What Transits Trigger A Divorce?

break upI was reading reviews for the movie, Marriage Story.  It’s about a couple, divorcing. I’d heard the movie showed both sides of the conflict. My Libra was intrigued.

One reviewer said the movie should be called, “Divorce Story”.  Several suggested that, Kramer vs Kramer was better.  Another said he’d just spent two hours watching people divorce and it wasn’t enjoyable. Reading that last one, I knew I’d skip the movie.

I’ve passed the point where I’d want to see people (and children) suffer through something on screen,  that occurs all around me, in real life, all the time. But it got me thinking about divorce. I was thinking I’ve not written about it lately… or often for that matter. But when I searched the blog, I pulled up quite a bit of content.

Looking at this astrologically, divorce became common when Pluto transited Libra.  That’s when the Kramer vs Kramer movie was released. Art imitates life!

You can debate in the comments whether you think the “death of marriage” was good or bad.  I know a lot of people who regret their divorces or never wanted to divorce in the first place. I know just as many who feel they’d rather be dead, then back with their ex.

Uranus transits are blamed for a lot of breakups. People have a freedom urge and that’s it. They’re gone!

This does happen. A person wants to experiment. The Uranus opposition to natal Uranus is part of this. The mid-life crisis.

Saturn transits through the 7th house offen see people fear they’ll lose their marriage but it doesn’t happen. Saturn tends to bind people!  It’s more common to see people commit (or re-commit) to their relationships.  This might be because they’re “stuck” or dependent but it may also be, because they’re responsible in some way. Whatever the circumstance, I don’t see this transit as one that will trigger a divorce.

On the other hand, Jupiter is almost always active in the chart of the person who wants to leave a marriage.  Jupiter transiting the 7th house, for sure but really, any Jupiter transit can lead to this and I’ll tell you why!

You don’t jump the fence unless you think you can do better or fare better somehow. That’s optimism!

Neptune can also be involved.  People can be deceived when Neptune transits their chart, but just as common and just as deadly, they can deceive themselves.  There are high-profile stories of this kind, in the news, all the time.  You see someone leave a long term, successful marriage for some ridiculous bait.  Everyone knows, but no one can tell them.  Temporary insanity!

Have you been divorced?  Was it your choice or no?  What transits were active?

25 thoughts on “What Transits Trigger A Divorce?”

  1. I finally made the leap in 1997..Jupiter in aqua,Saturn in Aries{gave me the courage I needed to leave}Uranus in aqua ,and Pluto in Sag.

  2. if Jupiter sees the grass is greener, then i’d prefer saturn anyday. As much as i love the jovial jupiter; saturn really is rewarding and binding. <3 as long as no abuse of course. I think saturn can be very deep love.

  3. Is this true (Jupiter in 7th) when seen in Solar returns? Or, can it go either way?

    What about Pluto? Do Pluto transits lead to divorce?

    1. I may not have been clear. Jupiter transits a person’s 7th house every 12 years. It does not correlate with divorce(s). My point was that people tend to have a certain mindset – confidence – when they leave a marriage.

      To answer your specific question – Jupiter in the 7th in a solar return can go in any number of ways. Opportunities to partner… could be in the business realm,

      Pluto stays in a house for 12-30 years, so I would not look for insight there, BUT…

      But Pluto over an angle or aspecting Venus *can end a relationship for sure. But it might be due to death, not divorce.

      I listed the things or the points that I think are most reliable. Data gathered from a lifetime of study.

      1. My marriage was over, when Pluto transited my AC. Gladly we both survived 🙂 and are best friends now.
        But in a way I then went through a death of personality and after that painful process I started a new life with a whole new mindset.

  4. I divorced my best friend after a 25-year marriage when transiting Pluto in the 11th House opposed my natal sun in the 5th. I did not think I would necessarily do better. It was complicated. I miss the friendship but it had to be done. I still think that. He’s happily remarried and I’ve remained single. Pluto blasted my life, just blew up everything. I grew but oh was it painful. And I hate being single

  5. On the day I made the decision to divorce:
    Tr Mercury conjunct 8H Libra NN;
    Tr Pluto and the Tr Moon (trigger) in Cap 11H square natal 8H Libra Sun;
    Tr Jupiter conjunct 1H Aquarius Chiron (Once truth was learned I felt vindicated and I was out. No more pain.);
    Tr Saturn in 8H Virgo conj natal Ceres (no more enabling);
    Tr Uranus conjunct Tr Juno on 2H cusp (sudden change in finances and relationship status);
    Tr Mars on Leo DC sextile natal Sun and square natal Scorpio Jupiter/Neptune conjunction (Tr Mars emboldened me).

    1. How are you now as you’ve settled into being divorced? You and I literally have the same house set up and I’ve been contemplating divorce since 2021. The realization of my marriage failing began in 2020. I am nervous obviously but if it weren’t for the dependency and responsibility of Saturn, the marriage would’ve been dissolved. Feeling stagnant, disconnected and discovering spouse chatting with colleagues inappropriately is just too much.

      1. Hi Shadae – I remain happily divorced. I have dated and learned what a respectful, honest relationship looks like. No more settling at the loss of my dignity. I haven’t experienced the “coulda, woulda, shoulda’s” because, I know, I tried to salvage the relationship. I filed for divorce with a clear conscience and, 12 years later, I have never regretted it. Hopefully, your finances are in order and you have some support from close relatives and friends during this tumultuous, Plutonic time. Good luck!

