Your Proximity To Evil

ted bundy interviewLast week, I was exposed to evil. I knowingly put myself in proximity to it. I was more deeply impacted than I even want to admit, never mind, try to explain.

The more distance I put between myself and the source, the more aware I am of just how creepy it is. I believe it’s growing in power.

I thought I might look at this again in three or five years, when I was standing right next to it. But today I think I’d be well advised to never get near it again.

It’s made me think about Pluto and Scorpio and the 8th house. The whole “attraction to taboo”, thing.

Personally, I feel this less and less. More and more, there are people and things, I don’t want to touch with a ten-foot pole.

The picture is a screen capture of a gal, interviewing Ted Bundy.  I would not like to be in that her chair.

How do you feel, in proximity to evil?

67 thoughts on “Your Proximity To Evil”

  1. This has been a theme of late; realizing in retrospect how close I had been to some evil thing in one form or another. And yes, there are some things and people I will not touch with a ten foot barge pole either.

    It also made me realize I have some guardian angel looking out for me.

    The whole subject…with 8th house Mercury exactly opposite Pluto, don’t get me started!

    1. I got a good taste of someone’s Uranus striking down on me… a “proximity to evil”…as all I do is stay home and mind my own business the Uranus thing really put me in a crappy mood~ almost beyond my capacity for patience. I’m about to call Christmas off.

  2. There’s an emptiness behind most psychopath’s eyes. Like a detachment that’s excessive, like nothing’s there.

    I feel scared and haunted around them. :shivers:.

  3. I’m Scorpio Moon which conjuncts Saturn. This is blessing for me to be restricted from anything with a hint of evil!! However, my Scorpio Pluto that squares my natal Venus paints a different picture when it comes to relationships. The closest I came to evil/criminal/psychopaths is through love relationships. I agree with @fishvirgin88, the complete detachment of normal human emotions is through the eyes. It sometimes changes to a different color too when they are in that state, so scary. I’m glad my Scorpio Saturn keeps me in check with a dose of realism and a sense of DUTY to my soul. I fell MADLY, just MADLY in love with a Scorpio Neptune (still pining). This man was born in an era of lots other creeper Scorpio Neptunes. There are no boundaries with this planetary placement. Scares me to death every time I think how deeply hypnotized I can get with these people. Such an extreme sign.

    1. i checked bundy’s chart. he’s Neptune libra in 2nd house, with a stellium scorpio 3rd, a stellium sagittarius 4th. He also had that uranus gemini in 10th. Kind of gives him an “authoritative” bent, with gemini being so clever. All his sag and scorp. He looks as creepy as Charles Manson though. I’ve been near evil, but it’s weird. people don’t really feel it, cause they keep it very “hidden”. Kind of like how Jim Jones caused masses of people to take poison/cyanide. How you can not tell?

      1. Wasn’t he Leo-rising? maybe he had a warm, child-like or handsome appearance that people could trust?? Most of the Leo IS in the 12th house along with Pluto so it was all indeed hidden. I feel so terrible for the victims that could not tell or suspect anything. 🙁 I unfortunately think he is not creepy-looking at all. My Sun/Mars is conjunct his Pluto, I for sure would’ve been in a body bag! Thank goodness I was not born in that time period *phew*

    2. Yes! …’there are no boundaries with this planetary placement’. Spot on! That includes the psychic and astral realms. Hmmmm…seem the hypnotism, too. Doesn’t half keep you on your toes, though.

      Gets you thinking about the karmic implications of this soul group, the purpose of incarnation, and its purpose for all of us? What is there to be learned from this? Discernment; psychic discernment, for example?

  4. Wow Cuspy…me, too…I am still dreaming of my ex. He has Scorpio Neptune squaring his Aquarius Venus and Leo Uranus. My Scorpio friend tells me he is evil and I need to stay away. I keep returning to the gingerbread house. It’s time for Gretel to grow up, already. Damn my Venus Neptune sextile!

    1. @misti,
      here is a good article for you to read on psychopath and astrology:
      “A true psychopath cannot be cured. It is a brain deficiency which you can see under an MRI scan. They are born without empathy and their prime motivation is survival. They get an adrenaline rush from exploiting people and getting away with it. They have to win at all costs, whether it is conning someone out of money, bedding someone else’s wife, or having the last word. These people have no real creativity, so tend to plagiarize; they don’t know who they are so the only way they can gain potency in their lives is by sucking the life (sometimes literally), money or ideas out of someone else.”

      -basically very very cruel and inhumane.

