The Secret Lives Of Virgo: They All Have Them!

sophia loren 1979Speaking of the secret lives of Virgo, disgraced politician, Mark Foley is a Virgo.

So is Michael Jackson.

So is the very clean Hugh Grant… who was caught cheating on his model girlfriend with a whore, Divine Brown. Whoops!

How are these for examples of secret lives?

And don’t go jumping on this because there are other, classier examples. For example, Virgo, Sophia Loren. Years ago when a reporter yelled at her, “Hey Sophia! What are you doing with that old man?” (Carlo Ponti)

“None of your business!” she yelled back.

So there you go. Some Virgos are aware of their secret lives, others delude themselves.

For example, Leonard Cohen, another Virgo acknowledges his secret life in his song, “In My Secret Life“. He does it again in another song, “The Future“. But the Mark Foley types are far more common. I mean, he’s an extreme example but this is the point:

Virgo likes to see themselves as innocent maiden do-gooders. The men as well at the women, this is. So they just deny all the heinous things they do which are easily as numerous as the rest of peeps in the zodiac.

Virgo’s cheat on their taxes and on their husbands and wives. They act like punks just like everybody else in the zodiac and just as frequently.

But you best be careful pointing this out to them because by and large they won’t like it. Virgo wants to be flawless, see. So they project the Pisces, the sign opposite, the sign that knows everything is askew away from themselves. And this has an unfortunate affect, obviously.

The really smart Virgos embrace and even covet their secret life. And these are the Virgos who have tremendous appeal. Like Sophia Loren.

Isn’t she always pulled together? Look how she presents. Perfection! She’s a textbook Virgo (Virgin). Can you imagine her showing up for work with with her hair messed up from last night’s sex? Forget about it! She’s a Virgo!

But she doesn’t claim sainthood. Obviously she’s drawn to the old man and has been since she was 15. So what do you think they’re up to? Hmm. None of your business!

Compare to Foley who takes a public stance against what he does in private. Ack! That’s bad Virgo.

So what about you? Come on Virgos. Speak! Do you have a secret life or not too sure about that? And what about the Virgos the rest of you know. Do you notice they deny the things about them that are not “pristine”?

221 thoughts on “The Secret Lives Of Virgo: They All Have Them!”

  1. Your first post about this darker side of Virgo came just in time over here… My stepfather is Virgo, and I stumbled across some less-than-nice things about him. I spent about a month agonizing over whether to tell my mother and disrupt her happiness… Which is where the ‘just in time’ part came in. He’s a good man over all, treats her great, and she would never accept or understand these things about him. It would destroy their marriage, her peace of mind, and most likely her willingness to try love again, and for what? He doesn’t seem to be doing anything that will hurt anything but her pride. So… I bite my tongue and accept that he’s not as perfect as he seems and they get to continue being happy.

    (Though I think he suspects that I know, which is making things interesting between us, but I’m not saying a damned thing to him either!)

    1. The way virgos operate you dont have to tell her she already knows the only thing that would bother her is you knowing after all the hard work she put in trying to keep it from you virgos do what they feel like has been okayed by one action or another if a virgo cheats on you they feel as if its the lesser of two evils but they will warn you in advance that such a thing is possible and why and what you could do to prevent it and if that doesn’t happen then they/we feel its up to us to do what we need for your happiness but ours as well

      1. I read this too and it struck a nerve with me as well. I’m a Pisces woman and I’ve had to separate instances whereas a Virgo woman interfered in my relationships trying to steal my men so I see them as nothing but the real whores that they always shown themselves to be on that end. The ones in my family are sweet and loving I’m just glad I never saw that side of them if it’s involving being with a partner watch out cause all they want to do is compete for sex from a man and funny thing is when they get him the man usually ends back up wanting out of the crap he got in after his eyes are opened. By then of course it’s too late and there’s no chance in hell that you’ll accept them back one way or the other. But I agree with this post especially because it happened to me two times and my current situation it happened where the trick approached my man like a friend but then I kindly went and introduced myself to her via social media and this stupid beach went to him and ranted of course because Virgos always want to look great it made me appear crazy and all I was doing was saying hello I’m his girlfriend. So I gave my boyfriend an altamative basically and said stop talking to that chick or leave me the hell alone seriously cause I know Virgos are hoes all day long and he would be nothing but a gain of another man in her play book almost like there temptresses but if you look up the background story for Virgos you’ll see that they’re listed as Call girls hookers basically so it’s funny as hell how they have the nerve to think that they are good doers at all good at what screwing or coercing a man t sex that’s it so they’re smart in that arena as I’ve seen so great at illusionist present the polish image but yet the two Virgo chicks that I had problems with neither was that cute at all. So if we ever figure out how to dumb down that so call magic bull shit trick they pull when trapping men or women into their web of lies and deceit then we can finally live our lives without them screwing things up. Like right now I’m so ready and hoping this one Virgo chick gets a life of a her own like why can’t they find a single person non attached to anyone. I almost want to give them the additional title of polygamous cause they’re all into messing with couples and crap it seems. Funny thing also about this is they don’t realize they bring a lot of negative to the situation and make real relationships suffer cause of their wacky thoughts about love and respect for others.
        Sorry that was so long but as you can see I can’t stand some Virgos at all. You’re not Pisces! Virgo women need to stop it!

