October 2023


8th House Perspective: Stabbed In Back? No Problem!

I have been talking about being the one to “hold the knife”. I don’t realize I’m talking in code. Here’s the root of this… ~~ I’m often asked about this series of posts regarding the use of other people’s negative energy. I wrote this fifteen years ago but it’s the kind of thing that will […]

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Venus Inconjunct Pluto – Corpses In Denial

Venus Pluto relates to what I call “corpses”. These are people and things, dead in your life, that come back to haunt. (Search “step away from the corpse” on this blog). Under the inconjunct, I’ve noticed people showing up with a story; their view of what transpired between the two of you. Hard to say


Worldwide Psychodrama: Help To Exit The Matrix

I went to three years of therapy back in the early 90’s when the huge stellium in Capricorn was crossing my ascendant.  I’m talking about the years when the Mega Capricorns were born. One of the first ideas I was introduced was the family system.  The therapist described the whole sick family, tossed down in

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