  6. Tr Pluto Saturn and Jupiter are currently all in my 8th house. They came through my 7th pretty much unscathed on the surface? But slowly and surely the rot was creeping in.
    It’s when they all sat on my poor little Venus in that Capricorn 8th house that the 25yr marriage dam broke.
    It was a jealous backstabbing Kali (male!!) that broke it down but I admit the dam was pretty rotten by then already.
    I’m in a more peaceful flowing river now, but still processing the trauma of how it all happened. Thank you Pluto ??

  7. Hi Elsa,

    Thank you raising this interesting question. I have married and divorced and owe them both to one transit – Neptune conjunct natal Moon/Mars conjunction, Mars is my 7th house ruler and Moon is my 10th house ruler. Once Neptune transited past this natal conjunction (out of orb), I saw the light and initiated divorce.

  8. Interesting article, thank-you. all the major 2020 conjunctions of Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter fall on my Descendant, heading into my 7th house. I can certainly feel the pressure in my relationship of 20 years!! Very intense. Trying to navigate it with awareness, but even knowing doesn’t render you immune during times of reactionary behavior. I’m trying! Oh, I also have solar arc Neptune exact on my Descendant right now too… all the heavy hitters!!!

  9. I was just re watching it on youtube, since it’s free there too, but wow, it’s always the confidante/or best friend of the wife (who ends up cheating with the husband); similar situation with what happened to famous singer, Shania twain and her ex-husband with her former best friend. It’s the same situation with my sister’s mother in law; although the husband didn’t leave, he just kept the mistress around. but he wont divorce. It’s so scary!!! to have a best friend you can’t trust.

  10. Uranus was conjunct Venus & Mars, Neptune was on my DC going back and forth, the another time l split up Uranus wad on my DC….

  11. I recommend seeing Marriage Story anyway. At times intense and it moves through to post divorce and shows how both people matured and grew through their experiences.
    PS. I never married, never divorced

  12. Can you please share with some of your thoughts… My wife (Cancer) is just having Pluto transiting her Sun with opposition. At more less the same time (it started this summer) Jupiter and Saturn were doing the same. In addition to that, as her Sun is at MC, the planets mentioned above started entering 4th house (IC). So in Summer, one day she said she is quite different person and all of things that connected us are not valid anymore. She wants divorce, she wants to stay at our house and take care of our daughter and me to leave. She claims it is the consequence of our common mistakes in the past and her new insight, according to which she wants to feel free. When that hit me I could not undersand it for few months. It is like some nightmare.

    To me it is a shock like never before. Both of us attend psychotherapy and also we go for therapy for couples. Still, it seems like she wants to prove that her decisions are right and I have never loved her. There were mistakes on both sides, quite right, but typical for most of couples. I never treated her bad and she was ok to me in general as well. She even admitted that. No drinking, no drugs,no gambling, no other lovers. Certainly I spent much less time at home and gave less attention to her as trying to work and earn (we had bad financial situation for years). Now I regret it.

    Our daughter is beautiful, we love her very much. For long time things seemed to be fine, but one day something struck her and I can not understand what’s going on. What she says makes sense, we should repair our mistakes, but to reach for divorce is simply insane…!

    Quite often I am looking at her and see someone strange. Each day is painful, we live together with a plan to split (or at least she wants it). Certainly I try to fight for her, but as someone told me one day long time ago… “You can not win with Pluto, you can only cooperate”.

    Can you share your experience? Do you know someone who went through that and eventually realized they were “mistaken” by Pluto? Do you think this “urge for freedom” is good or is it simply uncontrolled overeaction? I feel abandoned in this fight, so hopeless, so surprised…

    1. Welcome, Peter. What a tragic situation. If you post your chart in the forum along with your question(s) and someone will help. 🙂


      Regarding this:

      “You can not win with Pluto, you can only cooperate”.

      That is a defeatist statement and seems arbitrary to me. It would be a shame to have these words (of maybe not wisdom) influence you in a matter of such importance. Because it’s not just you who will suffer. Your daughter… I’m sure you know.

  13. This is an old post, but I accidentally found it and it resonated with me enough to leave a comment.

    I didn’t get divorced but I just ended the longest and the most serious relationship in my life. And guess what – exactly when Jupiter was crossing my descendant 🙂 Exactly what Elsa described – I finally felt a surge of optimism to jump the fence. However, at the same time I am going through massive Uranus transits (square Moon, nodes, conjunct Chiron and the early stage of square Venus). My now ex boyfriend, is going through Uranus square Mars (his Mars on my Moon), conjunct IC… Saturn square MC, opposite Mars.

    This otherwise amazing, loving relationship ended because of me being biologically pressured to have a child ASAP, but him being far from ready (it’s a simplification in a way). We weathered his Uranus square Sun, square Venus so far, but now there’s just too much pressure built up.

  14. My husband has Saturn entering his eight house.
    Pluto near his descendent.
    Uranus in 11th.

    We do not get along that well.
    He has no interest in sex, claims his mind messed up from chemo and parents dying. Other traumas.
    He has been a lot different.
    Though he will not go to therapy , anything.
    He did work away from home. My Uranus seventh liked it.

    Our solar returns are almost the same houses and planets.
    Uranus in tenth. Saturn in seventh.
    Leo rising.
    My Jupiter in ninth! Alongside Venus
    His Venus in sixth.
    His sun in fifth sq Neptune.

    His Saturn Uranus is still square.
    Mine will not be.

    Just eerie looking.
    Pluto in my sixth.
    Pluto in his I have to check. Just eerie looking

  15. Uranus transit in fourth is oppose my Juno and Saturn .
    Maybe sq his Juno
    I know sq his progressed Venus
    He has T Pluto oppose his moon . I never had this transit . I hate it.
    Uranus rules his seventh. Get this , moon my seventh . Uranus his seventh

    Can this happen? Couples rulers of seventh the other has the transit.

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