          1. Hi Elsa
            Thanks for the welcome sorry for my venting. I’m just so sick and tired of this crap with Virgo Season. Like I said I can’t stand Virgo men or women both suck really bad. They paint this pretty pic of themselves when they’re nothing like what they truly are to others. Masters at deception so I will never respect them when I see that side of them. My boyfriend has a gal pal so called that she claims to be a friend but as we know Virgos they’re flirtatious she posts all these seductive pics online not that I’m trying to stalk her but recently the only reason I had to go and talk so forcefully with my man is because he kept liking her pics so I told him look I don’t mind you having friends that are girls but there are boundaries and you will respect me or get out of my life and the only reason I’m not kicking him to the curb besides all the time I’ve invested in the relationship is also because of the fact I won’t allow myself to step aside to let another Virgo girl steal or enjoy my leftovers cause I’m not doing it this time so I’m hoping she gets bored with waiting and leaves us alone and finds another victim cause that’s what my silly boyfriend is cause she isn’t even cute all the pics she posts of her self are filtered and illusion of what she would like to look like if she were actually a pretty woman. At any rate I’m pissed at my boyfriend too so he’s still in hot water behind this crap if she was nothing then I should have never seen comments to her posts from him so again if it weren’t for ego I’d let the whole thing go and move on to someone who knows good from the bad but I’m holding on cause I don’t want to feel like kicking a Virgo chick in the chin for messing with another one of my relationships. A friend also on my job said she also had the same experience with a Virgo girl so i know I’m not alone. Virgo women need to stop being so freaky minded go find a man that’s not in a real relationship for a change.

            1. Agree with u totally… Am a Leo woman.. And am going through the same situation like you. I just can’t find the way to prove that Virgo bitch’s dark side to my saggitarius man. And since he would never be in my control.. I really feel I’ll lose him.

            2. I hear you on everything u r saying here but really have to say this. I was going on through exactly the same situation u described here. Like it was my life .. only., I am a Virgo and a snake was Picies ? They say we project each other…

        1. Hello PC, I’m a pisces woman as well. I’m dating a taurus man and his sister is a virgo. She is very rude, and does as she pleases with no respect towards anyone. In her eyes she is perfect and innocent. Yet, her brother has told me about all of the condoms she’s had in her room in the past, all of her boyfriends, all of the the people she picks fights with and all of the people that don’t like her. Yet, she still portrays this image of innocence, and even knowing all of this my bf still thinks she’s innocent. Lol. Anyways, I cannot stand being in the same room with her fakeness. For some weird reason, she is always waving her ass in front of my bf. It’s so weird, like who does that to family. I honestly think she is trying to woo him to her side with her sex appeal or ass. This is so freaky. I do not even know how to feel about that. I’d say stay away from virgo’s both men and women. They are evil deceiving people who try to interfere in everything that doesn’t concern them. They are a walking/ talking ball of negativity and tend to cloud my positive aura. My bf also has a virgo brother and boy does he sleep around, two times, and sleeps with married women. I just can’t help but laugh at the fact that they try so hard to fit in and end up looking like lunatics. I sometimes wonder if I’m the only one that can see through their lies when I’m at my bf’s house. Or maybe everyone prefers not to get on the bad side of crazy. Lol Anyways I’d personally like to stay away from crazies. Even my sister (gemini) has had a very bad experience with them at work and personally. They act as if they are still in highschool or something. Goodluck pisces on fighting these virgos/lunatics. Think about the worth of your boyfriend and if you still want to put up with so much drama. I’d say if he stops talking to her then he chooses you but if he doesn’t then it’s time to kick him to the curb. Because these Virgo bitches are like leaches, once they make up their minds on ruining other people’s lives then it’s very hard to get rid of them. They go full on pshyco mode.

          1. Hello M.M.,
            Well I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who knows what trash these Virgo people are despite their attempts to act all innocent which we both know is a damn lie on all levels. Well recently things have been going great with me and my boyfriend. I even checked that beaches social page and she even sounds all sad posting things saying you can’t trust men or prince she said. Ha! Serves her ass right we know men are weak and they always want to trollip their asses around right when they’re gullible. Me and my boyfriend have been very connected these days almost telepathic. I’m even seeing his career take off and he’s talking like I’m in his future. So thankfully things are looking up. My hope is that if I keep his attention away from her long enough she will move on like the attention needy asses that Virgo women have to have. Since his career is also taking his attention too I’m glad because hopefully in that time span she will find a new victim. Thanks for writing me too and I hope all th best for you as well.

            1. Congrats, I’m glad to hear you guys are doing great. Let that bitch complain all she wants but in the end she couldn’t compete with you. I too have to keep him busy, I don’t particularly like going to his house because of his annoying/ stupid virgo siblings. They definitely are needy and attention whores. Their constantly threatening my bf to go out with them and if he doesn’t they turn into whiny bitches. When we do visit they always try so hard to undermine me and try to look and sound better than me but their fakeass can’t compete and they get angry. He also is distracted with his career and building a life with me. So, hopefully those demons stay away from Thanks for replying!

        2. Absolutely true. Too many Virgo women rather go after somebody’s man than get a single guy.
          They also act “innocent & gullible” but watch out! these witches mean harm.

