mars Pluto

Why is Pluto the Higher Octave of Mars?

Following up on my post about Neptune being the higher octave of Venus, I thought I would also go into how Pluto relates to Mars. As I mentioned, when the outer planet is considered the higher octave of the inner planet, it means that it takes the principles of the inner planet and creates a […]

Pluto caligula

PTSD: Triggers & Flashbacks

I used to suffer PTSD / flashbacks. I became aware of this in my mid 20’s. It’s what sent me to therapy for three years.  I got a handle on this at the time of my Saturn return. I used the tools I picked up in therapy to resolve my triggers into my early 30’s.

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don Quixote

Pluto In Capricorn In Human Form

I’ve had a lot of emails about my back, it’s crazy healing and such. People want the astrology so here is is. Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn are currently crossing my ascendant (my physical body).  Mars in Aries is squaring the stellium, this is textbook astrology.  But there’s more to it. The 12th house

Saturn decrease

The Benefits of Saturn – Decrease

I recently came upon a great translation of the ancient Greek Orphic Hymn to Saturn. One line really stuck out to me – “To whom perfection and decrease belong.” I think this is a little difficult for many of us to wrap our heads around. Decrease? How is that something to praise? Living in a

Neptune Venus

Why is Neptune the Higher Octave of Venus?

If you hang around astrology circles long enough, you’ll eventually hear about the outer planets being considered “higher octaves” of some of the faster-moving planets. What this means is that the outer planet is considered to bring a higher, more universal expression to the principles of the faster-moving planet. But what does that mean in

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