October 2006

She Wants Copious Amounts Of Sex No Man Can Deliver: Aries Sun, Scorpio Ascendent

Dear ElsaElsa! I just love your blog! I like your insightfulness and your straightforwardness: no beating about the bush! Your posting on the mars-scorpio-sex-OCD-connection touched me! A wonderful example of how directness and empathy can go hand-in-hand, indeed! I am an Aries with Scorpio rising myself, so I do relate to this urge to” express

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The Secret Lives of Virgo – Redux: A Handy Example

I have Virgo in my chart, and as acutely aware as I am of my secret lives, Scott read this post yesterday and shocked me with this observation: Most of you know I write a lot of true stories, accounts of various experiences I’ve had. And I have this ability to recall dialogue, verbatim. From

Family Trouble: I Grew Up In A Religious Home, I Now Study Astrology

Hi Elsa, I am having trouble relating to my sisters. I talk to them all very superficially, but I feel I cannot be myself around them. We grew up in a religious home (evangelical Christians) but I am not religious. I curse like a trucker, I am pro-choice, I hang out with all kinds of

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Are Your Problems Real Or Hologram?

I was talking to Scott yesterday, he’s been having some trouble. I hate it when my friends are suffering, even more than when I’m suffering myself. Especially when there is little you can do. Anyway, we were talking and he came off with this: “Oh, Elsie don’t worry about me. You have terrible problems and

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