New Moon in Cancer: July 17, 2023 – Effects By House

Cancer crab moon

The new moon in Cancer will take place on Monday, July 17th at 24 degrees.  The sun and moon will oppose Pluto in Capricorn stirring and perhaps releasing feelings that are buried or otherwise repressed.

This does not have to be disturbing or painful.  You may simply feel empowered.  You may also encounter a Pluto in Capricorn figure but what is that?  A powerful authority figure?  There are people with status and authority who support and empower others, all day long. No need to psych yourself out over this.

Can a family member die? Yes, of course. This is always the case, but if something like that were to happen, it would probably be expected, rather than something that comes our of left field.  Cancer moon + Pluto – family inheritance.  The sun is the father of course, but this will not manifest for the vast majority so I’d not dwell on it.

Overall, I would expect a good result from this. Let’s say you feel insecure.  Pluto in Capricorn can help galvanize you to better secure the underpinnings of your life.  Anchor Deep comes to mind.

We set intentions under new moons. Here are some idea based on the house in your natal chart where the new moon falls:

new moon in Cancer 2023
  • New Moon in the 1st house –  Hero parenting.
  • New Moon in the 2nd house – Secure financial investments.
  • New Moon in the 3rd house –  Nurturing conversations, maybe pitch in with siblings or neighbors.
  • New Moon in the 4th house – Power of the family! Also, connection to your roots.
  • New Moon in the 5th house – Caring for the children in your family, in a way that empowers them.
  • New Moon in the 6th house – Nurturing your health. Also, sensitivity to emotional realities on the job.
  • New Moon in the 7th house – Security from partnership, also nurturing your relationship.
  • New Moon in the 8th house – Healing from family pathology.
  • New Moon in the 9th house – Expanding your comfort zone.
  • New Moon  the 10th house –  You’re fully in charge; set a good example.
  • New Moon in the 11th house – Nurturing your friendships
  • New Moon in the 12th house – Potential contact with family members who have passed.

Where does the new moon fall in your chart?  How will you channel this energy?

19 thoughts on “New Moon in Cancer: July 17, 2023 – Effects By House”

  1. ElsaElsa, my brother has this New Moon on his birthday, exactly on his Sun (same degree). He has Sun Moon square in his natal chart.

    Is such a thing rare, is it significant? I expected that conjunction on its own to have sort of a “make a wish” day feel, especially that it lands on his 11th house. But now you’ve mentioned that Pluto in the mix..

  2. Hi Elsa, This new moon is conjunct my sun by 2″ in my tenth house, square my moon in seventh. So I’m excited and intrigued by it. Do you have any comments or advice please?

  3. This will go past my black moon Lilith @ 21 degrees in the 10th house. I read today post by Elsa and I just hope I’m not one or any of my loved ones are one of the people that gets hit with the unexpected today.

    As astrologer mentioned that I just had earlier in the year a return on BML and I told my assistant director that I was done with the whole job, I felt unappreciated, that it was honestly a wide spread sentiment with my other coworkers, so that spirit with BML is there.

    I’ve been trying to be better and be the kind of person I would admire and look up to. Its hard work, but I am really trying.

  4. There’s a lot going on over here. I just got let go from a nonprofit vet clinic. I’ve more than learned my lesson. I’m not going back.

    I’m tired of dealing with catty people who went into the field to not have to deal with people. It makes no sense, I know. I ran into another one of these, and I’ve had it. If you’re not going to help me succeed, get out of my way.

    I was bit by a small dog, and the person in question was flailing around saying “If anyone’s going to get bit, it’s you. Not me.” This over a bite that didn’t break skin or draw blood. 🫠

    The nodes are about to go over my ASC/DSC. Pluto is squaring them. Uranus and the Moon are on top of my Saturn. Mars just went into Virgo.

    I’m not that upset or worried. I tried to do my best by the animals. I just have to find another way to do it.

    1. Sun/Nodes/Pluto will hit my ASC/Jupiter.

      Jupiter is square my Sun/Mars.

      Like Elsa said in the newsletter, this was a shock but meant to be.

  5. New Moon conjunct my Mars/Venus conjunction in intercepted Cancer, 10th House.

    I’m not scared. Pluto in Capricorn has been tearing up my 4th House for years. I’ve lost my brother, father and mother, gained 3 grand-nephews/niece, and–of course–moved houses.

    I wonder what Pluto in 5th House will bring me…but there’s very little I fear anymore. Crone-power. 🙂

    Happy lunation, everyone!

  6. Avatar
    James Slattery

    In the 5th house but no kids around at this time. Maybe a creative challenge or a need for more play? Pluto on my 12th house cusp. A trigger for isolation or self undoing?!

  7. New moon in the 10th trine Mars in Scorpio. Never before have I (in real time) such a convergence of planetary transits with my life as it is. Long drawn out negotiations with people around the world, authority figure is not really opposed (we all love him) but he’s elusive, maybe tired of the mess.
    Awaiting a meeting which might be set to the 17th if all goes well.

    And I am in a position there, in the 10th, that I didnt forsee, didn’t strive for but it fell in my lap, so to speak. And I can do it.

    Also the upcoming Venus retrograde in Leo is perfect for our plans, takes place in my 11th where I’m part of the group I chose to work with.


  8. This new moon seems to have a very long build up to it if this week is anything to go by. Also wanted to mention the sextile to Uranus and trine to Neptune which are in play with this moon.

  9. I have natal my Cancer Moon in the 6th house at 22 degrees, not sure if this will mean anything significant, should be interesting to see how this plays out.

  10. New Moon falls on my Mercury in Cancer in the 12th. I definitely have lots of dreams but have already been feeling the effects of this. Old family resentments are being burned away.

  11. This should be fun…new moon in my 5th, trine Mars in Pisces 24°, opposite my Venus 24°Cap, Sun 26° Cap, Mercury 18° Cap. Pluto wont be back to 26° so Im done with that guy in Capricorn but he squares my natal Saturn 2° Taurus officially by sign when its in Aquarius, unofficially by degrees. Uranus is conjunct my moon 21°Taurus and Saturn is conjunct my Ascendant 5° Pisces.( Mars opposition by transit) All of my personal planets are involved. I feel energized, capable and inspired to enjoy everything in my path, yes good and bad things equally. “Don’t stop me now” by Queen and “Don’t look back” by Boston seem to be my theme songs as of late…🤩

  12. Avatar
    Linda Marrs Broadhurst

    Elsa, I have a 24° cancer ascendant and my Pluto is 0° Leo in my first house. Do you have any comments on how this might affect me? Thanking you in advance Linda.

    1. Not knowing you and not seeing your chart, I couldn’t hazard a guess. But it’s a direct hit. I would expect some kind of upheaval.

  13. 7th House New Moon is planting new ways of relating with my husband. She the moon will be in wide conjunction to my natal Pluto so the old ways of relating are up for compost

  14. 3rd house represent! What with Pluto conjunct my midheaven, I’m starting to see it’s also about *my* authority. What do I do with it? HOW do I wield it? Good governance has always been an inner standard but has not manifested externally that well. Reconciling the notion of other people’s inners, outers and otherness [from self] and my Self is rather difficult! Moreso where my Self actually sits in all of this. But a big theme [for me] of late is “Don’t poison the Well of Belonging”. That’s a huge thing to do to another, and toxic to self! And I’m just realising how my litter IS making its way to the waterways. Saying “Yeah, that’s my shit” and not picking it up, leaving it for others to step in, is not going to cut it!

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