Weekend Love Forecast – REAL Gains With Venus, Saturn, AND Jupiter

rocket jupiter camFriday night, the Leo Moon moves out of square with stationing Uranus in Taurus (yay!) and into quincunx with Pisces Neptune (yay?). The Aquarius Sun perfects its square to Taurus Jupiter, and Capricorn Mercury closes the gap in its conjunction to Mars, exact by Saturday morning.

While things may feel out of control, the answer isn’t to focus on controlling the mood. Imagination and compassion feel better. Music feels better. Use that to control how you speak, perceive, and act. Can you tell yourself a better quality story? Co-regulate by watching, reading, or listening to someone else acting out a story. OR, go out and participate in a new story yourself.

We don’t control what we or others feel; we control how we think about, communicate, and handle it. Connection and participation are key to life-affirming conditions.

Capricorn Venus sextiles Pisces Saturn through Saturday night. Why exactly is it important to control yourself in this way? Because you benefit. If done right (with heart and gravitas), we all benefit. Follow through matters, and how it’s done matters even more. The spirit of cooperation, the kindness… they matter more than just getting it done. They ARE the point.

Saturday night, the Mercury-ruled Virgo Moon lights up an earthy grand trine with Venus and Jupiter – a kite when you include the Moon’s opposition to Saturn. This kite SAILS. Saturn rules Capricorn. When we know better, we do better. When we commit to BOTH, we feel better (we ARE better, for ourselves and others). In terms of the collective mood, consider it an opportunity to respond with your BEST SELF… from the heart. Whatever happens, we’re supported. The universe has your back. If it doesn’t look like it, you’re not seeing it yet. Keep looking.

Sunday afternoon, Mercury perfects its trine to stationing/newly direct Uranus. All weekend, Mars trines Uranus. All are in earth; both are in either Saturn or Venus-ruled signs. Upgrading our attitudes, communications, the way we approach our perceptions, and what we do with that knowledge has a profound effect on concrete outcomes. Can we change? Absolutely. We can also benefit personally from that change. It’s an upgrade. Level up. Look for that opportunity so you see it when it comes.

Sunday’s Virgo Moon quincunxes the Sun and heads into a grand trine with Mars and Mercury and direct Uranus. All good things require differing amounts of cognition and follow through. We are in the process of assimilating them into our path. Some have to work harder (or smarter) than others, but everything requires us to get out of a rut and accept something new. Luckily, it all feels terrifically satisfying when we do!

Luckily… what else is clicking in on Sunday, in effect most of the weekend? Venus trines Jupiter. In earth signs, direct, forward, and REAL. BIG good time! Large gains! Broadcasting for the good of all. Do you feel lucky?

Do you have any weekend plans?

10 thoughts on “Weekend Love Forecast – REAL Gains With Venus, Saturn, AND Jupiter”

  1. Great article! 🙂 I hope the Uranus stationing direct brings some forward movement and momentum, the past week has felt like a strange twilight zone since Pluto entered Aquarius, a real uncertainty about a future that seems hard to grasp, and nigh on impossible to work out.

    Now Uranus will be direct, it will be on its little mission to finally leaving my 4th (entered exactly a week before lockdown in 2020) and entering my 5th house in four months time 🎉 and that’s definitely a YAY!

    1. I second this sense of the weirdness of time, Mermaid. My head is full of all the “visioning” of what I want to do and be and accomplish in 2024 (typical New Year’s thinking) but it all is swirling and I can’t seem to either make progress OR let it go.
      Maybe the arrival of the Dragon on February 20 will give us some clarity and traction.

  2. I am liking this Jupiter/Saturn energy trining and sextiling my earth/water planets. I just finished the first week of new classes and it was an unusally smooth transition. Yay!

  3. Hey, I was listed as the author of this post, until right now when I noticed! It’s obvs, Satori. This happened because of the site trouble. I’m sorry. I’ve straightened it out.:)

  4. Venus trine Jupiter! Yea, I was born with those two conjunct. I feel the luck and happiness growing. Let go of a few inches of hair, and enjoyed an hour of glorious reiki treatment yesterday.

    I’d forgotten how it feels to be relaxed. Remember now Venus🥰

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