Astrology And The Cock-Blocking Phenomena – Saturn In Aspect To Mars

The soldier had to dodge another gal in church this weekend. A doctor who happens to be a friend of the judge, so who knows. She sat next to him, squeezed his hand during the prayer and later winked at him. She also got us to talking…

“Well I think some gal might see us together and look you over. She may think you look good but then she’d take one look at me and say no, I don’t think so. And then she’d go off to scan for an easier target because let’s face it. I am way too crazed to play around with.”

‘Yep, that’s what would happen for sure. No one would come dare near me if you were around.”

“Yeah. But if a man saw us together, I don’t think it would stop him.”

“You don’t?”


“Why not?”

“Well, I think you’d be underestimated.”

“Yeah, that happens. I’ve been underestimated my whole life.”

“Right. So there we’d be and some guy would see me. He’d see you standing right there next to me, and I’m pretty sure he’d decide to come after me anyway with whatever he was going to do, or whatever it was he wanted to do.”

“Yeah, I’d say the same thing. But only one of them would do that, P. That’d happen just one time…”

Now I thought I’d had enough fun on the cock-blocking topic, but really I barely scratched the surface so these are some other things I think…

Cock-blocking is a Saturn Mars phenomenon. Thwart (Saturn) the Man (Mars). And if you have Saturn associated with Mars in your chart in any way, shape or form, you are virtually guaranteed not only be cock-blocked but to be a cock-blocker yourself. And the soldier is a prime example.

When we were kids, he was cock-blocked by another Special Forces soldier… a retired SF guy I knew. This was the conversation I’ve mentioned recently (High Price Of Denial) The one I could never have with him when we were kids. It happened again when we hooked up in 2003 and same thing too. Another retired SF guy got in and cock-blocked him… he didn’t even know it happened.

On the flip, he is a cock-blocker himself of the first order. What else do you call it when a man is sent all around the world to find the baddest of the bad to put them out of business? You’re a jackass? Whoops! Not anymore because now you’re dead Cock. Blocked.

If Saturn touches Mars in your chart, you do not escape this. Clarie France Perez pointed out that women who tease men but keep their pants on are another example, so you see there is no end to the ways this can manifest.

Do you have a Saturn Mars exchange in your chart? Testify! 🙂

Skip to Cock-Blocking Women – Is this a Trend?

19 thoughts on “Astrology And The Cock-Blocking Phenomena – Saturn In Aspect To Mars”

  1. No links between Saturn and Mars here at all – I guess that’s good. I’m always happy for my friends who find good men. The ones who find jerks, well, I advise and if they don’t listen I accept. It is their life.

    However, I carefully watch the women who flock around my man. There are many – and they love him to bits – but he has made it clear and they recognize he’s mine – my Saturn in Leo would have it no other way. If I think someone’s overstepping, I talk to him about it. So while he does hug and kiss and flirt some (something I knew about him before we even actually met – he loves women and they love him), I know it means nothing to him. And since it makes them feel good, I don’t interfere.

  2. Piya – that is a SF “challenge coin”. That thing you are worried about is a beret.

    SF guys have these and carry them with them at all times in case they are challenged. Anyone claiming to be SF… another solider can ask to see their coin. If the guy has the coin… the guy who made the challenge buys the beer.

    If he does not have the coin, he buys the beer, or perhaps gets his ass kicked for saying he is something he is not.

    Every time I post the thing, the SF people come out of the woodwork and read the blog. ::smiles:: It’s me waving, yanno? 😉

  3. PS – I have not broken it to the soldier yet, that he is a cock-blocker. I am sure he will be shocked. ::smirks::
    His doctor (75 years old, Catholic, knight of Columbus) told him last week, ‘you can be an asshole” and he was stunned!

    “Did you tell her you can be an asshole?” he asked, talking about me.

    “Er…” he stammered. “I think she knows that.”

    Then he proceeded to call me up and ask. Find out if he was an asshole or not. 😉

  4. Ha! I don’t have any Saturn-Mars aspects in my chart, but a “friend” of mine … someone who I recently (more or less) discovered would talk a LOT of smack about me to men has a Saturn-Mars conjunction.

