When You’re Someone’s Venus Pluto Transit

zombie jamboreeIt’s well known, the Venus Pluto combination bring people from the past, back into your life. More often than not, the entities that surface are not wanted.

Due to that factor, I call these people “corpses”.  Basically, you kill a relationship; it ends hard-core and then the person comes back and haunts you. I

t’s generally in real life, though it can happen via your dreams.  You may also be triggered by a song or even an inanimate object that reminds you for some reason.

There is a lot of material on this site about this. Search “corpse” to uncover it.  But I’ve never written about this from this angle.  Today, I popped up for someone. The collision was entirely unexpected and if you sense I enjoyed this; well, you’re right!   This is why I chose the particular picture.  That’s me on the left… that is not her on the right.

What happened; I got my hair done and I was leaving the salon. I was happy, when I rounded the corner and saw the woman there, waiting her turn. I’ve not seen her in, five years. “Diane!”  I said, enthusiastically.  “How are you!”

I sensed her squirming and it amused me.  Yes. I could see she could not place me and I laughed behind my poker face.

“How are you said? I… can’t..”

“Elsa!” I said.  “Elsa?”

I let it hit her; not saying what I was thinking, behind the broadest grin in the land.  You know. Elsa.  The woman you fucked over? The one you drove over, before backing you’re car up, to back over, just in case?  The woman you sacrificed? The woman, you try to shut out of your mind? The woman, who deep down, you know?  Yeah, I’m that, Elsa… and I’d have blocked my name out do, had I done what you did. ::grin::

She was trying to start some fake sugar conversation but I didn’t let her. “Well, I’ve got to get going. It’s wonderful to see you, Diane.  I hope you have a great day!”

Bumble bumble, “you too”, but I was already leaving.

I loved this more than I should, but honestly, it felt like revenge served cold. And if she says some shit in that salon, my stylist will hand her her ass as she loves me with her stellium in Scorpio and her Aries moon. I am under her protection!

Further, I’m pretty sure, this got worse for her when I left.  Because my stylist and I talk.  And we talked plenty today.  And I’m pretty sure, she will be telling some of the other stylist what’s up with me, because my stuff is just that juicy and shocking. I’m the hottest gossip going, okay?  By far. In fact she’s told me this before. “We’re going to talk about you when you leave. You know that, right?”

“Of course I know that. I try to bring you good material…meat!”

So in my imagination, my stylist is telling her best friend and everyone, the latest. Diane is in the other (or maybe her chair), listening.  And when she hears what they say, this is when she will really, really know, to the depths of her soul, she crucified an innocent person.

What now, Diane?

Are you going to apologize?  Are you going to make this right?  Or are you just going to burn with it?

Writing this, I realized I played this how I did, subconsciously, because I knew they would be talking. I really am that fast.

In whatever case, I drove away singing this:

Have you ever been part of this type scene?

11 thoughts on “When You’re Someone’s Venus Pluto Transit”

  1. I’ve absolutely been in a similar situation.
    It was a friends mother who disliked me because I came from divorced parents and I lived with my grandparents. Her daughter and I were young teenagers and she didn’t like me and interfered with our friendship.

    Fast forward to us in our early 20s , her daughter invited me to a party…it was at her parents home and I had grown up into a lovely young lady with lady like style.My Libra Rising showing up my Sagittarius sun.
    She was raving about me and telling me she didn’t like her daughters friends that much and how come I don’t come around much.

    Sugar wouldn’t melt in my mouth, I was so sweet to her, but in my mind was how she felt about me and my family situation.
    I just couldn’t forgive her for hurting me when I was 14.
    We chatted for quite sometime and when I left she told me she was glad her daughter and I were friends again.
    I left feeling our karma had come full circle .

    Life is funny

  2. Hell yes!

    More than once.

    After my ex broke up with me, I lost 20 punds, got ripped, wore heels, dressed up and dyed my hair the exact red color he had tried for years to make me dye it, because he was just that stupid.

    3 months later we meet, and when I remove my jacket, his eyes do the thing like the wolf in that Looney Toons animation short movie with the redhead and his jaw rhat goes slack while she performs on stage.

    I have 4 planets in Scorpio, 10th house.

    Eat sh*t, Diane.
    Or, whatever his name was…. 😉

  3. Yes he invades my dreams during these transits, and I am “invisible” to him. Interesting because that’s how it felt IRL.

  4. ha ha!!! you are a fab corpse Elsa!!!!! I love an induced ‘bumble bumble’!!!! Similar to when you ‘just tell it straight’ and people are caught off guard (I despise libra social nicety sometimes & love disrupting it!!!!!lol!!!) … massive high five to your stylist!!! I don’t think I’ve experienced a noteworthy corpse episode …. I deliberately dodged one/ being one the other day, saw them from behind on the way out then walked the long way around back! lol!! … just a friendship that fizzled, no major drama, but circumstances were a bit off … a bit corpsy … think it was around the pluto trine venus day – though it could have been the day before – the neptune opposite venus day! which might make more sense for me … would hope the pluto trine brings nicer things! though saying that maybe this episode was your pluto trine venus treat!!!!! lol!!!

    1. “… your pluto trine venus treat!!!!! lol!!!”

      Uranus in Taurus with Venus / Pluto for the surprise. I knew it was something; checked when I got home.

      It a feeling of knowing you’re an agent of the universe in that moment… and my stylist?

      Every time I leave there, every single time, she looks at me, straight in the eye, “You need me, you call me. Call me.”

      It’s been eight years. I think we both know, the day will come, tbh.

  5. When the neighbor called the cops accusing my son of stealing money from their house the cop walked up to my son and I planting peas together in the garden. That one didn’t go far. Same Venus Pluto transit brought a CPS van down my driveway. I still don’t know who called. The CPS worker had to see the full fridge/ freezer, garden , and sailboat project we had going. I was homeschooling under scrutiny of everyone, especially family. When random people ask how the boy is getting along, waiting for a horror outcome, I can announce “US Marine 5 years,full benefits,getting a $65,000 education and cut like a champ, how’s yours ?” It was 10 years ago when pluto opposed my venus. I think it was 3 years with those grueling feeling being judged and under investigation by CPS. I had to report to a counselor for 6 months from that call. Rough time. It took years to play out and I now have the Proud MOM of USMC t-shirt to wear.

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