Who Is Susceptible To Brainwashing?

Brainwashing“What transits or natal placements would indicate a susceptibility to brainwashing? As in, being in the receiving end of it? Whether by cults themselves or by other means, such as media, social media, trends, influencers, etc?”

– Mermaid from The Sea

I think everyone is susceptible to brainwashing.  This phenomena is at it’s peak in my life time, right now, with Saturn and Neptune transiting Pisces.  We all “receive” brainwashing.  Those who think they are immune, have no doubt, been brainwashed into believing this. I’m sorry, but there is no immunity to be found.

If you’re not snagged on this note, you’re snagged on the next.  Clarity is at a premium right now. We’ll have to see if Saturn and Neptune ingressing into Aries, brings clarity… or consequences.

I think you’re also asking for specifics.  Neptune confuses for good or ill.  Mercury with Neptune can confuse the mind.  Jupiter with Neptune can screw with a person’s beliefs, they may possibly believe anything. A person may also believe they know everything.  A Sun Neptune person can potentially live in a state of confusion.

Pisces is classic for brainwashing, but Virgo can focus on the details, easily missing the bigger picture. The bigger picture that reveals the man behind the curtain.

Even if you don’t have these signatures, you’ll still fall prey as you experience transits that make you vulnerable. You can also suffer impaired judgement due to illness, medications, hormones, etc.

How many times have you said, “But I thought…”

I rest my case.

Anyone else have ideas?

10 thoughts on “Who Is Susceptible To Brainwashing?”

  1. All the time. I also loose things. Sun op Neptune. Pluto/Virgo rising. Right now I don’t have the footing to act. Lift off. I have information/ factsbut, can’t come up with the big picture idea or plan to travel for much needed family support. Perhaps after mercury goes direct.

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    Pluto in Aquarius?

    Who is susceptible to brain washing? EVERYONE. Had dinner with my cousin last night. He is a high school history teacher for the past thirty years, and was telling me how in the past five years, his job has become more of a mental health worker and it’s pandemonium as they try to limit students’ smart phone use.

    Interesting that many silicon valley high tech executives send their children to LOW TECH schools like it’s 1958 to avert the brain damage that has been increased all over the world where smart phones have become mainstream.

    Kids’ brains develop by playing in the dirt with their friends, walking/running on the grass, swinging and climbing trees. Now children are glued to cell phones since infancy. As a retired waiter, I was always astounded by customers that placed a smart phone in from of babies to pacify them at the table, but things are way worse than I ever imagined…

  3. I’m Pisces sun with moon opposite Neptune. I was very naive and gullible in my younger years. But I think since my Saturn return, I’ve gotten on a much firmer grip on reality. I also have my moon quincunx Saturn in Scorpio so that might have something to do with it.

  4. ‘Jupiter with Neptune can screw with a person’s beliefs, they may possibly believe anything. A person may also believe they know everything. A Sun Neptune person can potentially live in a state of confusion.’

    Jupiter and Neptune 8 degrees apart and in different signs here. Believing ‘anything’ in the end amounts to ‘believing nothing’ I think, same for ‘believing to know everything’ leads to knowing to know nothing. Eventually, over time.

    Belief is only of use if one can hold onto it, for good or ill. I like confusion, honestly. It makes me curious, I want to learn, discover, on the pretext that there is ‘more’. There is always ‘more’. It’s good to have principles, no doubt. They need to and will be tested against reality, aka life as it is.

    I tried to lie, as a child, I saw how easy it is for some of the others to get away with lying. I didn’t get away with it, never. I was either found out quickly or suffered emotionally to the point of coming out. It was embarrassing, I thought I need to learn this! I tried again. There was a key moment when I had stolen a small thing in a shop that my Dad did not want to buy. We were in the car, on the way home. I was happy but not, on the back seat, the thing in my pocket. My Dad looked in the rear mirror and said ‘So, notice how you feel now, it’s shit, right ? You won’t enjoy that thing in your pocket.’ I said ‘sorry’. He turned around and had me put it back where I took it from, without exposing to anyone what I did. That’s when I gave up.

    Lying sucessfully means to believe your lie, at least to believe that you are entitled to lie or that it’s necessary, that there is no other way. Believing someone else’s lie is actually the same. as believing your own. The truth of a message is always decided about by the receiver. If it fits into your belief system, you believe it, if it doesn’t you reject it, even if is true.

    Everyone has said ‘but I thought..’ but if they stop there and blame the other, or life, or circumstances they will not learn from their mistake. That’s the easy way, I can keep my belief and you are a bad person or life is crap. See where that leads ?

    Rushing to a conclusion, insisting on an opinion, creating a structured principle to live by, is a developmental stage in life, the first saturn cycle. The second one is different, but we need the first one. Against what shall we test ‘life experience’ without conclusions, opinions and principles ? We need them, but they are not ‘the truth’.

    The realm of social media and influencers, Tik Tok challenges and pranks is not my favourite environment. It is enormously challenging for the youth of today. They are confronted by projection and opinion in a way that can only be navigated by staying open and flexible. by bouncing back. Give them credit, its difficult. Hopefully they learn from it and do not stay in the realm of opinion and belief set in stone.

  5. I agree that everyone can be susceptible to being brainwashed in the right setting/ circumstances.
    Someone may have a grounded, strong minded chart, but then along comes a Neptune transit which may create fog, confusion and vulnerability.
    Anyone wearing rose coloured glasses in affairs of the heart may be easily fooled/brainwashed. There’s some really smart people out there who throw their head out the window when their heart is fluttering.

  6. i think it’s super easy to be brainwashed when you are in a desperate situation and there’s no one to help you, there’s no lifesaver to save you from the pits of despair. This is the situation where even charlatans who dont care about human beings, and care about their souls, and their spirits, only to destroy take advantage.

    your quote: “Pisces is classic for brainwashing, but Virgo can focus on the details, easily missing the bigger picture. The bigger picture that reveals the man behind the curtain.”

    so true!! And sagittarius to me, Jupiter sees the bigger the picture and gemini keeps everyone busy and distracted. lol

    i always believe we need great role models. ^^

  7. I think having a strong pluto helps with NOT being easily brain washed unless the person was born into a cult. But I am not sure. I have plutonic sun-mercury and pluto in 3rd house. Plus a stellium in my 8th house (aand probably many other aspects) and I have been very sensitive to people being even the least deceptive from very early age.

    Something inherent with me. Not because of family as my mom made sure to never ever lie or decept us or my dad etc from the get go. I knew I could trust my mom fully and first time I caught an adult (a neighbor) lie to their own kids I felt apalled (age 7) lol.

    Then I got a close friend from age 7-11 and she turned out to be a complete mythoman. A compulsive lier. That made me even more untrustful of people, atleast new people lol.

    But if its something I learned in astrology something thats one way can also be the opposite. Strong jupiter may indicate a very religious person. Or a person that detest religion and is an atheist (which is also a form of a belief, only the opposite of the other beliefs maybe) etc.

    A chart with a person with strong pluto. It may indictae everything from the person being a power maniac to the person being a victim of power maniacs. Like a relative I have. She has pluto-mars, shows zero plutonic behaviour or vibes, but she has an abusive controlling plutonic husband.

    Neptune. I know two males with same birth date and same rising! Neptunian charts. One is a drug addict living an unhealthy life (and is bisexual). The other one wont even take vitamins or pain killers because he hates being “dependent” on the intake of something. He loves weight lifting at the gym since 15 years back and is straight etc

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