I fall for Scorps all the time. I feel like they can be just as out there as Aquarius (me). Their stuff doesn't bother me much except the disappearing act but I take that as a learning curve for me. Plus they need their space, too.
allie120 said
I fall for Scorps all the time. I feel like they can be just as out there as Aquarius (me). Their stuff doesn't bother me much except the disappearing act but I take that as a learning curve for me. Plus they need their space, too.
Whenever they need their space, I go "Hallelujah!" Ya know? But just when I start to get comfy with my alone time, they come back already...
@crimsonsmile, yeah, it's too much when it's so unwelcomed! And intrusive! You need to throw back something at them lol
allie120 said
@crimsonsmile, yeah, it's too much when it's so unwelcomed! And intrusive! You need to throw back something at them lol
Yeah, but it's nice sometimes to get their texts asking my whereabouts and what I'm up to etc. It's kinda nosy and controlling and their approaching style can come on too strong, like requesting you send a picture showing where you are, LOL, but it's kinda nice knowing that they care.
@crimsonsmile Oh good Lord, proof of where you are? Yeah, don't push me that way. Actually one Scorp I dated asked me what was I doing as I missed his call. I was in the bathroom but I didn't feel like telling him. He kept asking. So we had this little power struggle (2 fixed signs lol) Anyway, I pushed back hard enough and he let up. Then we laughed.
I like the ones that are more subtle. Oh they're checking you out but don't be so in your face about it!
What's up with that? Scorpio has to protect themselves, that's what's up with that. They want to know if they can trust you.
It can be unnerving, for sure. Not everyone can handle the intensity. But every sign has something like this that could be called annoying.