zodiac print vintage

How To Guess Someone’s Zodiac Sign

This is a pretty good guide to guessing a person’s sign. Personally I am incredibly and profoundly lousy at this. You can read about my misguided efforts here: “Accidental Research Regarding A Man And His Mars“. Can you guess a person’s zodiac sign?

My Husband Cheated With His Niece – Now What?

Dear Elsa, My husband cheated on me with his niece. I was very hurt and sought counseling. I have passed through several stages of denial, acceptance, grieving and finally moved on. Because of the children we are still communicating, but his mistress forbids him to see his children and my children are too young to

I’m In Love With My Friend – BIG TIME: 5th House Stellium in Sagittarius

Dear Elsa, I am in love very deeply with my best friend. We have an intense connection; he reads my very thoughts in detail. He is unlike no one else I have ever known; his every movement fascinates me. My feelings have not waned for him in the slightest since I’ve known him, despite him

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