September 2008

I Feel Paralyzed, 100 Years Old – Saturn Transit Conjunct Natal Pluto

Elsa, Transiting Saturn is sitting right on my Pluto in Virgo and I feel like I’m a hundred years old and that my head is made of lead, not to mention completely paralyzed by lack of energy and feeling blocked on all sides. Is anyone else in my generation feeling this? How is it manifesting? […]

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Taurus Body Type, We’re Talkin’ Solid

“P, I think I have the classic 5 gallon bucket filled with concrete body. You know how they fill up 5 gallon buckets with concrete and set them around?” “I do.” “Some drunk comes out… wants to kick somethin’, he’s all drunk. Kick a wall, kick something. So he sees one of those buckets, kicks

Saturn Opposing Uranus And The Case Of The Girl With The Ugly White Boots

I wrote several posts over the weekend about the so-called freedom-loving progressives (Uranus) who actually try to oppress and control (Saturn) other people. You are going see a lot more of this as Saturn opposes Uranus (first exact aspect is on November 4th, 2008, election day). Now I am going to hammer on this upcoming

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Oppositions In Astrology? Check The Dynamics Of The “Disruptions” On This Blog

There are hot comments on Gaslighting Redux regarding people who hate me or get pissed off at me due this blog and May writes “What if you’re just a naturally disruptive person? Like you just have this Uranus energy?” I might be but I think it is more likely it is other who is naturally

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Pluto Transit To The Moon – Mine: Dora the Manipulator… “In The Right Family Now”

“You’ve met your match now, sneaky ass dog,” the soldier said looking down at Dora’s poker face. “Who?” I asked. “You and her. She’s a sneaky dog.” “I know, I’ve seen her. She’s pullin’ all kinds of crap.” “Yeah, you’re in the right family now,” he said, addressing Dora directly. “These people are going to

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