1 Minute Astrology: Surviving A 12th House Pluto Transit
It’s been about ten years since I made a video. I’m showing signs of life! Is Pluto transiting your 12th house? How’s it going?
It’s been about ten years since I made a video. I’m showing signs of life! Is Pluto transiting your 12th house? How’s it going?
PurpleStarGirl asks on Discuss The Astrological Study Of Love & Relationships: “Does Sun/Venus synastry count as powerful? And is that particular aspect seen more often in friendships or romantic relationships?” Sun/Venus is a positive connection in any relationship. Venus favors the sun and the sun appreciates Venus’ good taste. But I’d not characterize it as
Having Libra in my chart and planets in the 7th house, I’ve had a lifelong interest in how people relate. I write about it quite a bit, tag – Synastry. I also found these threads in the forum. What in synastry shows sexual compatibility and physical attraction? Most powerful aspects in synastry? True Love Aspects
I was listening the radio; someone asked a man who was nearing his death, what he felt was his greatest gift. He had an interesting answer; especially considering the astrology. “Final perseverance”. How’s that for Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn?
I wrote this for a client: “…You have a deep fear that you suck. If you invest in that, you will wind up rejecting someone, as a preemptive strike. You feel you will be rejected so you beat them to it. If you don’t control this tendency, you’re going to reject everyone in an attempt
Dear Elsa, I will soon be turning forty. I never thought I would go through a mid-life crisis phase, but I feel I may be in the depths of one. I married at the age of nineteen and we’ve been married for almost 21 years. We have two wonderful teen-age daughters and I will graduate
Does what go around come around? Is comeuppance guaranteed? Do some people get a pass in life? I was prompted to think about this a number of years ago when I attended a local NCGR meeting. The gal presenting made a compelling argument that some (evil) people did get away with things. She chocked the
One of Gemini’s most notable quirks is their tendency to pick up on the speech patterns of others. Being a mutable sign ruled by Mercury, they naturally become chameleons, matching their communication to their environment. This is why Gemini is great at getting along with other people, but boy, can it get them into trouble!