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          Mind your business

          Lol!!! Wow you need to move on and stop blaming others for your !is self asteem! Maybe take notes from a virgos way to not give a shot of what others think cya your down right pathetic hahahaha

      2. My virgo husband is a thot he cheats on me every six two eight months been that way the whole two years I’ve been married play like he love me and everything about me good but cheat I no because I in love with him but he lie and want leave known he a never ended whore his lock up now for child support and it’s seven months since he cheated ,I feel now is my chance to run run faraway ,I no I hate him for this can he couldn’t see me so how could I see him ,I’ve tried there’s no way ever I tried,it’s over Ian done not answering any phone call from him at all call yo hoes DONE!!!!!!

  2. You’re right about this, Elsa. I have a story for you, but I don’t have the time to type it right now. I will later. All I can say is that now I hate Virgos more than Scorpios.

    1. Boy, that makes me sad being a Scorpio, because I just dated the BIGGEST liar secret life livin disappearin act time waistin A hole on the planet, and I loved him with every ounce of my soul. Im sorry a scorpio has done you wrong, we are generally fiecly loyal, honest and protective to the end, just dont lie to us or cross/hurt us as our waters run deeper than most understand amd in our youth we make every effort to make you pay. But with age we figure out you will pay witbout our help, and our hearts then smile. Now,back to the Virgo….VEGAS pool security at the Wynn on weekends hangin out with the rich n famous and gorgeous…mirrored ceiling hotel room lyin A$$ Im with my daughter and my ex on weekends CHEATER!! But I lllllove ewe, I would never do anything to hurt you or jeopardize what we have..Im under contract and cant talk about it….rrrrright, in Vegas??????…BULLSH!T!!!liar….liar liar LIAR. Virgo. LIAR!!!!! Move over Pinnochio, you’ve got company.

      1. you are absolutely right i a a pisces been with a virgo man for a year we have a baby on the way next month and right now as im typing this he is on one of his disappearing acts.cuts phone off but has the nerve to respond through email that he loves me and is on his way home…Hes a fucking liar that only loves himself and the sad part about it is i love him anyway never in my life have i allowed myself to be played the way i have with him and hes noy even that much of a looker he has an ok face a decent body but the sex is banging

        1. I have experienced the same with my virgo ex. Knew he was sharing himself just could not prove it. Sometimes I would smell sex on his fingers. I stayed too long…it seems he had a spell on me. I went against my convictions to be with him. Strange, strange thing. But I had to break free – they will sap you and they are never ever satisfied….strange, complex individuals. I broke free- onto someone who knows how to reciprocate love. Virgos don’t know how to love.

    1. One thing I notice about both Virgo and Scorpio men is that they always seem to long for their exes, “the one that got away.” You may even find out that they were accused of cheating (and of course lied about it) but the girl was smart enough at that point to bail. Even after a year, with virgo ex, he still kept pictures of his ex, the “perfect one he almost married, gave his life for…” It’s easy to be in love with an old flame from the past so then he doesn’t have to love anyone new (or risk getting hurt again). Does anyone also notice how virgo men often seem socially inept? No wonder they are know as the hermit. But just reading how they were represented by Narcissus in Greek Astrology makes perfect sense!~!

  3. Elsa, I have so been looking forward to this post ever since you mentioned the secret Virgo life the first time. I’m pretty Virgo, and I have many secret lives – that is I keep my imagination entertained and my life rich – with circles of friends and (potential imaginary) lovers. But I do want to stress, the intention is not to deceive, not at all. No cheating involved, it’s just layers of my life some of which are private, some of which are more disclosed. And you see, magic is, sometimes, in containment.

    1. I think it’s healthy to have a private life, some thoughts and special things you might do that you keep to yourself. But with Virgos, I see that who they project themselves to be (the perfect saint who is never wrong) is so very different from who they really are inside! My ex, a Virgo, could never communicate his vulnerabilities, yet they were easy to see because I really wanted the emotional intimacy with him. It was impossible! Add to total lack of accountability, and it was a recipe for disaster.

  4. I just read the Cohen lines, and God it hit a chord, and made me snicker too, because it made me realise that even in my posts, there are secrets between the lines, and I left some out of course :-).

  5. A Virgo I knew would tell me absolutely or relatively jack shit about himself (I’ve probably mentioned this already but it works in this part of the subject too I guess). Not even why he was in the place I met him. And goddamn it I’m curious! It’s not that alluring to be kept in the dark about someone’s backstory. He was born on September 10th, apparently a day for secret keepers as I read in a :cough cough: birthday book.

  6. Virgo rising here. I used to spend time in two vastly different communities simultaneously; one was where I let my hair down totally, the other was where I worried so much about what people would think of me. I thought I would die if the second community knew about my wild proclivities. I had two Virgo boyfriends; one was a notorious liar, the other kept certain activities from me.

  7. My mother was a Virgo, Aquarius moon, and she was an aloholic, a fact she tried to hide for years, to the extent that she would try to pretend the problem was something else, usually “you kids”.

  8. I have beautiful, intense friendships with Virgo women and I loathe Virgo men. (We’re in the same boat, Marly)!
    I had a Scorpio friend who was always keen to tell everyone that Scorps like the darker side of life, more than anyone because they are “all about sex and death” how exciting they are, blah blah.
    Then she started dating a Virgo! Ha Ha! You want the dark side, baby?

