Twittering My Life Away

Pisces koi

Pisces is associated with addiction and escapism. Saturn in Pisces would indicate this being a good time to get control of such a thing, should you feel it’s a problem.

I feel addiction is enormous problem as I outlined here: Widespread Addiction & Where It’s Headed. This is in part due to Neptune in Pisces. People are addiction to drugs, alcohol, love, shopping, gambling (stock marker in this day and age)… and the most common addiction of all – the Internet.

Internet addiction takes many forms.  Addiction to news, addiction to Only Fans, drama, love, sex, gaming, Netflix, and the like. There’s always, TikTok or my personal vice – Twitter.

It struck me, the name. “Twitter”, indicates the hope or opportunity to twitter your time away.  This was not my intention when I got on the platform, but it was certainly the result.

Getting a handle on addiction with Saturn in Pisces is made difficult on one level, by the Pisces part of this equation.  Two fish swimming in opposite directions?  I see this manifest: I get some benefits from Twitter, but they cost me!

Point here, is we can all see the door but going through it takes, what?  Faith?  If I turn off this faucet of stimulation, what will happen.

Don’t tell me how you left Twitter. If you left Twitter, chances are your problem lie elsewhere. In other words, you left twitter to spend more time on your alternate Twitter.

Are you trying to get a handle on your addiction at this time? How’s it going?

29 thoughts on “Twittering My Life Away”

  1. Youtube started to be very weird and off-putting, things I don’t search for or am interested in. There was a specific period near the end of summer when it showed disturbing videos and I had to report two or three of them, it never went to that extent, it has been fairly moderated on things that it showed me. I thought it was one of their ‘things’ that they do in order to upset people and compile it into data. Screw it all. So I did one thing- started to read books again. It’s great, my attention span is increasing, nothing lost, only gained.

  2. I’m working on this. I turned some things off, but left others since I didn’t spend as much time on them. But then the importance of them grew because they were my only outlet. One of them will no longer be available to me soon because it’s changing to a subscription, and I am happy about it because I can’t make myself walk away from that one. But I am unhappy when I read it. The other, well it’s the last one. And it would cut me off completely. I don’t want to be cut off completely but I need more self control. So that’s where I am these days.

  3. the addiction to news started when the war broke out in Ukraine/Russia, and then now the Israel/Gaza, and it’s just spiral downward to nightmares and anxiety. (reading that psychologically messes a person up from reading too much bad news that we can’t control, and gives hyper anxiety and depression) plus reading about all the global warming and how it’s impacting the world. Outwardly i’m also noticing a decline in birth rates; younger generations from millenials to gen z don’t want to have babies in this depressed world they’re seeing. Trying to detach is a good thing, even if the new addiction is something good for your soul. i stopped watching news & reading so many news articles from all over the world, so much when i got nightmares;i was seeing people violently hurting eachother in the dreams. just like real life (the news) It’s so awful. As soon as i figured out the source i just changed the situation. my husband warned me to stay away from the news too, (we can’t control it and there’s nothing we can do) but i was curious to whats going on in the world. curiosity killed the cat.

  4. I do a little bit of everything and not a lot of anything to avoid addiction…l came close once or twice. l never Twittered. Scrolling, l have to watch…. l slept for 12 hours last night my subconscious working over time. Snatches of dreams forming…strange people in my house my bag (id) stolen and they took the house plants too.
    Elsa, l cant watch the wars either. l check the News. Read it. l cant watch the children being hurt…l have heard a hospital is surrounded. Bombing a hospital ( Saturn Picses).
    This is our modern world. l will say it again there is something wrong with our foundations– no longer fit for purpose.

  5. I think my time zone is an hour difference
    I wake I shut off the alarm I pick up my phone after I pee to keep myself awake as I must be at work at 5:30. It’s a tough job but it’s paying the bills. I know the drill with the phone it’s a Library in your hand it’s a Mini Theater ,an educator , if you are in a course of study.I have a Russian friend I met about 11 years ago. He has gone home to care for his father as he says America has ruined itself ,but when I met him, his phone was close and he told me that he was an electrician by trade a man of many trades actually ;an electrical system is not a complete electrical systems , a complete circuit is 2,so the phone represents one electrical system and our body has another and when joined It is perfectly unending electrical current
    Infinity so you can see the trick to addiction is letting go. We talked for great lengths of time about different ways that App makers or phone makers could put timers and pulse off or buzz your hand or some way to disconnect you as you naturally attached in this electrical system , it’s nature to continue?I need to walk out in the very cold weather right now which is probably 20 and start my car truck , as it will start giving me trouble more trouble than normal if I don’t warm her up OK hope this adds to the search of why?what?
    When? Power to you all, sorry for Pun!

