November 2022

Virgo girl glitter

Virgo With Saturn In Pisces

I worked with a Virgo client today, who has natal Saturn in Pisces.  She’s headed for her Saturn return. I got an early idea how Saturn in Pisces will work for Virgo; what’s the job here? I think this gal’s situation is highly relatable and it has some key pieces. The client is currently in

Neptune gorgeous

Neptune Direct: December 3, 2022 – Money Disappears

People rarely notice Neptune changing direction.  I doubt it’s any different this time but you may want to let it register this time around because the effects are likely to be experienced. A planet’s energy is amplified when the body slows down to change direction, so there is that. Neptune is conjunct Jupiter at this

What Is A Twenty-Something Woman Looking For In A Partner?

What is a zoomer age woman looking for in regards to a serious partnership. This post is counterpart to the prior post asking what a young man is looking for in a partner. So what do you think?  What does a man need to attract a mate for a serious, long term relationship? Can astrology

love cupid

What Is A Twenty-Something Man Looking For In A Partner?

What’s a zoomer age man looking for in regards to a serious partnership.  Someone asked my husband this question… we also addressed it on this blog a number of years ago but what about now, in the right-now-today world? If a young woman would like to marry and have children, how do you think she

pluto planet red

Pluto Transit Conjunct Descendant With Saturn Transiting 8th House

I’ve had a streak of of clients with late degree Cancer risings. This put transiting Pluto conjunct their descendent with transiting Saturn heading into their 8th house. This is just a heads up. I have talked to half dozen people in this circumstance over this last week.  I don’t think people are putting these transits together

Saturn Planet

Transiting Saturn Changing Houses

It takes Saturn 28.5 years to transit through all the signs and houses in your natal chart. Recently I’ve had a string of clients with transiting Saturn leaving one house and entering another.  This is a significant event. I realized there is not much out there about this so I want to feel the void.

mars head

Mars Retrograde In Gemini – Whoops! I Lied

A client mentioned she felt Mars retrograde in Gemini was acting similar to Mercury retrograde. I’m usually a purist with things like this but I think she’s right. The square to Neptune isn’t helping! When I was reminded that Mars will not turn direct until mid-January, I thought I should write something. When I posted

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