    I lived with my friend and her Virgo husband for a year when I moved back from overseas. He was kind, congenial, clean, would always be up early, washing dishes with the tea made. Then he told my friend that I had come onto him. I hadn’t. Luckily she believed me: it turns out Mr Perfect Husband had had numerous affairs and she couldn’t trust him anyway, so she trusted me. Lucky for me. I still can’t figure out why the hell he’d lie about something like that. I suspect he was as delusional as I was stupid and naive about living with a married couple.

  9. OMG, Christine! I believe it. That’s what I HATE about Virgo men. My ex-husband was born 8/30 and my ex-bf 8/29. They were always the perfect ones and everything was my fault. I believed them (stupid Pisces Moon, Venus in 12th). And it’s taking me therapy to realize that not everything is my fault. God, does that make me furious. My ex-bf was exactly like your friend’s Perfect Husband. My ex-husband had Scorpio rising so he was less of a hypocrite (though ultimately more possessive, controlling and abusive). Yeah, I’m a fuckin’ idiot when it comes to men. I’m going to remarket the chastity belt, except in my case I’ll call it the sanity belt.

  10. Egad. I’m a Scorp with a Virgo ascendant. Well, as far as the secret stuff, I’d say that it’s not so much deceptive as various levels of experience with different people. Sometimes it’s almost crazy how diverse the people in my life can be and how different I am with each one. But it’s all me, it’s not a lie or a put on. I subscribe to the “life is a feast” idea and I love taking a little bit of this and a bit of that. But I am very aware that different people will accept only the parts of me they’re comfortable with. The wild ones don’t like the domestic goddess with exasperatingly perfect place settings and the other homeroom mothers can’t handle the Vespa riding mamma in fishnets. *winks*
    How does this work in real life? I rarely have one big party with everyone. I have lots of dinner parties with small, select groups.
    So what? They can all meet up at my funeral and stare at each other. Now THAT’S a party I’d hate to miss!!!!!

  11. It’s not the lie or the deception that pisses me off, dude. It’s not even about acceptance. It’s the fact that ime Virgo men try to look so perfect and foist their foibles unto others. THAT’S what’s galling! And it’s making other people feel less than perfect or blame them for not being as saintly.

  12. All this hate… People in general do bad things, I’ve found. It’s less a matter of avoiding certain signs than of learning discernment.

    I’m a virgo, albiet, a 7th house virgo and all aspected by Neptune, among other things. I can’t explain what is secret about me, just that people seldom get to know me all the way. Partway is a general rule. Is it a double life? or a deeper layer?

    I don’t want to be deceptive. But not everyone needs to know everything about me, or can be trusted to have recitence/tact. or would be accepting. Part of the Virgo perfection is keeping stuff within a manageable range, I think, and the things I tend to hide are usually just… thoughts, my writing, and the warts on my right big toe. The first two I don’t want to be spoiled, the third, man, who wants to know about that? Certain things, are just not fit for conversation.

    1. But to be truly loved for ALL of the things you are…Isn’t that what most people want? How can that ever happen if you can’t share yourself fully?

  13. I agree with Ruth. Seems like people are venting! Heehe. I can’t say I blame them (on the one hand). On the other hand, If you’ve had a few people ‘spoil you’ against Virgos–well, it’s hard not to let that taint your understanding of the sign. I always remind myself that ‘people are people’–everyone has an Achille’s Heel, and everyone has life lessons.

    Maybe interacting with a few Virgos who didn’t use their energies wisely (there’s always a good and a bad use for the energies of every sign/etc) actually taught you (by you I mean those who have had issues with Virgos) a valuable lesson about yourself. I’m learning more and more that framing a so-called negative situation is a priceless gift to oneself. You miss the opportunities to learn more about yourself. You have to see the worth in every situation. You can say ‘this sucks’ or you can say ‘from now on I recognize that what I want is total honesty in my relationships’.

    Your Uncle,

  14. I had a Virgo friend who would fill my ear with complete details of her secret life. I have to say, after a while I had a hard time listening to her, and began to wonder why she felt the need to tell her explicit stories. Anyone have any ideas why or similiar experiences? I could use some insight on this.

  15. My ex was a virgo8/28 he had a good life acted to outsiders as perfect man while secretly cheating at work.I had to run him off divorced since.I have a virgo friend i love acts goody but will talk about you behind your back in a minute flat.I wont trust a virgo!

    1. Yes,that’s how they are. They are abusive, deceitful, can’t hold water, hypocritical complainers and controling. They have to be with someone who is gullible and believe everything they say. They are irresponsible especially with finances and will never be faithful. You have to watch what you say because everyone will know, they will split people against each other and play psychological games. My mom, two sisters and several friends are virgos. Also, they don’t like to associate with people who know or have more than them.They are very insecure people and will play on your emotions.

      1. Help please… I have a virgo in my life… He does trust me… But has broken my trust and he doesn’t realize he has done that… He lied an I believed until he fessed up on his own to me… How do I go about confronting him?

  16. Avatar
    Virgo vs Scorp vs Gem ?

    Venus(love) conjunct Pluto(sex) in 7H(relationships) in Virgo, plus other important Virgo influences.

    I have, and have always had, many secret lives at any given point in time (and always will). But I’m the Sophia Loren kind. Those who need to know, know — I don’t cheat or lie. Others, none of your business.

    I’m still not entirely sold on this being a Virgo thing though… I have equal or more Scorpio, and Scorpio is all about secrets, no? So, is it my Scorpio or my Virgo showing?

    Elsa, do you have an opinion on the Scorpio-type secretiveness versus the Virgo-type?

