October 2011

Bitchy Persona

It occurs to me the whole bitch persona is going out of vogue. Do you know what I’m talking about? I mean that anti-social, snob, critical, condescending air that some put on? You’re going to really need talent to pull that off in these (soon to come) days. In fact, I don’t think it will […]

two lovers

Best Case Scenario In Synastry

This was for a client in regards to a potential relationship: “There is definite affinity and attraction here as well as long term potential provided both parties want that and are willing and interested in overcoming impediment to being with another.  Notice I said “another” not “each other”. This is because the problems that exist

Saturn girl

Can You Work Off Your Karma? When Does Obligation End?

I wonder how people feel about the idea that you can work off your karma. I have felt this is possible but I want to hear opinions from deep thinkers out there. Let’s say, I am born and I feel an obligation to someone. And let’s say I act in accord with my feelings for

People Who Bring Out The Worst In You

Most of us have met someone (and perhaps dated or married them) who brought out the worst in us, whatever that might be.  Raging jealousy, insecurity, addictive or compulsive behavior, etc. What do you think is the appeal with this?  Can you tie the astrology?

Baudelaire Orphans

Judgement And Feelings: Saturn, Moon And Validation

“Someone feeling wronged is like someone feeling thirsty. Don’t tell them they aren’t.” –Lemony Snicket Venus in Scorpio is aspecting my Saturn Moon today. Due to varying Pluto Venus-type connections there’s been a lot of talk recently about “corpses” returning. Today the corpse was me. Of course with Mars transiting my 12th house I was

my grandmother's waste paper basket

Different Ways Of Expressing The Same Energy

“That which does not kill us should make us breakfast.” –a guy I used to know There’s an interesting discussion over on the boards regarding the use of dead bodies for science, The Body Farm: Dead Bodies Lying All Around. That’s very Mercury Venus in Scorpio, for sure, talking about (Mercury) what you prefer (Venus)

Does Karma Always Come Around?

I was talking to client who is an investigator of some type. He’s the brain who digs in the records and discovers your petty (or not so petty) bullshit you’ve been pulling. I can just imagine the people he busts. They’d go right into denial until someone shows them the tape and they realize it’s

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