Weekly Forecast: February 12-16, 2024 – Valentine’s Week

Monday morning the Moon finishes up in Pisces with a sextile to a last degree Mars in Capricorn. This is also the last full day of Capricorn Venus in sextile to Pisces-ruler Neptune (exact early Tuesday). So rise and be shiny! Make a wish and follow it up with some boots on the ground! Opportunities like this don’t wait.

However, the Moon moves on quickly to Aries and a sextile to Pluto. So there’s plenty of oomph as the mood is high-powered. The Aries Moon then moves through the midpoint of the Jupiter-Saturn sextile and into the beginnings of a sextile with Aquarius Mercury as Mars heads into Aquarius by night. The fiery mood is steadied: not too hard, not too fast. The emotional drive fires up the brain cells and the senses, and physical connections are popping. Mars slips into higher gear and the body agrees with the mind.

Early Tuesday, the Aries Moon perfects its sextile to Mercury (aha!), the Venus-Neptune sextile is exact (sweet possibilities), and the Moon goes on to conjoin Chiron on the north node as we’re drawn toward our better self in action (know better, do better). Rewards and treats are likely.

Mars spends the day in active conjunction to Pluto, and the moves we make carry a power and intensity that is volcanic and unexpected. As Mercury begins a sextile with Chiron (exact Thursday), it also begins a square to Aquarius-ruler Uranus (exact Friday night). The mood highlights both a path to growth and the high road, AND enough attractive (shocking?) alternatives to make our heads spin. What we need to do is avoid self-sabotage (see: to hoist on one’s own petard). Expect the unexpected will complicate things when it comes to news, communications, and observations.

By afternoon, the Aries Moon sextiles the Aquarius Sun then heads into square with Venus in Capricorn. Set your course with your highest ideals in mind and you’ll weather the unknowns with panache (even if it’s not entirely comfortable).

On Wednesday, the Moon finishes up in Aries then heads into Taurus to square Pluto and Mars. The mood softens and sweetens, but it’s a sore match for the intensity in Aquarius. If you’re in a good mood, it’s a bummer, an irritation of mismatched energy. If you’re in a bad mood, it’s desperately hurt feelings. Forewarned is forearmed. Such powerful, fixed moods have staying power once activated.

In any case, the Taurus Moon goes on to sextile Saturn and conjoin Jupiter. If you’re keen to stay on track, there’s a way to find equilibrium. Find that way and you can ride on high for the rest of the day.

Thursday’s Taurus Moon squares Mercury and goes on to conjoin Uranus, highlighting the Mercury-Uranus square. In addition, Mars picks up on a budding square to Jupiter which ups the intensity and elevates any erratic urge to act on what we hear (feel, sense). Don’t let anxiety drive your mood and remember what you want. Just because something pops up doesn’t make it a priority.

Friday morning, the Taurus Moon sextiles Neptune, and Taurus-ruled Venus moves to join the stellium in Aquarius. Venus heads right into conjunction with Pluto, and by extension Mars. The effect on the mood is volcanic, but this time it’s likely in a good way. We’ve got a bit of the fun kind of tranquilizer going with that Neptune contact. Maybe we’re getting the hang of this.

Pluto comes to tilt and shake our world, but Venus makes it sweet… and the Moon feels good. Good for us? Who knows. Maybe feels good is enough for the moment. BUT, with Mercury square Uranus – pay attention to what it all means. Upgrade your thinking.

The Taurus Moon squares the Aquarius Sun. It then heads into Mercury-ruled Gemini where it trines Venus, Pluto, and Mars. The Mercury-Uranus square continues, but the mood is GOOD TO GO. We can take it all in and make something better than good. A nimble mood facilitates discernment. Bring on the interesting entanglements!

The Gemini Moon goes on to oppose Pallas Athena in Sagittarius then squares Saturn overnight. It’s a broad t-square, but the mood likes this kind of puzzle. It’s a GAME! The rules are the challenge and the rules SHIFT and CHANGE! La, how jolly. Or not. You can always sit this one out.

End of Capricorn Venus sextiles Neptune right before Valentine’s Day. What are you wishing for? What does Valentine’s Day mean for you this year?

4 thoughts on “Weekly Forecast: February 12-16, 2024 – Valentine’s Week”

  1. Honestly, I thank my lucky stars I’m single! With those Venus and Mars conjunct Pluto energies, triggered off by a square from a first quarter Moon, and hanging around over our heads like the Sword of Damocles this week, I won’t get any nasty surprises.

    This all looks like sudden conflicts and break ups from leftfield, given its Valentine’s week, and given it is BOTH relationship planets involved.

    How would these energies play out for those NOT in a relationship? I’m guessing maybe a new relationship cycle though, or a paradigm shift.

  2. Twisted bowel. No, l don’t have one thankfully, but it feels like the energy out there atm. There is suffering and ‘holding on’ for some because there has been a shift, but some are pretending it hasnt happened. It is also stinking hot!
    ‘Know better, do better’ you said Satori.
    We lost a man of the neighbourhood recently. I dont know he was a Picses (but he was). Another man l know a Gemini is pretending he is ok. I have spoken to him about ‘not pretending’ that Saturn in inches away…he is a pain, not very helpful, often rude but l know his story.

  3. Oh on Valentine’s Day it’s my 10 years anniversary of being together. Still going strong. I hope nothing wrecks it tho.

    I was scared of the Pluto opposite my Venus , but until now it resulted in me quitting a friendship with a toxic friend. Ofcourse she tried to hurt me after calling it quits. But there’s nothing lost in that friendship.
    I applied for a job tho parttime . Hope I’m more lucky now. Saturn is about to enter my 6th tho. So I’m looking for experiences , since it will also oppose my natal Saturn.


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