    Actually, nmaybe you have already answered that, when you said:

    “Virgo likes to see themselves as innocent maiden do-gooders.”

    Scorpio doesn’t do that.

    And then we come back full circle to Gemini lies. Some secrets are ‘lies by omission’, something Gemini is also known for.

    Many flavors (of ‘secrets’)… same result. Deception. Betrayal. Misleading. etc. (unless you take the high road and tell those who are entitled to know)

  17. Geez! Every sign can be expressed negatively. I think many people take more offense to certain signs than others because of projection and or the need for learning lessons. I like to think there is not a sign I do not like more than others but I cannot say
    for sure because I do not have much experience with some signs, especially Aries.

  18. Yes, you’re right, Belle. Absolutely. But it’s also true that one can’t get along with everyone. Scorpios and Virgos trigger my Moon opposition Pluto in Virgo and you know how it is with oppositions. Balancing act.

  19. Pixiedust – I totally relate. Piles of friends in separate “groups” or categories. The corporate types, the hippie types, the intellectual types, the homemaker types, the… ok the list goes on. I don’t throw parties where they all get together but boy! what a fun idea!! I think I might just have to get them all together and watch. [is that virgo of me?] 😉

  20. I have always maintained a secret life. I thrive on it. Having a form of duality allows me to express all of my “sides”. But, as I have matured ove rthe yeasr i have learned to tone down my urges and adventurousness. It’s like havign a perfectly clean house with one messy room.

  21. I don’t know if anyone is still posting to this, but I read it and had to remark. I’m a Capricorn who is entertaining thoughts of getting involved with a Virgo married man who is a very good friend of mine. We went on a trip to Peru with a group of people and really connected. Ever since he has been trying to take our relationship to another level. After reading the above article I couldn’t help but wonder if my Virgo man has a habit of cheating. I wonder now if he will always be the cheating type.

    He’s going through a divorce and if I believe his bs and agree to see him after he as his affairs together, will he cheat on me?

  22. I am a virgo with cancer ascendant and I believe that I feel differently about secrets of virgos. I believe everyone have a private part of themselves that they don’t always want everyone to know becuase you can’t trust everyone. I do believe that Virgos have good intentions, but they make errors just like the rest of world. I have never been able to trust someone completely with all my personal thoughts, or business venture. I believe that as a Virgo I would like to find one true friend to tell all my private and secret details without judgement or rejection, but most people know that just isn’t the case. I’ll never give up completely on finding a friend I can tell all my thought and personal stuff to but, I’m older now and it still hasn’t happened.

    1. Avatar
      Sharon Rubenstein

      It is hard to find that kind of friend. I have one friend like that and he is a cancer. I’ve known him most of my adult life. No one really knows, cares to know, or understands virgos. If they did, they would be our friends, we are certainly friends to them above and beyond.

  23. Hello. Im going to state my situation …hopfully someone will learn fro this (mainly ’cause i am unable to exxsplain these trends). I am a virgo female and have had dated 3 virgo males and i only saw the dark side and they inly saw my dark side.

    FOr tauruses they… they seem to bring out a dark side and are more approachable about it beacuse they are usally open about both sides of their lives.

    As for scorpios… i think they are very secritive…but in a weird science way…no offense.

    Next…most virgos suffer from their thoughts and need help. I myself pull out my hair in search of perfection…i exscape this through fine art.

    Third VIRGOS should never MARRY EARLY …simply so that they may not missunderstood about their “dark” and “bright” side. 🙂

  24. Avatar
    Accepting Imperfections

    I have really gotten fed up with Virgos. There is difference in a secret life & a personal life. If you’re librarian by day & a swinger @ night-it’s your personal business. It’s still the same life/person. I notice virgos have secret lives because they’ll act as if being a swinger is digusting while working at the library. You can’t have a secret life but not accept someone else’s for what it is. The feeling of servitude seems to be a “better-than-you” attitude in order to feel they can better someone (that’s equal to them as a human anyway). Virgos lack of trust is from their own deceit. When you live to cover up your humanity with an ideal of perfection, your everyday act eats away at your trust.
    Every zodiac has it’s purpose but, I can’t put my finger on the Virgo’s. It doesn’t make sense for a person to be so compulsive about details & fixing problems but would never admit to having one his/herself. How can one mimmick perfection which doesn’t exist? Your imperfections make you perfectly who you are. Virgos are supposed to be intelligent but they have no opinions just facts. Intelligence shines when you take facts (that anyone can get) then, interpret them into valid opinion. As a human, there should be some instinctive feeling to be expressed about situations. Without opinions or feelings, a robotic mechanism is just stating what you found out yourself. My experiences with virgos have left me believing there is no creativity or originality in them. Being a mutable sign may have something to do with it. Their nagging & criticism makes them so unbearable. The women seem to be empty-shallow-money wanting (not self achieving) dolls & the men to be boring, sexually-feminine, ass kissers of other men with $–who both lack passion for life. Finally so it’s known , I’m a Cancer w/Aquarius moon. I have perfect flaws since I know the value of them. I seem to attract virgos like nats.
    I read the one b4 mine & I obviously attract them because the ones I chose to let hover around me find out that I can’t think in-the-box if I tried. I’ve never understood normal which eliminates the possibility of trying to be “perfect.” However, my opportunities seem to come about because of that. As a cardinal sign, I create change if necessary & I guess that’s how they become a part of it by parasiting.
    Even the virgo women hover around & I notice clothing/hairstyles that I’ve done pop up on them consistantly. I think a lack of stress is noticed by them because I don’t take the time to live seperate lives. I’m unlimited all day–even tho an aloof Can-Aqua girl is everywhere, yet strong. I eventually get away from the tally-taker opportunists.

