December 2022

new headache

Mind Tricks & Defensive Mental Blocks

I’m driven to think but it’s hard to do at this time due to the firehose spray of misinformation that we’re inundated with hour by hour, day in and day out.  I’ve looked for tricky ways to help me discern. See: Truth Floating In A Sea Of Lies. I’ve been successful but it’s nowhere near

Venus Square Neptune Effects – Delusion In Love

Venus in aspect with Neptune (also applies to Venus in Pisces, or Venus in the 12th) gives dreamy ethereal heavenly love. I write from experience! Venus Neptune fantasizes love and is able to temporarily create heaven on earth in relationship. There is an abundance of faith and an aversion to reality in love. They do

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learning curve

Jupiter Uranus: Truth Upended – Changing Worldview

“A worldview or world-view is the fundamental cognitive orientation of an individual or society encompassing the whole of the individual’s or society’s knowledge and point of view.” – wikipedia Having discovered the various levels and endless layers of lies and deception that surround me, I’ve been updating my worldview. It’s quite a bit of work

ElsaElsa ask the collective

Vacillating Between Love & Hate

Sometimes I see a person who seems to cycle back and forth between love and hate.  They love, love, love someone… and then they hate that same person with fervor. Then they love them again and you just know the hate is around the corner. Further, if the person engages with a different individual, the

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