February 2012

Venus beauty

Venus And Self Esteem

The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.” ― Joseph Campbell Where in the chart is the key to self esteem? Well, the Moon shows our needs for emotional satisfaction, but esteem, the word itself, is more closely aligned with valuation. What we find valuable relates more to Venus, though these issues can



I inherited $143.35 from my mother this week.  I’ve had a very hard time articulating how I feel about this, mostly because the way other people feel about this, or how they view it intellectually does not connect with my own reality. Annalisa inherited $143.35 as well and you may recall that our ascendents are


Differences Between Venus And The Moon

“Lust is what keeps you wanting to do it even when you have no desire to be with each other. Love is what makes you want to be with each other even when you have no desire to do it.”                                                         –Judith Viorst The meaning of Venus was recently brought up in the forum. It

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