    1. Avatar
      Sharon Rubenstein

      You are wrong on a lot of fronts in your analysis of Virgos. You either had bad experiences from them or are just prejudicial for some other reason. I can’t agree with you. You did not attract me (like a nat)because you were honest enough to put in writing how you hate us.What does this mean “you have perfect flaws since I know the value of them”? Does that mean you are perfect then or that you can judge us? You can’t put your finger on the Virgos’ purpose? Try reading about Mother Theresa. August 29.

    2. I totally relate to the phrase you used “robotic.” That is the perfect word for Virgos!! They seem to be afraid of sharing an opinion, lest they might be judged! So they really love quiz shows, trivia games, to show off this ability of knowing “facts” (in almost an addictive way) yet they don’t reveal any insight about it…

  25. Oh shut up “Accepting Imperfections” you probably got played by one so you yap on and on about how much creativity and originality they lack. I’m a virgo and every cancer I have know has been a guy and they’re awkward and they all have liked me. I turned all of them down and they just can’t seem to let me go. I had no real feelings for them because the relationship between a virgo and a cancer is the relationship will go well if virgo lets cancer near her warm heart. So either you’re still attached to a virgo or you’re just profoundly jealous. Stop hating.

  26. i dunno’. my virgo’s just the ascendant. and i had a hell of a time trying to get people to stop treating me like an innocent little girl. (it didn’t help that i always look younger than i am and the two times i had braces -wisdom teeth came in and the orthodontist gave me the second set for almost free because he felt bad that all his work had been wasted- made it worse….)
    really frustrating when you’re trying to be an adult woman and guys either come at you with the icky “oh she’s so na¯ve, let’s change that” (8th house creepy things come my way) or “she’s too pure, i can’t touch her” and i just want to figure out what i like and i have a libido, damnit, and, well, what i do is really none of anyone’s business except if i’m doing it with them, but i’d like to do it a little more, please? ; P

    guess i’m still dealing with it. guys i like have difficulty getting round the “purity” thing but it had nothing to do with chastity, really. the way i see it.

  27. also, i think it’s less that virgo is “pure” and more that they “purify.” an action rather than a state.
    really helpful with clearing out all the messy sticky stuff pisces picks up and finding the gems….

  28. I’m so glad this topic came up! Sure, Virgos/ Virgo rising people have secret lives. I don’t know about us all TRYING to present a perfect front. For some reason, people have always just assumed I’m a sweet, wholesome, church-going person; must be the Virgo rising. Strangers ask me to hold things for them while they go off to get or do something! Christians nod at me in conversations as if I naturally agree with whatever Christian point of view is being presented! (It goes on & on.)

    But though I’m a good person, I’m not what any of the aforementioned think at all!

    I’ve always figured it had to do with Virgo having Aries on their 8th house cusps (Virgo sun, solar; Virgo ascendant – in the natal chart, using the equal house system, anyway). Some of the wildest secret lives I’ve known of have belonged to Virgo/Virgo ascendant persons. Besides, I prefer to regard it as “private,” rather than “secret”! Virgos are discerning & don’t want to share every part of their lives with just anyone. (And then there are those who don’t accept the secret things about themselves and DO purposely hide some of what they do…)

  29. A virgo teen/woman will sleep with their next door neighbours man, the postman, milkman, their best mates man and their dad and have the cheek to say ‘ I cant stand that girl over there….she such a slag!!

    I have 3 virgo friends that i have known for over 25 years and I can honestly say I have only just seen the light with these women. They have fooled me for many years, i really believed those guys were telling tales on them. Their names were always involved in some sort of sex scandal in the neighbourhood.

    A guy i knew saw me with one of my virgo mates and he pulled me to one side and whispered ‘where do you know her from?. I was like ‘where do YOU know her from? He laughed and said ‘Everyone knows her’.

    I really told him off. I always stuck up for her when guys started saying rubbish but over the years little things have just come to light. Its a long story. Still friends with them now but I put them in thier place. Whenever they start putting down people who live overt seedy lives I say ‘hey, but thats kinda what you did in 19.., so thats makes you the same…how is that any different?’. They hate it, they deny it, or worse still justify it! I say to them i’m not putting you down but just showing you that nobody’s perfect.

    PS. does anyone know why they are so condescending to thier partners? My mate talks to her partner like a complete fool!!

  30. This is funny to me because being a virgo myself I find Elsa’s blog on “The secret lives of virgos” to be very true. LOL I kind of consider myself to be a basic text book example of what she’s talking about. For example, I am a neat freak, very organized, classy and pristine type of person that needs to have order in their lives. In fact, I even have a job in healthcare which is perfect for a virgo since we are the sign of service & love to help others in need. At work I am nonstop & continously organizing & looking for better ways to do things. I look very innocent & classy with a sweet disposition. People would never in the wildest dreams guess what I am into. Okay now, here’s my secret… lol, I am into the BDSM & D/s lifestyle. I am extremely submissive to a man that happens to be an Aries. Our relationship actually works very well since Aries tend to be dominant & want to do things there way. It’s all about him & I love it. The fact that I’m in love with him also helps a great to make him happy & to submit myself to him. He can tie me up and shackle me anytime. I am his friend, lover, muse, toy, but most importantly HIS.

