The Galactic Center

Galactic Center“There’s a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza; there’s a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, a hole.”
–Traditional Children’s Song

The Galactic Center is of course the very center of our galaxy, the Milky Way. It is located at 26 degrees Sagittarius, with a definite orb of 2 degrees and affectively even a few degrees further. Exactly at this center is a super-massive black hole. Black holes have such incredible mass that they also have a super-massive gravity field; they suck in.

Our Galactic Center (GC) black hole also puts out. It radiates strong radio waves. Because of the orb of the GC it has been postulated that the Moon does not have a void of course phase when exiting Sagittarius.

Planets aspecting the GC and the house in which the GC falls are energized by this massive force. It strengthens their importance in a chart. A heightened sensitivity is also associated with those whose placements resonate with the GC.

Do you have planets at the GC or in aspect?

88 thoughts on “The Galactic Center”

  1. Neptune at 26 degrees Sag —
    Love to to know more about the GC

    I also have Uranus at 4 Sag and Moon at 0 – though this doesn’t aspect the GC

  2. if something doesn’t quite sit right yet, I find it helpful to google stuff and see what other people are saying about their own placements. it gives you an overall flavour that slowly permeates your understanding. 🙂

  3. Hey rstuarthaas,
    you also have Lilith trine GC (mine is at 28 Leo).
    What do you think it means? What are you like? :))

  4. ScorpioR- The dark feminine nicely aspecting a furiously charged black hole….?

    I think we could star in a movie!

  5. Avatar

    lol what genre?

    Based on what Satori said, the dark feminine should come easily to us. I suddenly feel more powerful :))

    Is there a positive association with Lilith?

  6. Mahchi,

    I too have my natal sun conjunct the GC and my family calls me the “Forest Gump of disasters”. If something big happens in the world I just happen to be involved, never decimated (yet) but always on the edge… 9/11, SARS, Bali Bombings, Lehman Brothers and some positive world events thrown in for good measure. I can always see & feel the true nature of what is behind these events. This lifetime has been an interesting ride…

    Kat astro

  7. I have my midheaven at 24-18 Sagitarius. What does that mean?

    What is the degree of the super galactic center?
    Thank you, Dorothy

  8. Interesting post. I have my IC trine the GC (27 Leo) and North Node conjunct GC at 26 Sag.

    As a relative newcomer to astrology, I haven’t yet worked out what this means for me!

  9. Interesting, Satori, I also have Leo Rising and Moon in Cap, but Saturn in Pisces…

    Just started researching this GC information. If I understand correctly, the GC has a black hole at its center that sucks, draws, pulls you in…so are the vibes that being sent out meant to draw you closer to the GC information? And what information are these vibes drawing us in to? What is inside this GC?

    Divine Feminine?

    Thank you.

  10. Hi again, Elsa! My ascendant is at 26 degrees Sagittarius. My chart is kinda wacky…I have no planets in the first 5 houses and my sun, venus, mercury, jupiter, (all in leo) and north node is in my 8th house.

  11. I have sun at 25.45 degrees Sag, as well as Jupiter at 22.49 degrees Sag and Neptune at 28.51. I first discovered the galactic center in my chart from a dream I had in November of 2010. A life changing year for me as I decided to simplify my life by selling my house, donating 90 percent of my possessions which led to me traveling by backpack for 6 months working on farms and helping people with a fellow Sag partner. On my journey I was gifted the book Deep Space Astrology which brought to my attention the use of the galactic center in astrology and how different planetary aspects relate to the energy of the galactic center. I have recently become reminded of this in my chart and I am curious to understand it more. I have natural tendencies towards healing myself and teaching loved ones what works for me, however I do not make a living doing this. I am also very connected with sound healing and

  12. I have sun at 25.45 degrees Sag, as well as Jupiter at 22.49 degrees Sag and Neptune at 28.51. I first discovered the galactic center in my chart from a dream I had in November of 2010. A life changing year for me as I decided to simplify my life by selling my house, donating 90 percent of my possessions which led to me traveling by backpack for 6 months working on farms and helping people with a fellow Sag partner. On my journey I was gifted the book Deep Space Astrology helped me to understand the use of the galactic center in astrology and how different planetary aspects relate to the energy of the galactic center. I have recently become reminded of this in my chart and I am curious to understand it more. I have natural tendencies towards healing myself and teaching loved ones what works for me, however I do not make a living doing this. I am also very connected with sound healing and creative forms of expression including sculpture, building, cooking, and music. I’ve always had grand ideas, but the ability to remain fairly practical about seeing them through. My mind often seeks to find unity in opposing views. I know this is long winded, however I appreciate the opportunity to share and would love to see this addressed in astrology more often. Thanks! 🙂

  13. So, what about the GC in the Heliocentric chart?
    I mean, when the Personal Planet is on GC.
    I`ve been told that this is the same, but has some specific (collective) nature and that it gives some extra strenght, (or even the mission)to the Planet it touches.


