October 2023

Scorpio Energy vs Pisces Energy

We’ve got an abundance of Scorpio and Pisces energy right now. This is from 2007 and on topic as far as Scorpio and the exchange of energy. Rox asks: “You say that Scorpios absorb other people’s energy and being one I can say this is totally correct. I find I’m a magnifying glass. Whatever emotion

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Plutonian copyright

How To Survive A Pluto Transit

It’s not uncommon a person wants to die during the throes of a Pluto transit.  Sorry, but this is not allowed! I know these transits are freakishly painful. I just had to advise a client to play dead as a tactic to get through her day. I’m talking about pulling your horns in when you

stay in the boat

Current Mood: Restlessness, Emotional Shock & Confusion

You may not know how to feel today. The collective emotion seems scrambled with the moon conjunct Uranus, post the eclipse. Mental restlessness is also a thing with the Mercury Mars conjunction in Scorpio exact today, opposing Jupiter.  Venus in Virgo opposing Neptune confuses and adds to the mental stress. I’ve just made this sound

mom clothing

My Daughter Has Her Moon square Venus – Help!

Hi Elsa, My daughter has Moon in Cancer square Venus in Libra in her chart. Both planets in domicile but in a square. I’ve read the interpretation of this aspect in my many various Astro books, etc. Many of the interpretations show many difficulties. Any advice on how to support her meeting those planets needs?

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