    NOBODY but him knows this about me. Whenever anyone discusses how disgusting that lifestyle is, I agree & laugh about it with them. If anyone was to ever find this out about me, they would not believe it. It would literally take a lot of convincing for someone to believe that I’m into this lifestyle. I guess you could say I’m more like the Sophia Loren type.. I embrace my secret life. I do feel it’s really nobody’s business.

  31. Pristine Slave….from when your partner knows this about you that is one person too many. Unless you cut his tongue out of his head to ensure he never speaks then how can you be so sure that he has not told just ‘one’ person already?

    Just because no one has asked you dont mean they dont know. One of my virgo friends i heard something about her and I was like ‘no way…’ So just for fun i will mention it every now and then about other people and watch her flinch…then she’ll smile put the situation down and then move on to another subject.

    The reason why i say this is that it was her partners sister who told me…

    Theres only one person who you can trust with your business and thats God himself.

  32. That’s true… I don’t actually like being so addicted to someone so at the moment I’m trying to disengage myself from him some. Now that you mention it, I do wonder if he has. Although I don’t think so because I know a few things about him that I wouldn’t make public to anyone. We have that same mutual respect for each other. 🙂 Thanks.

  33. Subject of bdsm and astrology: very interesting. I am often attracted to “Dominant” men (or at least used to be… maybe it’s changing). But I think my Venus in Leo always wins out… that it CAN’T be about them. It has to come back to ME! So as a slave, I always fail….

    My Virgo stuff wants to serve but my Leo wants to be the queen. Sigh…

  34. :). P/S:

    Don’t worry about your guy telling tales if your relationship is ever through. Who would believe him? You said yourself no one would believe you.

    If he ever said a word against your honor (and an Aries won’t do that, anyway, unless he’s *really* a baby) it would make him look bad, not you. I mean *he* is the aggressor in these games after all, not to mention the alleged gentleman.

    You can play in this world, and be safe and free. Believe it always.

  35. Thanks Eva 🙂 That’s really good advice. I especially enjoyed your comment about an aries not saying a word against my honor. I do believe that as well regarding my bf. I do understand that in today’s world you can never be to careful. So I understand the other peoples comments regarding the possibility of him perhaps alreadying mentioning it. Meanwhile I do enjoy this world with him & feel very free. Back to the subject at hand regarding virgo’s leading secret lives, well… I think that every sign in the zodiac does that to a certain point. I don’t think it’s just Virgo’s but I will agree though that Virgo’s possibly do this to a more extreme degree.

  36. This is so funny! For years, my friends would always call me a nun, and act like there was not a single sexual bone in my body. As I got older and more comfortable with myself physically, Oh the places I would go! Now that “phase” of my life is over (wink wink) and of course I act as if certain things are too torrid, oh the horror. If only some people knew of things that I’ve done in my past, hah!, they would have a fit! I’m the perfect Madonna/Whore here and I love it.

    The only problem is now, I’m unsure of whether or not I should disclose certain secrets to the new guy, a traditional Capricorn, I don’t want to scare him away or think that I’m a freak!

    1. Don’t capricorns are very boring and judgemental. Anything a Virgo thinks is fun a Capricorn thinks is unnecessary . My friend for fifteen years loved my cooking and taste but never seasoned food or did anything just for fun or experimental purposes

  37. Avatar

    Well… what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. I probably wouldn’t disclose anything to your new guy. My bf actually liked the fact that he was the first one to introduce me to D/s although it had been a fantasy of mine for quite sometime. I think it had to do more with the idea of being untouched to this type of roleplaying he felt he was able to “mold” me. I think just the whole idea of being your “first” at something gives a man some sort of a thrill. If he likes to get freaky in the sheets, I would probably let him think he’s the first one to break you into “such things” but of course you have to be a willing participant lol. Capricorns tend to not like to much diversity but it all depends what his ascendant and moon sign is too.

  38. Another mistake that Virgo’s tend to do, is to believe that everyone around them is stupid! Michael Jackson thought no one would believe what he may have done. What do you think?

    When one to many people say the similar stories regarding a so called innocent person…..

    Please virgo’s, dont be fooled, your secrets are only safe for a period of time. What happens in the dark always come to light, dont you know that about life?

    I actually like virgos but as soon as i meet a new one i smile to myself and think ‘well i wonder what nastiness she gets up to and probably thinks no one is aware of her nature”.

    I am not a virgo, and i have looked up this up to confirm my suspicions. Sorry virgos, you’ve been busted!!! Have fun….

    1. What about you? I don’t think you like virgos very much. Why not just leave them alone like Greta Garbo used to say, they won’t hurt you. Have fun, what does that mean? Is that a mind puzzle/game? Think about what you said,about wondering what nastiness she gets up to and probably thinks no one is aware of her nature. Virgos know everyone knows their nature and they are totally ignored usually. Think about your own mistakes first, not virgos.

  39. My sister is a virgo – 5 planets of virgo – and she definitely talks behind backs and has had a secret life – well not so secret – she’s always been open about it within the family. She’s going into more of a public servant role but is unafraid that her past will catch up with her. Although her secret side never involved cheating. She definitely looks the virgin. Love her to death. Love virgos too. Although not when they start strangulating my dream side. I think that their ability to organize etc. should be a support for dreams, not a wet blanket of criticism.