      1. Thanks, Elisa. I love the painting that accompanies the article. I think of the ex as a sociopath. There’s definitely some dissociation. I have always wanted to study abnormal psychology. It both repels and fascinates me.

        1. Watch I am Fishhead on YouTube

          You will recognise and it’s very informative – I think a must fir anyone who has encountered psychopaths or even sociopaths.

    2. Scorpio Neptune is like a beautiful mermaid soulmate, a beautiful nourishing ocean and dream come true to my Scorpio Moon. I’m still having trouble detaching and forgetting about this evil. The fact he has done things to women and been to prison for it still doesn’t help me detach! He smirks at my emotional pain…what a psycho.

            1. I have Neptune in Scorpio, too. It’s a huge number of people born when I was. Some astrological descriptions are vague, calling them “generational” planets and leave it at that. And it’s true for the whole, but they still have much weight in an individual’s chart, delending on the house and aspects they make. I’m 3H and it sextiles Uranus/Pluto/moon, opposes Jupiter. So mine is ok…still a little delusional at times but not serial killer material lol. No evil is not funny.

    3. Whoa! Misti, this is so synchronous, synchronous with knobs. Just imagine moon and Jupiter added to the conjunction with Neptune, but as part of exactly the same T-square, in the same signs, and you have a portion of the portrait of the person I have in mind. Not an ex, I hasten to add, but someone I know.

      1. The Bad Seed is still the most disturbing movie I have ever seen! I can’t watch horror films AT ALL. I would become physically ill; same for war movies and cop shows. Violence paralyzes me physically and mentally. My parents took me and my younger sisters to the drive in movie a million years ago…I think I was 10ish. They were showing Psycho of all things. My Mom would not shower unless my Dad stood outside the bathroom door forever! Perhaps that early shock planted my phobia. I have had a sister murdered….so I can barely watch the news anymore either. I just crumble in on myself if I do.

        1. Linda, I’m sorry about your sister. Regarding the news and such…I’m the same way. I was locked in a dark basement when I was four. I have insomnia and nightmares. Not just from that. Lots of trauma.

  5. I have to admit, Elsa, when you speak in vagaries on a subject like this (evil) I immediately get even more curious than I naturally am.

    I don’t know how people feel about ghosts, but I know I have had experiences with them and that they were ‘evil’. I also have been having recurring dreams from about a month ago, off and on, about the Devil, a real evil entity coming to me in my dreams. Sometimes he just passes me by, sometimes I say a bunch of Catholic prayers to keep him away (I end up saying a lot of prayers in my dreams), but the last one I took it upon myself to ‘seduce’ him so he wouldn’t harm me.

    I know, I know, very weird. But when you said “evil”, that’s what I thought of. I wish someday you had the clarity or energy or whatever it’s called to expand on that topic. I think you have more knowledge and have had more experiences than most people in life, so if you say something is “Evil”…I’m sorry, but that makes me want to know more.

    1. I understand. There is no need to apologize. I just don’t want to get into any confrontations. I’ve got to watch myself, until this Plaquenil kicks in better.

      I also have clients tomorrow and a lunch date with people who like to talk for hours.

      It’s Saturn in Scorpio. Like everyone else, I have to mind my energy level right now. In fact, I think I am pushing it, fixing all these advice posts on the back end.

      I’m also gathering stuff for Christmas dinner…with no idea when my husband might be here. Keeps things interesting, lol.

      So I write something like this, to let off a little steam, and also to make it real. I had no idea (in the moment), that I was as disturbed as I eventually wound up and/or realized. I’ll be out of here soon, and I’m glad.

  6. My husband was not surprised when I told him how this turned out for me. That I felt the source of this had grown far more powerful…

    He said, it’s been able to be cultivated, because it’s gone unchecked.

    Hard to argue that! 🙂

  7. I’ve learned some things about evil. I lived in close proximity to it for eight years. The main thing I’ve learned is that I will never truly relate to it. It just “is”. It has no motive other than the destruction of innocence. I’m always amazed that some people don’t believe it exists. It’s not common. I don’t know if I see it becoming more powerful. I actually see god consciousness becoming more powerful. It’s not common either. Just becoming more potent in those that harbor each of those energies.

    It’s been many years since I’ve been around it. What does it feel like to be around it? It can actually be awe inspiring. They don’t tell you that. It can be mesmerizing. So I felt that but I also felt like I had to protect the life in me and around me. I think at some point I discovered that if I had god on my side there really was nothing to fear. Am I still interested in evil? Hell no! I think grace is so much more interesting.

  8. I, too, have pluto in 8th house. I can also detect evil when it is near.

    Now I back away slowly and head in another direction. I have no interest or fascination with it anymore. I got burned badly in my teens by it.