    I was completely oblivious and rather shocked when someone pointed it out to me, because I’d talk her up to people and she’d spent all this time talking me down to the same folks.

  5. This particular aspect is not there in my chart. And like Kathy, I’m pretty hands off when it comes to the relationships of my friends and family. If they ask my opinion, I give it but that’s it. Enough stuff to obsess over as it is, good plutonian that I am . . . 🙂

  6. I have this exchange my mars-neptune conjunction is in trine with saturn and I’ll can see this cock blocking happen, both being cock blocked and the other way around.

    Come to think about it can see I cock blocked my dad now and then which involved issues with my mum and of course that was also tied in with my sun scorpio and pluto conjunction. And I have also be cock blocked by girl and guy friends.

    Hopefully the trine softens it and it ends up being a healthy exchange of energy and not too detirimental

  7. I don’ have this aspect, bit I am having major saturn-mars transits and progressions (oppositions) and this theme is all over my life now. i’m having to choose wether to become or not a cock bloker.

    people with tense saturn mars aspects can be very bitchy. it’s pretty ugly to watch. I don’t want to be that. nothing good comes of it.
    It’s one of those situations where if you don’t allow yourself to be happy you’ll be so bitter you won’t accept other people being happy around you. but in order to not become a bitch you might need to go against the vigent moral standarts somewhat. find your own rules and pray for the best.

  8. I don’t have this aspect in my natal chart. However, the recent Saturn-Neptune opposition created a square to my natal Mars-Neptune opposition. I definitely spent that period of my life getting cock blocked big time. And also cock-blocking others.

  9. I don’t have any Mars/Saturn aspects, and thank God because the rest of my chart more than makes up for it… there are lots of bad influences Venus in Gemini conjunct midheaven square Moon makes me flirtatious without even thinking of it, it is a constant thing, and then when a guy I’m not actually interested in “that” way assumes I must be (otherwise why would I be so friendly?) I don’t know how to react anymore…

    I never ever assume that a guy is interested in me, no matter how much he flirts, unless he actually comes right out and says it (and even then I’m constantly doubting it and wondering when he’ll lose interest), so I just sort of automatically assume that no one is going to read too much into my flirting/friendliness. But it’s wrong for me to do that and I have accidentally hurt people’s feelings that way… I’m an idiot. I have to stop I really do…

  10. LOL i had know clue that mars saturn aspects = cock blocking. but since i do have mars trine saturn, i have to say there are some positive uses for this energy.

    a few years ago i happen to meet someone who was describing his time as an instructor on a caribbean island. he was going on about how the women there were all over him ~thinking he was some great white god come to show the native females a real man. well i just could not resist… i mean here we were at this function put on by women and men with connections to the caribbean islands. it was serious business (brainstorming ways to curb violence in communities through education and other means). we were there as guests. well i ran into him a week or so later and by the time we finished our tete a tete, his cock was not only blocked, but floored. if that action was bitchy of me to do, so be it;). that is the only type of cock blocking i am aware of doing.

    as for being cock blocked? i am sure this has happened to me, but i cannot think of an example at the moment. i also stay out of other people’s business unless asked for my opinion ~i begrudge no one’s happiness. i might feel wistful, a tad envious, but i don’t plot to break connections between people.

  11. I thought maybe I have this, since I was a cock-blocker in my marriage early on (not nearly as much anymore). But I don’t. But I looked at my mother’s chart, who is a MAJOR cock-blocker, and sure enough, Saturn/Pluto both square Mars.

    Maybe the lack of that in my chart is why her influence didn’t have a lifelong effect on me.

  12. A male friend of mine has his MC Virgo Mars and Saturn conjunct. Yes, he’s been hoodwinked by business associates in the past.

  13. hi. I am quite confused and trying to understand this: I have this in my progressed chart: mars sag 6th house trine Saturn Aries 10th house trine, Jupiter, sun conjunction in 2nd house.
    I was quite excited about this fire trine coming up in the progressed chart for many years- what kind of positive energy exchange can this bring?….
    hope I won’t be cockblocked in work with men!
    please advise…thank you!

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