October 2011

Pluto small

The Conditions At The End Of Your Life

Considering my mother’s situation, I have learned something new about death.  I think people imagine their passing will somehow be painless.  They think they’ll die suddenly or that doctors will be able to control their pain and ease them on out. My mother is not in physical pain but she is feeling anguish. She is […]

My Mother – Food For Your Soul

My mother is expected to die within six months. This is a formal estimate. The woman who would know has intimated to both, Annalisa and I that she expects her to die much sooner. We still don’t know specifically what she is to die from so we are left to guess. I quit calling myself


Astrology And Allergies

“There are only two things I can’t stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people’s cultures… and the Dutch.” –Nigel Powers, “Goldmember” Allergies are a reaction, a sensitivity, to agents in one’s environment. The most obvious examples of allergies are physical reactions, when particulates cause a physical reaction in the body. Sensitivity


Enduring Difficult Times In Your Life

I don’t care who you are, eventually you are going to hit a difficult period in your life.  You’re simply going to have to pass through some kind of keyhole. It might be akin to crossing a field of fire. It might be a lonely period where it feels as if you’re floating on some

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