a pretty good hack on this.
At the beginning of this transit, I became an empty-nester, suddenly and unexpectedly. This happened at the same time I moved cross-country. I was stunned to my core. The people who live in my new area have nothing in common with the people who lives in the city I left… outside of the fact, they’re people. Taurus is a stable, fixed sign. The upheaval was intense.
It’s five years later. We moved here intending to buy our “last house”.  A lot of crazy things have happened. Consequently, I’m not sure this will be the case. However, things have been up in air long enough, I’ve become settled with being unsettled.
The 4th house is also concerned with security. Taurus is associated with money. My finances have been stable for decades. At this point, they are all up in the air.
I don’t necessarily think this is bad. A bad ending cannot be predicted, plus I am certainly not alone. With Uranus in Taurus, anyone with a 401K is probably feeling at least a little queasy.
I’ve also found it necessary to detach my emotions from all sorts of things and people. I have NEEDED (4th house) to do this.
I’ve also become more emotionally independent. I would not have thought this possible nor desirable but it’s okay.
I can’t say I’m enjoying this transit other than I enjoy all my transits because I learn so much. But I thought I’d throw this up here, for people who might be having this transit and looking for company.
The 4th house also represents your roots. I’m American. My country is experiencing a rebellion. How it might wind up is unpredictable.
I changed (Uranus) in ways that only I and people very close to me (4th/family) can see.
Is Uranus in Taurus transiting your 4th house? How’s it going?
I have Cancer on the cusp of house 11 in my chart. The Moon and Uranus are there, together with Jupiter. Tight.
I think it’s similar with what you write Elsa.
The language is often a problem for me to exactly write what I want to say. I find that a pity!
It’s going to hit my ic almost 2 years from now and it’s hitting it exactly on my birthday. Assuming it must be serious stuff, also being pre saturn return. Uranus in my 2nd was me receiving a scolarship and lots of earrings purchases, hehe. In 3rd I had lots of unexpected short trips locally and inside the country (by car!)and connected more with a senior neighbour who previously has been cordial but not very close. Will see what’s with the 4th. I also have venus and mercury in taurus, saturn pluto fixed. Given how they rule more houses, basically everything in my chart is going to be shaken.
I don’t have the transit, but Natally I have an Aquarian 4th H and I can relate to this energy (and quite like it).
I will often change things around the house if I can’t move homes. My SO, got used to coming home from an out of town trip to find the living room with a completely new paint job and sometimes new design – which tends to be rather eccentric. I have a strong aversion to high technology in the home, but my mother (4th H) is quite the tech boffin and she has successfully re-invented herself several times (Uranus).
Aquarius is also on my 4th cusp, Uranus RX is on my AC and it squares my Moon. I guess all that is shorthand for a) I used to rearrange furniture too when I was young b) I have moved a lot throughout my life c) my family is unusual.
What is 401k?
Sorry! American retirement savings instrument!
Time to conjoin Astrology with basic finances? Get with he program people ! After all, Uranus in Taurus !
: – ) that was my question too : – )
I just went back and checked my sons chart. When Uranus was exactly entering his 4th we moved to a bigger home because his little brother was about to be born. Going from a family of 3 to a family of 4. Talk about a shake up to his home life.
Have been watching very closely.
Worry comes to mind as felt like
I finally found a settled spot.
4th house cusp is 9 degrees taurus,
Moon is 11 degrees taurus.
Y I K E S!
With Scorpio stellium in natal 10th, & now Uranus challenging from Taurus IC, gutted feeling from professional retirement & clutter/chaos at home, AND to make matters more challenging, natal Leo bound Sat/Pluto in 7th…whatz an old baby boomer to do? Therez mill/billions of us!
Yeah me too. I thought I was done, in my last home, or city at least, but now it seems maybe not. At first I was clinging and denying like mad and vowing to stay here at any cost. But recently I’ve come to see there would be advantages of moving too. That, plus some disruptive stuff making home feel
less safe.
Yup I have same transit as you. I like the Uranus in Taurus transit better than Uranus in Aries. This is a bit more stable. I will get a better sense in another year. Not sure if I will move in another year or so.
No investments just hanging on month by month to my tiny farm
Seasonal population up
Sales are off but feeling creative
The nights are cooling, the animal population out of control
Watched an enormous buck
Cross off a main road
Just saw side of backend ,swore
It was Bigfoot.He sauntered into
Dense tree line still vivid in mind
Looked like a tall set of shoulders
This community preparing for
3 day music event , can’t put to words, it’s eerie around here
Or just me
Uranus nearly through my 4th. Spot on about getting settled with being unsettled.
I feel as if all my previous beliefs and certainties have been entirely and utterly pummelled.
When uranus hit my IC I was working though a lot of heavy stuff to do with the relationship with my mother. ( Moon Pluto in Leo, in 8th). I moved interstate, consciously choosing to find my own life and breaking our enmeshment, was homeless briefly, then found a place unexpectedly, in an unexpected town.