  40. This whole conversation is making me confused, to be honest most of you are like
    “Hah we finally got u, Virgo we know your bad.

    And then bringing up celebrities, some of them are simply victims to the press. others may have made a couple of mistakes.
    But let’s be honest if we sum up some other celebrities, with other signs we will se far worse.

    As for the whole secret live thing, I would like to contribute with a different opinion.

    just for the record I am a Libra with Capricorn rising. my only planet in Virgo is mercury …

    not going to share a life story but after a turbulent two years where I really felt like I had betrayed my self to the world as something I was noti had to change my ways. that my chaotic life was the talk of every person I knew. I decided to pick my peaces up and go abroad for a while, I went to live with a mother figure I know and she is a Virgo.

    Virgos are really one of the most intellectual people I have met, they know how to control every aspect of their lives. It’s the reason that they have their life so well put together.

    I think its very important to see how this Virgos life has been, the worse, the most cautious they will learn to be I think.

    U need to see the Virgos point of view, and I think its very logical .

    To some it seems as if they are liars, and secret full. and behind closed doors they are doing the worse things ever, which is not the case, she might be eating some cake. and does not wish to tell u because it’s simply none of ur business. IS IT YOUR BUSINESS????

    in a way its a defends mechanism, as Virgos they feel/see that ppl around them are constantly trying to harm them, (not that they want to destroy their lives, but they don’t have the Virgos best interest at heart) they always attack their integrity, talk about them, stick their nose up in their private business, Virgos have a hard time opening up, if they do open up to a person this person really has proven that they are smart and can keep a secret. and often these selective friends also have that same mind set as the Virgo.

    To a Virgo having to think about the fact that others see your flaws and base u on them is really unacceptable. it does destroy the quality of their lives, they like to be in control also on how the world sees them and how they have betrayed them selves to others.

    I know a lot of ppl out there don’t view the world that serious, and don’t have a problem telling every1 about not passing the exam or fighting with your boyfriend.

    But the Virgos see it as an attack on their integrity and they don’t want to be attacked like that, so its a defence mechanism…

    and lets be logical its not wrong … is it my business what u did yesterday ?NO|!

    things that don’t concern YOU are of limits.

    I have learned to be in total control of my life now and its really working for me,
    I keep things simple and clean.

    If I encounter any everyday problems I try to solve them alone,with as few ppl as possible knowing about them. I have 1 friend I might talk to and poor my heart out to,once a while and still my deepest secrets are between my self and I in this way u create a total control over your life,and to some ppl it’s a really good feeling and u get more confidence .

    Its better I think without poring everything out there for the world to see. Virgos are one of the most intellectual signs that I have ever met and I really think that ppl should learn from them and not be so against them..

    And it always depends on the situation,and what life your in.lets face it with the world today its better to keep things simple.

    It comes down to how much you really care
    Do you care about how it is the world sees you to the smallest detail?

    some ppl don’t care that much, but to others its almost a life necessity.

    1. Thank you Liz. You are awesome and right, I’m a virgo and am much aligned or made fun of. God bless you for your great insight. The worse their lives have been the more cautious they will be I think. That is true.

  41. Avatar
    Little Miss Hermit

    Like Pixiedust and C., I compartmentalize – except on my birthday. It’s a little awkward sometimes, when people who reflect different sides of my personality come together, but mostly I get a kick out of it. It’s only Capricorn and Leo who don’t know what to make of it, anyway. LOL!
    Moi: Sun in Virgo/8th, Sagittarius rising.
    I’m very aware of my “secret lives” – and will gladly tell my Scorpio and Aquarius friends:) I mean, why not?

  42. I was just talking about this post last week to hubby, about private lives and fame. 🙂 I’m pretty hazy on Virgo, though, so I got nothin’ to offer. *shrug*

  43. Last time I looked I had four planets in Virgo. I am not going to be gabbin about my business to every Tom, Dick and Harry. It would be nice if more people kept their secret lives secret, ya know. There is a reason they call it dirty laundry.

    Oh and my hair is always a mess and I loathe housework and cleaning. My toenail polish is almost all off and I ate McDonald’s today. So there. Shoot me.

  44. It’s not so much that I have secrets as I do not always volunteer information. In terms of what may be seen as an inability to get close with people, it is more that I am selective about who I will let in below the surface.

    I volunteer information here because there is a degree of anonymity. My wife knows that I blog here and could look at everything I read and write if she wanted. She also knows about my new found fascination with astrology. This is not new to her as I have always had an interest in the unusual, esoteric and metaphysical.

    In general I do not volunteer information about myself. If I am, it is because I trust someone enough to let them know a little more about who I am. And I am very happy when I can do this.

    Is it a secret, if I do not talk about Elsa’s Blog for instance? If someone I knew found out that I was participating in this, it likely would not bother me. But I do not generaly want to make it public that I do. If they did find out, I could talk about it in a way that made sense to them even if they thought I was weird. I do not mind people finding out that I am a very unique individual [weird]

    There are lot’s of things that I am interested in that do not hold other people’s interest. Is it a secret if I do not want to share these things with most people? I guess so.

    This comment did have a beginning and not enough middle, but it does have an end. Sorry for rambling.

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