January 2016

Mercury In Retrograde & Getting Married

Hi, Elsa, Mercury is in retrograde, I’m a little nervous about the wedding. Actually the plans were fine up until we entered retrograde then it all fell apart. The wedding is still on. Now my fiancé threw a promotion that he received at me. Did he have to accept it no. He really wants the

Can Fate Be Changed?

Let’s say you’re a soldier, ordered into battle where odds are that you will not survive.  If this were me, I would probably accept and ultimately embrace this as my fate. I’d follow the order and I would either die or not.

Client Testimonial: Unknown Writer In Regards To A Consultation

It’s been 40 days since my consult with Elsa and it’s taken this time to process the unfathomable that she unearthed…to begin to write about the un-nameable that has laid waste to my life over and over again via natal Uranus (shocking) and Pluto (obliteration) in the Seventh House. When all was said and done,

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