Then my mum’s health deteriorated and I was flying back and forth back and forth, and after a few months she died.
I moved to the city, to somewhere I imagined being forever, but I’m now restless, again.
My Prodigal Daughter also came back into my life. Totally unexpected. 🙂
My Uranus is in Virgo in the 6th house and the moon is right smack on top of it.
Anyone have any word for me?
My transit Uranus is on my 2nd house – Taurus.
I am just happy I was able to communicate this. I’m a baby astrology student – many lessons to learn.
I also have Taurus in my 4th House. I can definitely Relate. I made a major move about the beginning of the transit, and it’s been really interesting. One good thing, is that I finally reached the point where I could view and act upon a behavior that has been a problem my whole life. I was 68 at the time, but we can keep growing and understanding our whole life!
Uranus just finished transiting my daughter’s 4th house. Her daughter was born almost immediately after Uranus entered her 4th house. Uranus left her 4th house almost immediately after we helped her get a house. Uranus moved into her 5th house while we have been painting the house getting it ready for her move. She’s in it now. She spent almost the entirety of Uranus in her 4th in a small apartment with three people, one a baby. Moving into a house was a good move for them.
I’ve had Uranus enter my 4th house a few months ago. Too early to gauge what is yet to emerge from this, but it coincided with buying a new car! After relying on a rather limited and cumbersome public transport for ages, it’s brought on a new found freedom which I am enjoying. My new ‘bus stop’ is now the parking spot outside my door 🙂 Not planning or anticipating any house moves, but I have another 6 years of this transit, so time will tell I guess.
Tr Uranus crosses my Taurus IC in March 2026. My Prog Moon will cross my IC in two months. I already feel that my current home, which I’ve lived in for only 20 months, is not my final home.
What’s it like being above 70? I need to stop being so scared of stuff.. I keep thinking of that song “Hello in There” but why can’t it be good??
As Tr Saturn and Tr Jupiter followed by Tr Pluto snake their way to my IC (exact some time next year) and Tr Uranus crosses my DC and goes back and forth over it, I’ve found myself giving away stuff by the bags. At one point the aim was 1 bag a day. I have unceremoniously cut people off too. I feel like a tree with an overdue need for loping and pruning. ?
I’m noticing myself do stuff that I previously had OCD fear of, usually the consumption or purchase of certain things. I was too OCD scared to buy a makeup bag (reminded me of my old life) or a new notebook, or eat kimchi or sprouts (reminded me of my old life). I recently bought a new notebook, makeup bag (the design is a three-headed snake), and a patch for my jeans, even a new shirt. I’m worried about my computer. I know that Taurus has to do with possessions. My control of myself isn’t so good now (Sun square Neptune transit) and I don’t know what I’m doing. I do know I’m hungry and the veggie food I ate was delicious.
Also experimenting with less healthy cooking
Jan 1997 Tr Uranus was conjunct my IC: I moved out of home (a town with a million people) to further my education in the big smoke (9 million people); I moved 12 times in the next 3 years as Tr Uranus danced its way through my 4th.
Jan 1999 Tr Neptune was conjunct my IC with Tr Uranus still in my 4th: I went overseas to further my education. I have lived overseas ever since, which is some 21 years now.
Some where between Uranus entering my 4th and Neptune entering my 4th, I fell out with my mother and decided to move out of accomodation I shared with my brother. Then I moved back in with him and moved back out again. I lived with friends for much of this period, which is very Uranian.
I agree with many commentators that with Uranus transiting your 4th, you should keep possessions to a minimum. Finances fluctuate wildly even on a regular income so best be prudent.
thanks for all the feedback, so far I had my woes with Uranus transiting the 2nd
It’s transiting my second house also – I’m so new at this – what does it mean ?
I was looking at my progressions through the 4th house. In March 88 Uranus entered my 4th house followed by Pluto in 1993. They are 5 degrees apart. In July 2021 it will slowly leave the house but God knows what will bring while it hits the IC. I’ve been living abroad since 1988. I married in 2002 and our composite chart placed Uranus in the 4th house. Needless to say that while married we moved 6 times in our 10 years of marriage. Our separation did happen during our last house move. I didn’t even bother to look for someone else to set home with because I didn’t want to have false hopes of stability. It has been me and my child for 8 years. we then managed to stay in one place for 6 years, then a 1 year in another and now 2 years in the current place. Almost every single time the reason for the move is due to the owner wanting to sell the property. In the first 7 years of life my child went through 6 moves (not counting the move when pregnant) but only 2 in the following 8 years so I suppose the effect is of this Uranus/Pluto progression is waning as it reaches the end of the 4th house. You die many times and must pick yourself up from the ashes. These aspects are always pulling the rug from under your feet. Every time I enjoyed some stability it would soon be taken away in almost all areas of life. That is why focused on learning. Nobody can take that way from you.