    I don’t want any part of anyone like that.

  9. I’m not really interested in putting myself in danger by putting myself in front of evil. I used to think it was fun and interesting to study them up close until it wasn’t. The worst ones get their rocks off by influencing people around them to do evil. It’s a recipe for heartache.

  10. I have never been interested in evil and have always tried to stay far away from it. My eighth house placements tell me when it is near. I ditched a career because I knew it would bring too much of that element into my life. I prefer the white light and love.

  11. How interesting Elsa,I’m eight house sun with pluto transiting my eighth house so I ‘see’ and ‘feel’ more and that goes for the good and the evil. I have had an unusual experience this week – I think it’s related to the 29th degree cleaning up act of Saturn in scorpio. Much has been revealed in the heart, through deep struggle, overcoming deep fear where ‘evil’ had slipped through the cracks but I can honestly say this week has been a culmination of the last two or so years work and I’ve reached a plateau of well-being, firm on a solid foundation. (I also discovered this week that I need deep root canal surgery – sooo last degree of Saturn in Scorpio, hopefully relief at last.)wishing you peace at Christmas Elsa.

  12. It’s Sagittarius that’s attracted to taboos.

    Scorpio has no such thing at all.

    I’m a Scorpio Venus+Pluto. There’s no such attraction. Surely, I, of all people, would have it, and know about it if that were a real thing.

    It’s always Sagittarius into taboos. Remember that rebellion is a Sagittarius trait, not just Aquarius. Sagittarius/Jupiter/Ninth House both covers conformity, and rebellion. As does Aquarius/Uranus/Eleventh House. Sagittarius is at a cultural level, especially to be dogmatic/religious. Aquarius is closer to the individual, honing down to the clique of friends you hang out with. Aquarius might shock family… Sagittarius might shock, and outright disturb people in general.

    There are ways evil gets covered by that Sign, Planet, and House… They represent karma (that includes bad karma), death, rebirth, depth, commitment to the extremes, responsibility, psychology, laws, etc. So, evil’s in there. But, evil’s more of a thing many bits in a chart can point towards. That Sign/Planet/House would more likely point to an evil person strictly getting his/her comeuppance.

    1. Oh, and Pisces/Neptune/Twelfth House also often gets into taboos, but often doesn’t realize they do, or might try to keep others from seeing it as such when they know it’s taboo (including possibly by keeping it a secret).

      For example, Twelfth House Venus is prone to taboo, and unobtainable people they want, which includes incest. And, they do sometimes achieve getting to have such inappropriate relationships… Such as first-cousin marriages.

  13. I’ll be happy when Saturn exits Scorpio like everybody else…I don’t like going deep (even though I’m a Scorpio) and it happens sometimes unexpectedly making everybody uncomfortable. Anyway…probably r/t my planets in Gemini coming through.
    I think evil comes in all astrological shapes and sizes-like Elsa says an aspect is just an aspect until the energy is directed.
    Here’s to the almost last days of Saturn in Scorpio! Merry Christmas! 🙂

    1. To clarify:
      I don’t like going deep (though I can’t say that’s absolutely true)-probably r/t my planets in Gemini coming through-the unexpected likely from Uranus/Mercury on my MC.

    2. I’m certainly not happy! Why should I be happy about that? Transiting Saturn conjunct my natal Sun does just begin. What’s worse than that?

  14. I think we’re all ‘evil’, or have the capabilities to be. It’s all about having the discipline and structure (capricorn) available to balance (libra) the inner feelings we have of ‘good’ and ‘evil’. Everyone is responsible for themselves. There’s a dichotomy of the two, and they also isn’t.

    Elsa: being so close to it, I would say you’re picking it up from the collective and are sensitive to it (12th house). Maybe what lies in your 8th house will bring some ease. I get frustrated with how people can act and what they do, but I find comfort in looking deep into their psychology to know why they do the things they do.

