My daughter works at Lowe's, the same one I quit in December. She's having similar issues with crappy management. She's graduating college on May 3. And what did these assholes do? Schedule her to work the day of and after, her graduation party.
The manager doesn't like her and has a terrible reputation with the "worker bees". My feeling is the woman scheduled this on purpose to get her fired. That's how they are. I know. I was threatened with a write up because the front end manager's metrics looked bad. I peaced out a couple of days later lol.
This is only a temporary job, so we already told her not to put up with their shit and if she gets let be it.
ETA Saturn is squaring three of her Sag planets atm. 😔 Her Venus was pummeled last year. It's been a rough couple of years for her.
I’m sacrificing everything to take care of everyone and my brother is no help.. he’s going into drugs and I’m not gonna put him on the street … I’m broke asf and I’m trying to think positive but I can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, I miss my mom so much and haven’t had the chance to really grieve bc I’m taking care of my brother and my dad and worried sick all the damn time, I worked so hard on my career and lost my job anyway to help my dad which is fine bc I want to be there to help. My husband is understanding to an extent which I get it he has the right to feel the way he does, I’m emotionally going through it I don’t even want to be alive but I’m not going to hurt myself I have kids and I still have family I love but damn when my mom left everything left almost and I knew someone close was gonna go from me bc Jupiter in my stupid 8th house .. btw how serious do y’all take solar return charts? Should I just not take them as seriously as I do? Bc this year was supposed to be a great one and i swear I’m trying to be so positive but it’s so freakin hard and I’m not trying to even use the word “hard” I’m trying to speak positive but when I was doing that I still lost my mom… also what do you think of crypto?. I’m done now 😤
how serious do y’all take solar return charts? Should I just not take them as seriously as I do?
This deserves it's own thread, but expanded...