Weekend Love Forecast – New Moon In Pisces

pisces two fishFriday afternoon, the Aquarius Moon sails off a conjunction to Venus, into the void until it hits Pisces in the evening. Even so, it doesn’t make any new, major aspects till it conjoins Saturn on Saturday.

But a Moon is still a Moon, and we still get the feelies… maybe moreso when the collective mood is in a vacuum. Early on, there’s an inclination to ping around a bit, possibly distract ourselves and turn toward what satisfies, what feels pleasurable. Later, the Moon reflects the past exact Mercury-Neptune conjunction in Pisces, an opportunity to muse, idealize, and fantasize… or to feel sorry for oneself.

In any case, nothing happens in a vacuum; it’s just that other influences come forward. It’s a dark moon, and Aquarius Mars heads into square with Uranus as the Pisces Sun moves to sextile it (exact simultaneously Saturday afternoon/eve). Our best bet is to do our darnedest to improve both ourselves and our actions (oh yeah, that’s such novel advice) while minimizing the likelihood that we’ll do so imperfectly (and eff things up, at least a little bit). But, you know, at least after five we can have a drink (or cookie, or Netflix).

Saturday afternoon, the Pisces Moon sextiles Jupiter as Mars and the Sun perfect their outrageously tight aspects (at the same time!) to Uranus. It’s a shocking display of “all’s well that ends well”, but we just aren’t to the “ends well” part yet. Have faith! A lot of it… cos Jupiter’s right there. Whatever you’ve done or are doing, have some faith that it’ll turn out as it should… maybe not how you’d LIKE, but as is ordained by fate. Because that’s how things work if you don’t get too worked up. We’re part of the meaning-making, and it’s okay to feel pretty good about that.

What I’m saying is stay out of your own way, out of fate’s way. Relax and believe just enough to let it all float. Relax, but feel free to smile and paddle around the pool a bit. Marco……. Polo!

Saturday night, Mercury moves from Pisces to Aries, onto the Aries point (zero degree of Aries and the beginning of the zodiac. This puts Mercury, our senses/communications/attitude/mind, on the beginning of the wheel and in aspect of opportunity (sextile) with powerhouse Pluto. That’s like a rocket underneath… ready for ignition. I think we’re about to figure things out… in volcanic fashion.

And then what? As that rocket is smoldering, in the process of sparking, the Pisces Moon conjoins the Sun overnight, the new moon. Whether or not you stayed out of your own way, whether or not the universe came through with an aha moment or something to show for it, the light comes back. And it’s time to double down on your faith in a better outcome. It’s time to light a candle and make a wish.

Sunday morning, the new Pisces Moon conjoins Neptune, and the mood is watery and malleable. We’re still in that magical moment when reality itself is still in flux. Saturn in Pisces continues along in sexile to Jupiter in Taurus, so the possiblities are still expanding and contracting.

Sunday afternoon, Mercury perfects its sextile to Pluto, and a few hours later the Moon moves to Aries to highlight it. So we get a chance to think things over, mull it over, before the mood gives a fantastically motivating kick in the pants. Or possibly diarrhea. I suppose in some ways that is also a great motivator.

In any case, action is imminent.

The new moon takes place at 20 degrees Pisces. Where is it hitting your chart? Do you have any weekend plans?

2 thoughts on “Weekend Love Forecast – New Moon In Pisces”

  1. I had to laugh, Satori. We are in a 3 day heat wave here 38 + temps…the local pools are closed due to ‘contagious diarrhea’.
    I am taking your advice about ‘staying out of ones own way’.
    This new moon is in the 1st exact trine Mars Cancer (it also picks up the sextile from Trs Uranus Taurus 3rd… trs Mars Aqu 12th is shaking up a few things, but l am not jumping at ‘shadows’. Mine or other peoples:)

    Plans afoot step-by-step. A little bit of progress is still progress.

  2. Heavens! New Moon cozying up to transit Mercury conjuncting my 1° Aries natal Mercury. Not sure what I’m trying to figure out, but I love the “light a candle and make a wish” approach!
    🙏❤ for you, Satori.

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