  15. Remember, too, that we’re coming out of Sagittarius Decans 2 and 3. Sadge Decan 2 is one of the most feared decans in the zodiac. Only because the constellation it intersects has the most malefic stars than any other sign in that decan. A lot of psychopaths and sociopaths comprise this time. Pure evil is quite apropos for describing this. Someone above asked if there’s a signature for psychopaths. In all my associations and clients, I’ve always found Pluto square Venus to be a mark of a psycho or sociopath. But that’s just my p.o.v. and experience. There are so many ameliorating factors to this, that you really need to measure psychopathology like the professionals do from 1 to 22 (being the worst and most depraved). Fantastic topic Elsa. It would be great if one day you can get far enough from this and expound on it more. This waning Uranus Pluto tight as tight square isn’t helping things. I keep repeating the last time we had this square in a waxing phase we were dealing with Hitler and the Nazi’s. It really doesn’t get more evil than that. Plus, I deal with evil everyday. I have neighbors who are Scientologists, but militant ones – they belong to Sea.Org a faction of the cult that does harm to other people. Google it and prepare to be scared to death. I just channel any positive energy I can muster and combat them daily. I once read a very, very famous and well-respected philosopher once said “Evil is banal.” Think about that and how it relates to the nature of some of histories most evil men and women. And those who know people who are evil today. Suffice to say the Sun enters Capricorn – and although it’s a deeply serious sign – most Cap’s are very stalwart people. Thank you Elsa. This obviously struck a nerve with a lot of people. Much love and light to all and hoping you have a wonderful holiday!

    1. The only evil person I’ve known has Pluto opposing Venus.

      I searched my chart library for the Pluto square Venus people and found quite a few; and, although I don’t know these people well, I’d have a hard time thinking of them as evil. But you never know. Mr. Pluto opp Venus could be very charming. . . It took me a long time to figure it out having never been confronted with it before. For what it’s worth, a psychic once told me he was a chameleon even on the astral level.

  16. Remember, too, that we’re coming out of Sagittarius Decans 2 and 3. Sadge Decan 2 is one of the most feared decans in the zodiac. Only because the constellation it intersects has the most malefic stars than any other sign in that decan. A lot of psychopaths and sociopaths comprise this time. Pure evil is quite apropos for describing this. Someone above asked if there’s a signature for psychopaths. In all my associations and clients, I’ve always found Pluto square Venus to be a mark of a psycho or sociopath. But that’s just my p.o.v. and experience. There are so many ameliorating factors to this, that you really need to measure psychopathology like the professionals do from 1 to 22 (being the worst and most depraved). Fantastic topic Elsa. It would be great if one day you can get far enough from this and expound on it more. This waning Uranus Pluto tight as tight square isn’t helping things. I keep repeating the last time we had this square in a waxing phase we were dealing with Hitler and the Nazi’s. It really doesn’t get more evil than that. Plus, I deal with evil everyday. I have neighbors who are Scientologists, but militant ones – they belong to Sea.Org a faction of the cult that does harm to other people. Google it and prepare to be scared to death. I just channel any positive energy I can muster and combat them daily. I once read a very, very famous and well-respected philosopher once said “Evil is banal.” Think about that and how it relates to the nature of some of histories most evil men and women. And those who know people who are evil today. Suffice to say the Sun enters Capricorn – and although it’s a deeply serious sign – most Cap’s are very stalwart people. Thank you Elsa. This obviously struck a nerve with a lot of people. Much love and light to all and hoping you have a wonderful holiday!

  17. Rerin. True what’s the fear of Scorpio? Saggitarius is big thing here giant world gripping industries. Medical breakthrough. That’s me and mom’s rising alone (we share the same) one other family friend no not a NBA player just a talented player. Known here 30 years has fathered over 55 illigit kids. Yes smarts jokes hair plugs musical. Saggitarius rising. Half evil is he.
    My Hous is evil but I was drawn to it years before Dad made it a big surprise. How he knew I kept driving by he didn’t. The house called me. Yup
    It gave me sadness. 14 years.

  18. I absolutely agree that there sometimes exist situations which emanate evil and as a Scorpio I am often intrigued. I just remind myself of the line from a movie…when you dance with the devil, the devil doesn’t change; he changes you.

  19. Scorpio + Sagittarius energy can be “bad”. Creepy guy’s (being interviewed in above picture) chart was full of it.

  20. There have definitely been times when I have been touched by evil, in my addult life. In my childhood it was mostly evil – period. At all encounters I see the hand of Saturn. I only know now through astrology – magi – the cause. My chart and my mothers chart had Jupiter and Saturn respectively in contact – two ways. In my adult life when Saturn was going through Saggitaurus – especially at the beginning the stage was set. Again, when Saturn was mid-point of natal Jupiter/Saturn and squaring ceres (divorce angle). More lately how both a bank and an isp setup a situation through engineering to just drop me. In other words lying to achieve what they want. Both of course done when Saturn and Jupier were aspecting – natal to transit either direction.

  21. Hate to go virgo on the topic, but I just had to break it down. It’s a pretty simple formula that has been used to break into my psychic space. Once I saw the mechanics . . . well they are just so ca – razy. I don’t know if they are ebil, just not wired to be with humans is all.