  14. I have the Galactic Center on my AC at 26 degree’s Sagittarius and it’s conjunct Neptune(rx)in my 12th House Sagittarius! I can’t find any information on this aspect and I’m apart of a few astrology group’s on Facebook but no one seems to be able to interpret this particular position, or how it play’s out in my natal chart.
    Can anyone give me insight into this please?!

    1. Karen, My boyfriend has the same – neptune conjunct GC in Sagittarius in 12th house. I’m trying get to find out more information – please let me know if you find out more!

  15. Is it possible to get an update on this Topic? I am curious how it would resonate in 10th H Sagittarius with Sun and Saturn at 28 degrees and Mercury at 9. Native in 2nd Saturn Return as of last week.
    It’s a busy House Party for this Dec Girl!
    Feels a positive goodness already ⚛


  16. GC lands in my 9th house, trine my Sun in Aries in the 12th and Saturn in Leo in the 4th. Just researching this for the first time. Interesting!!

  17. The Galactic Center hits my 26 Sagittarius Ascendant. I’ve noticed several others here have that exact placement—and none of them knows what it means. Neither do I.

    Saturn makes an exact trine from my 9th house, in Leo.

    As a child Mom said I had a relationship with God that most people only wished they had. It was a very easy, intuitive connection. I wonder if connecting to the divine feels natural for those with planets or points aligned with the GC?

    1. I think that’s possible NMC. Maybe since the galactic center emits so much energy, it super charges the degree and the qualities of the sign its and and it aspects. Sag is a spiritual sign already. I really don’t quite understand it either. It would be interesting to look at peoples charts who have it or aspects to it prominant.

  18. No wonder my soul feels like a giant blackhole. SN/Neptune 29* Sag Square Sun/Moon Pisces at 24/26*. Venus 25 degrees Aries. Maybe that’s why I always feel like I have so much energy pulling me deeper into my soul. Maybe.

  19. GC forms a grand time with my Mercury (Aries) and Uranus. It’s also exact with the 6th house. It’s a very powerful input channel!

  20. I have Mars and chiron conjunct the galatic center (1). All in the 6th house. I also have Pluto and Pallas conjunct Great Attractor (0). Can anyone give some interpretation ?

  21. My NN in Pisces in the 5th and SN-Jupiter conjunction in Virgo in the 11th square the GC, the square didn’t bother me because I had no clue that I have an aspect to the GC because it doesn’t show in the chart, I have no planet in the 2nd and 3rd decan Sag. I got to be conscious of this aspect while doing my full moons for 2021. On Gemini full moon, my nodes will form a mutable grand cross with the sun and moon. The sun, ruler of my PoF in Leo and co-ruler of my North Node (5th house) will be at 27 Sag square my nodes and trine my PoF, this is a wake up call straight from the Galactic Centre and I expect it to take my NN to orbit. I’ve learnt that every square or opposition is to be feared especially transiting squares because some are liberators (like Uranus squaring or opposing a natal hard aspect from Saturn), others are activators and catalysts depending on where one is in their journey. My NN is activated I know that, this square is beyond reactivation, this is the universe giving me an ultimate pass to proceed, and it involves natal Jupiter at 26 Virgo. The sun with a double portion of Jupiter, are you kidding me? While the sun trine my PoF squaring my NN and Jupiter, transiting Jupiter will be at 28 Aquarius applying a 0 degree opposition to my Part of Fortune at 28 Leo, and a sextile to the Galactic. This is huge, Jupiter expands everything he touches including the hip area and waistline. Been keeping an eye on 28 Aquarius since Mercury and Ceres both Rx from Pisces to station there and where Im sitting both stationed in the 10th house. Thats not a coincidence, Mercury is the ruler of my 8th house. When you look at Mercury as a ruler of a natal house, MercuryRx stops being a joke about computers crashing and flights getting delayed. Anyway, I’m glad I got to know about this square from the GC now, so I can work harder on myself and on my NN.

  22. I have been looking for information on gc but it’s hard to find. My south node is conjunct Neptune on the gc in 5th house. Neptune trines my sun. It is also at the base of my yod sextiling Pluto/Saturn, apex mercury/Chiron.. I think I came to live a tough life on earth

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