  6. We finally kicked the alcohol. I’m glad I never signed up for twitter. Intermittent fasting is going strong as well. Thanks for being there all.

  7. Saturn is in my 8th. I would say I’m getting a handle on my addictions. I am 6 months sober from cannabis (and I stopped drinking alcohol too even though it wasn’t a problem). Social media and food were my next go-to’s, so I’m being mindful of those things. Tracking what I eat. Going for walks when I feel restless. Attempting to meditate. Basically taking back control over the things that I often do without thinking. I’m on step 4 of the 12 steps, which is a fearless and searching moral inventory…

    I’m still addicted to my phone but I’ve gone back to playing Solitaire – lol (or sometimes Tetris if I’m especially restless). It’s still a form of twiddling but I feel it’s an improvement over social media. It gives me a little escape, but doesn’t make me completely dissociate from reality. I can still hear things come up from my own subconscious while I’m playing. And it’s so much easier to stop when I’ve had my fill.

      1. Indeed it is! Any idea how many times a day I tell myself “stay in the boat” recently to maintain that sanity? (several to many)

    1. Oh yeah. I’ve felt that way for many, many years… but for me the effects have all been positive. Elsa’s content encourages me to check in with myself, as opposed to checking out. There are many opportunities here to lift up others, too. I will cop to being a health food junkie 😉

    2. Lol yes! Since I’ve left Fakebook three years ago, I’ve switched to Astrology forums, YouTube especially, and here on the Elsa Elsa website 😁

  8. Wanted to add a point about the moon and addiction which makes sense to me re: not having needs met and seeking ‘outside in’ rather than ‘inside out’ means aka inner child work. I’ve been reading ‘Through the Looking Glass Richard Idemon Vol 5 Weiser. Really good on what diff. moons need to feel nurtured and diff. types of love.

  9. I am very much truggling with this!! Like clocwork tiktok entered my life as saturn enetered pisces. I got it real bad, plus the alcohol and drugs which have been years long never dealt with. Tiktok is deeply seductive to a person with my astrological tendencies. I sceoll whole days away and dont even realize it. Only hope is, like the rest of the internet, corporate entities turn it into something terrible and unusable.

      1. Exactly like that. I’m mega-Pisces, the urge to succumb to it and worse, succumb to the succumbing (if that makes sense), is overwhelming. Like…whats the fuging point to any of it? Scroll scroll scroll. If a zombie apocalypse ever happened, I would be first in line to become a zombie. Resisting is absolutely exhausting.

  10. I stopped watching the news during the financial crisis. Too depressing.

    I hopped off of Twitter when Musk allowed Trump back.

    I have no activity on Facebook.

    I do, however, spend my time on Meta/Instagram.

    I am very aware of this is my additiction though. I do try to be mindful of who I am following, liking and commenting on, to create a space with positive, uplifting energy, due to the algorithms. This too, also adds to the addictive feeling in the long run unfortunately.

    I have discovered recently, that with Pisces on my 2nd house, my additiction could be something about art and buying art materials. I spend A LOT of time reading, researching the perfect art materials, and I feel this has been getting a bit out of hand…
    Ok, art is not the worst thing to be addicted to, but nevertheless, it’s not a good thing if it gets out of hand, mostly on your finances, but also because it creates stress when there is not enough time to actually… erhm, being artsy.

    A example: Today I placed another order for some colors, and then I immediately felt bad! I know the dopamine problems of my ADHD brain, so I asked the shop to annull my order.

    I felt very stupid, but also admitted to myself, that it was a very human thing to do, and I should instead focus on the fact that I chose to actually take care of not (over) spending my resources.


    The French have a saying that states “Be picky with your calories” …
    I like the philosophy of it.