  22. Last week while riding my bike on a road suffounded by state forests, I often ride there. At this straight away I heard from behind me a truck barreling do fast years me. Before the truck passed I just waved my hand up and down to slow down.
    Big mistake! He jammed his brakes on and pulled over got
    Out of the truck and screamed st me on the top of his lungs that bikes should not be on the roads! I told him calmly that he was speeding and he continued to scream. He was about 29 years
    Old thin built and thin face and intense piercing blue eyes. I was thinking Svorpio. (And I was also thinking of the Uranus and Pluto square…. And Saturn being 29 degrees… All red flags.
    He continued to scream how he visits his dad up here in the mountains and hunts. ( there is no hunting allowed) do I was getting pretty nervous wishing a car would show
    Or the sheriff … But no just foot stomping and screaming at me. I wondered that if I was a guy would he do the same? Probably not.
    Something told me to calm him so I asked about his family . He calmed down but threatened me not to ride or I could be dead
    Under a car.
    He left I couldn’t get his
    Plate number but I called the sheriff.
    A scary encounter!

  23. I do have to add, that I often have not so great dealings with people born under the sign of Scorpio.I am open minded about this and certainly don’t eliminate friends based sole-y on this element.However,if I am going to be hurt deeply it is usually a Scorpio.. that’s just a historical fact in my life..

  24. What about Xanthus? According to the Magi astrologers it is the asteroid Xanthus, which has to be examined for the proximity to evil.

  25. A while back, I met a charming and good-looking young man. He was articulate and bright, even to the point of having what I would call a “glamor” about him. I was with several friends, and he was someone that a good friend of mine had met during the course of her job (which at the time, was waitressing at a 24-hour restaurant). When he was introduced to me, I looked into his eyes briefly, then sat back down at my place in the booth and put on my sunglasses. This was at a restaurant, in the early evening, so I am sure it looked kind of weird and narcissistic (LOL) to be wearing sunglasses at that time and place. Later, having had some time to think about the encounter, I said to my friend, “do you realize that ‘Jay’ is a Soul Thief?” A few days later, I had a Dream about him, where he was murdering everyone in my circle of friends. Everyone was concerned and arming up, but still acting confused about what, exactly, should be done about him, because he presents himself as an “angel of light,” so to speak. Evil often presents itself, at first, in just that way.

  26. all you can do is tell them:
    rise above it
    rise above it
    rise above it
    don’t hurt yourself or they’ll kill you
    don’t look back or they’ll kill you
    forgive and try to forget
    forgive and try to forget

  27. you are very very close. STEP AWAY

    remember this:

    Don’t hurt yourself or they’ll kill you! Remember how this sentence makes you feel!
    This is a psychopath! You got it? No, you are the one not getting the point!

    Don’t hurt yourself or they’ll kill you! Remember how this sentence makes you feel!
    Don’t hurt yourself or they’ll kill you! Remember how this sentence makes you feel!
    Don’t hurt yourself or they’ll kill you! Remember how this sentence makes you feel!
    This is a psychopath! You got it?

    1. This is how you identify the psychopath:

      Don’t hurt yourself or they’ll kill you! Remember how this sentence makes you feel!

      Once they realize you understand this sentence, they’ll be out.

  28. They only way to find out who, is through that sentence: Don’t hurt yourself or they’ll kill you! Remember how this sentence makes you feel! Once they know you understand what this sentence means, they’ll know you’ve got them. They’ll have to: change their tune, stop what they’re doing, blame it on someone else, or leave. And after that, you’ll know who it is.

  29. Look beyond the person who has a reason to do this, and see the person who has no reason to do this. They find pleasure in hurting other people, it is their only reason to exist. Otherwise, they would have ended their life ages ago, their life to them is meaningless. They live to watch the world burn by making other people betray and hurt, and then kill each other. And the whole time they are smart enough and responsible enough to know better, but instead they make people war against each other. They are all around us. Question your motives.

  30. Its strange. As a 12th house Virgo conjuncting 12th house Uranus and Pluto. Moon in 8th.Venus in Scorpio.
    Evil doesnt frighten me. I analyze and seem to understand why people do what they do. I dont seek them out. I avoid them because of their energy. but I dont fear them either. I guess cause Im OK with my shadow.God knows you dont REEEALLY want to fuck with mine.

  31. this whole 8th house attraction to taboo, is really creepy…
    i do notice that all my life…i’m attracted to people’s darkness, without even understanding the astrology before. because the light is so uninteresting – u see everything there. but the darkness, it’s a closed book and u want to open the pages to read about it deeply…i think it has to do with the psychology.

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