Uranus entered Taurus(March 2019) days before we moved to a public campground in a town we have known for nearly 10 years. The difference: we became very publicly visible. Our persona and the unconventional ways we live were (mostly) visible to a lot of people. My 4th House is split nearly 50/50 between Aries and Taurus when Mars went retrograde we moved from that public space — welcomed (that’s NEW!) to land where a long-time friend (Capricorn) farms, shares housing with two young people and befriends a family of goats who are milked and provide cheese which my friend sells in the community. We are here on the only flatland on this hilly terrain (perfect for Capricorns … my Natal Moon) and we slowly re-settle (re-establish home) during a pandemic and major affects of massive wild fire smoke.
Between Mars in Aries now retrograde, and Uranus retrograde
the actions I take and the unexpected values churned up relating to security and what that means are preparing me to meet my 5th House North Node in Taurus not far in the future. Add to that the arrival of my 1st grandchild in November, 2020 and I’d say it’s a whooper of a life focused on HOME.
Hey. Uranus is transiting my 8th house now! some adjustments were needed with respect to our resources (no big deal as almost all of us (the whole world) are having to be frugal with our resources) It is is in the last 4 degrees before it enters the 9th house when it will oppose my Moon and Jupiter (conjunct) in my 3rd house. I am eagerly awaiting a spiritual expansion in my consciousness and evolving too!!
Tr Uranus in Taurus is in my 3H. I stayed in my same metro area but moved into a smaller house three years. This neighboryhood (3H) has lots of young families with children plus an elementary school nearby – hello, Gemini! I am not certain that I will live here for the long term, especially with my Pr Moon in my Gemini 4H approaching my 5H. It doesn’t appeal to my age demographic or interests. I desire a more fun, creative environment.
I could tell the same story today. I have a
9 degree Taurus moon and a Stellium in the 4th. Of course this is hitting me hard. Moved. Know no one. Have no idea how I am going to become friends with people.
I have completely lost my identity. I am away from kids, grandkids and lost my job (as a business owner) when we moved.
I’ve also found it necessary to detach my emotions from all sorts of things and people. I have NEEDED (4th house) to do this.
Same here > and The upheaval IS intense!
Emotionally independent > its happening more every day. 10 years ago I this cluster-eff would have sent me into a 3 hour conversation with my best friend 3 days a week. I have talked to no one. In fact.. I am very quiet.
Uranus has been squaring my 4th house ruler. Is that why I’ve been experiencing similar things?
Welcome, Jessica!
Uranus moved into my 4th House in mid-June (14 degrees IC) and my home/family life has been in CHAOS! I moved away from my family almost ten years ago to get space and not get entangled (I have a Cancer South Node, so comes with the territory!) Everything has been pretty good with us all since, the SPACE really helped..but then this summer my college aged niece moved close to me to go to college, and that has brought all the drama and chaos back into my life! Not even that BAD, just them in and out, and flying out and needing rides to the airport and pick ups and moving vans and storing furniture and viits and groups of friends in and out. It feels like foreshadowing as Uranus will retrograde back into my 3rd end of September, until next Spring….so I feel like I got a Warning shot of things to come!!
I have a cancer SN as well and Uranus is transiting my 4th house. Something that has caused an internal ‘click’ for me at the moment, because I sort of understand the chaos you’re talking about, was reading the book Boundaries- How to tell no. Especially to family. If we do things out of obligation/fear/ of being disliked or causing fights, then we should stop doing them all together (we’ll grow resentful with time) even if we’ll ruffle some feathers. The book doesn’t seem to encourage ‘be an asshole’ but to help others IF we can, have time, resources/don’t expect it back and out of love. What stuck with me from the book was that we should offer our immediate help if the person deals with boulders’ like death, terminal illness, major crisis but not for their knapsacks’ (because everybody has those, and deals with minor inconveniences) that they can learn to deal with themselves, like an airport drive, and so on. The saying would be, Don’t put yourself on fire to keep others warm, not worth it. Best of luck!
I am also having Uranus transit in Taurus in the 4th house. The most painful life experience ever. I had a nervous exhaustion, had to live a big city for a village, a friend died unexpectedly, my mother died a few months later. I want to move from the village, but mother was the secure point in my life and now she is gone, it is hard to continue. The house needs to be repaired, although I don’t intend to stay, I don’t know the people here and just came here to be with my mom. I hope Uranus gives me the energy to make the move.
(((((AR))))) I am so sorry for your losses. I hope you can find solid ground, soon.
Thank you Elsa. It got worse, alienation and stuff, but now I feel the energy to move back to the big city in another country. Uranus is still rocking in my 4th and soon conjuncting my Saturn in Taurus… I guess finding certainty in the uncertainty.
Thanks Elsa. My uranus transit 4th H begins Feb 2022. The taurus full moon eclipse 19th Nov 21 will be in my 4th H. I just bought and moved into my first home this year so i dont want to move again but already feel unsettled and sense big change. I hope my prodigal son returns 🙂 I’ll embrace Anikos tip and find certainty in the uncertainty…