Search Results for: pluto transit mine

What Makes A Person Feel Repulsive?

Sometimes I feel pretty good about myself. Other times, ugh.  This week’s transits have hit my chart hard. The Pluto station has been quite incredible. There have been a lot of distractions as well. Attacks (from hackers) come and go behind the scenes. The site is quite well protected but occasionally there will be a wave. […]


Shielded From The Reality Of Death

The newspaper in little town where we’re moving publishes a frequently updated blog.  On average, there are four or five entries each day. The entries might be about the new fast food place that’s opening up or news of an arrest, or community event.  They  also publish obituaries, which is what this post is about. One average, four


Mars In Libra: Drive To Be Beautiful

I’m not the kind of person who accepts whatever I’m told. I want proof. Whatever “truth” I’m being exposed to has to jibe with my personal experience or I’m going to remain skeptical. Needless to say, I’ve tested astrology!  And what I learned is that I can see a watch by my chart. Case in

Who You’re Attracted To And Why

It’s been awhile since we talked about “imprints” as far as a person having an organic attraction to a certain physical type but I like the topic and think it’s important.  Here are some prior posts on the topic that cover various angles.  Saturn in Libra topic because we’re defining tastes. Who Do You Love?

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