    It can easily be translated to money, energy, time, stuff, finances. It doesn’t matter what it is. Just be picky, or you will never enjoy the true value in actually HAVING something because you actually NEED it.

  11. I’m totally harnessing this supportive energy!! The Libra/Aries eclipse access is also supporting the decision I’ve made to quit drinking alcohol. I have a lot of Pisces in my chart and although I’ve toyed with the idea several times in the past, I really FEEL a major difference this time around.

  12. I left social media behind early, it was clear to me what it was doing to people’s brains (and Tik-Tok likely takes the cake in that regard, but that’s another conversation). I have never used drugs, not even pot, and I do not use any medications. However: my wife and I were in a state with one of the worst lockdowns in the country. Saturn was conjunct my moon and I spent virtually the entire time numb and in a black depression. Ironically, it was when things opened back up again that I started self-medicating with alcohol. For a while there I abused the heck out of it trying to distance myself from what had happened to our city, our home, our lives. The behavior has ceased with Saturn in Pisces, it wasn’t completely unconscious behavior, but I am having to learn from zero about resilience, the aftereffects. Faith is definitely the focus for me, trying to believe in hope again.

  13. This is so good Elsa! I think a lot of what fuels addictive behavior for me is uncomfortable emotions. When I catch myself scrolling too much, I look and see what’s bubbling underneath. For me, it’s usually some emotion I don’t want to deal with. If I can just take a sec just to identify it, it kind of punctures the balloon. I don’t even have to go too deep into it if I don’t want to.

    On the best days I will get up and go for a walk or just do something physical and reflect on whatever I saw. For me, Venus, Mars, Mercury in Aries, movement really helps. On the worst days, I can’t disengage,, but at least I identified the issue and I can deal with it later. Or leave it to my subconscious to work out in a dream.

    I have a friend whose son got taken by Hamas. I was there for his birth and his first steps so it has been hard not to watch the news – I want to know the second he is freed. But it is so horrible awful sad sad sad.

  14. I have been doing this in increments. I stopped most alcohol since January-I don’t enjoy the feeling much any more. Plus it made me overweight.
    I was starting to get addicted to YouTube and it was fast becoming like FB for me (have been off that since 2013). The channels I subscribed to became my community and I’d attend a lot of LIVE sessions. It started to affect my daily schedule to get things done or exercise etc. So I removed from my iPhone and unsubscribed to the distracting channels. I feel much better though I miss the chats a bit. My partner noticed to I started talking as if chatting/ like intersecting movies with comments like I would in a LIVE chat which really annoyed him. I now only use YT for Yoga sessions, listening to old radio programs (mysteries, Art Bell), meditation, health videos a once a week movie viewing. I won’t be live chatting in that group anymore either.
    I had to remove my news app as like many folks here, the wars are just getting to be too horrific to read about everyday and like the woman’s husband said above “there’s nothing you can do about it.” I have more peace of mind though I still feel so sad about these wars going on as well as global warming. I have to remember to using phones and computers to surf the web, each search uses as much energy as boiling a kettle of water every search and that’s got to heat up the planet with us all doing that 24/7 all over the globe. So I’m just reading books more.

  15. I have been doing this in increments. I stopped most alcohol since January-I don’t enjoy the feeling much any more. Plus it made me overweight.
    I was starting to get addicted to YouTube and it was fast becoming like FB for me (have been off that since 2013). The channels I subscribed to became my community and I’d attend a lot of LIVE sessions. It started to affect my daily schedule to get things done or exercise etc. So I removed from my iPhone and unsubscribed to the distracting channels. I feel much better though I miss the chats a bit. My partner noticed to I started talking as if chatting/ like intersecting movies with comments like I would in a LIVE chat which really annoyed him. I now only use YT for Yoga sessions, listening to old radio programs (mysteries, Art Bell), meditation, health videos a once a week movie viewing. I won’t be live chatting in that group anymore either.
    I had to remove my news app as like many folks here, the wars are just getting to be too horrific to read about everyday and like the woman’s husband said above “there’s nothing you can do about it.” I have more peace of mind though I still feel so sad about these wars going on as well as global warming. I have to remember to using phones and computers to surf the web, each search uses as much energy as boiling a kettle of water every search and that’s got to heat up the planet with us all doing that 24/7 all over the globe. So I’m just reading books more.

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