metaboy planets

Free Astro Forecast With Heart & Quirk

I’m working in this week’s newsletters.  This is some of what’s coming up this week: Slip-ups, Crossovers & Reversals (With Leo Hair) Wary, Wily Coyote, Having A Nervous & Jerky Beer Sensitivity Takes A Vacay – Cut & Run! My letter is sent about five times a week.  The letters are designed to inform, entertain […]

Game of life

Your Soul, “Playing The Game” Of Life!

“If Life is like a video game, all matter except for the human soul is programming and non-essential players. The human soul is the only entity that has the power to change the game. Literally. WE can change the game. This is not metaphor. Every human soul is essentially participating in an infinite number of

vintage girl in moon

Lunar Returns Tell Your Monthlong Mood

I’ve been tracking my lunar returns for many years. I’ve come to see the charts as telling my monthlong mood or emotional state. I look at my lunar return to see how it’s going be for me, month to month. For example, I’m feeling detached at the moment, with my Lunar Return moon in my


How Do You Feel About Uranus Energy?

I miss the Mars Uranus conjunction. As far as outer planets go, I like Uranus energy. I understand the importance of the other transits, but things tend to pop when, Uranus,  is active. Big change, quickly has quite a bit of appeal, especially with Saturn in Pisces.  It’s hard to get traction? Uranus will pick

two fishes by Sarah

Jupiter Square Saturn In Pisces: Life Is Not Mundane

Saturn in Pisces has shown us all, “reality” is fluid, if not a straight up illusion. Illusion of justice. Illusion of fairness.  Lines are blurred at this time.  A person’s sense of control has diminished, if not flat out disappeared. This is true, but not always.  Here and there, the veil lifts and we get

mercury retrograde

Mercury Retrograde: August 4, 2024 – Cinderella’s Slipper

Mercury will turn retrograde in Virgo near midnight on August 4th/5th, depending on your time zone.  Some of these shifts are barely perceptible. This one looks interesting and may be particularly significant. It’s a matter of the way Mercury is aspected when the planet reverses course. What occurs as a result of the backward motion

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