Born That Way: Talent & Psychopathy

psychopath manIn 2011, I came across David Berkowitz quote concerning grooming children to be killers. I wrote about it: Evil Diabolical Brainwashing.

I thought this was shocking and interesting at the time. Deliberately creating a psychopath?  Can you do that?

I thought you probably could. I also thought this would be an isolated thing. I’ve learned otherwise and chronicled this over the years, from various angles. Here’s a sample, in no particular order:

At this point I thing we are all being groomed in this way.  It’s a mass event.

So what’s the interesting part? Why am I writing this? It’s because I realized something key things.  A “lab-created” psychopath will always be bested by a natural born killer, provided the latter chooses to act out. I’m suggesting a child can be born a psychopath but parents who are hip to such a thing can have a big effect on the child. I know this for sure, because I know stone cold psychopaths who stay within the line, more or less.

What struck me about this is that it’s true in a much broader way.  If you have an individual who has some kind of organic talent and you try to copy them, they will always best you. An example is my storytelling. I have no clue why I can do it, it’s a gift from God.  And things like this are shown in a natal chart which is where the astrology comes in.

If you want to be the best, you have to be YOUR best. Anything else is destined to fail.  Astrology is super helpful to identify a person’s true essence.  But here is my killer point:

If you are not a psychopath, do not allow yourself to be groomed into one because guess why? You’ll lose to the real psychopath, every time.

What say you?

21 thoughts on “Born That Way: Talent & Psychopathy”

  1. Avatar
    Hildegard's Noviciate

    not sure
    My Libra Mercury in 1st house

    My North Node Leo in 11th house

    My Aquarius Saturn in 5th house with South Node

    My Scorpio Venus conj Neptune in 2nd house

    My Jupiter in Pisces in 6th house

    My Virgo Sun conj Asc, Uranus conj Pluto in 12th house

    Taurus Moon in 8th house.

    This is how I kinda read it. All contributing in some way but not sure. I’m a Novice or rather a noviciate so…

  2. A certain amount of psychopathy–i.e. selfishness…focusing on your own needs and ideas–is necessary to function in this world…

    1. Avatar
      Madeline Kasian

      I also disagree.It’s like thinking having a dog as a pet is a good thing.. dogs are natural PACK ANIMALS and are happiest and healthiest when they live in a gorup.. in packs, and actually, loose.But we put them in a solitary environment and expect them to behave.. I believe humans are designed as packanimals animals too and we’ve forgotten that.. the era of self interest fostered by the baby boomers (my generation is just not sustainable. NONE of us are gonna make it out alive if we do not collaborate to figure our nucelar weapons,clean water, , climate change,health care,etc…

      1. It does seem that the “pop” definition of psychopathy has supplanted the former psychology definition, which was simply focus on self directed goals..But when I told our kids that I needed a couple of hours alone to work on something more important than playing with them, that was an example of allowing my needs and goals to trump theirs for a period of time…Maybe the movie “Psycho” had something to do with it…

  3. Four sibs, all cut their teeth on Ayn Rand and hammered in from birth. 2 are psychopaths, 1 is a garden variety narcissist

  4. This had me pondering what “natural talent” I’d see in my own chart. It’s taken me a while to see it-12th house sun, (but I successfully live it day-in & out). Then I looked at my chart again and remembered, “oh yeah, big o’mother-hen”, LOL! Thanks for the reminder! 🙂

  5. It seems that Pluto in Capricorn has brought a focus to psychopathological traits. Has the transit created an energy in which these intensify or flourish or is it just revealing what was already there in large numbers, that was previously accepted within our social power systems? I feel it’s a hard transition to transform Capricorn energy so that the emotional and intuitive Cancerian aspect has a positive influence. Capricorn is a feminine sign and yet our experience of how it manifests in the external world is so imbalanced and distorted.

  6. I did hesitate to write on this topic…as l come to terms with the end of Pluto in the 11th, it seems like ‘all old friendships’ (some l am sure werent that…and never really were… l grew up used to crumbs) are going…no longer fit for purpose. l do have a hopeful thought about Aquarius at the tail end of that house… It seems l attract people with high narcisstic traits (Both parents Leo…l was not entitled to my own feelings, or they were dismissed. l could not even decorate my room, or have my hair the way l wanted…suffocating. Stressful.Someone here said: when her parents died she felt free…l feel freer. l have more sympathy for my father these days.) Narcissim is a misused word, used to insult. It is not simple ‘selfishness’ Gemini7. Lack of empathy and need for outside approval and grandious ideas of ‘self’ are markers. Yes, we see this in politics and big business…it has been written about here. They (psychophaths) dont care about layoffs and shutting down businesses that support towns. There are many psychopaths in politics…they made lying ‘cool’ and that has been copied … I think they are born (brain issues) and made lack of proper care and mirroring in early development.
    The dissengaged on line world (not here) and the devaluing of feelings and emotions, over medicating and the diagnosis of certain mental health issues–has not helped. There is something about cruelty at a distance…that the machines allow.
    All that aside, leaders do need strong egos, sometimes a call must be made, and not everyone is going to be happy. It (narcissim) needs a sliding scale…too much is not ok…too little and you get the ‘door mat’ I think it needs a community to teach a child about having a moral centre…a community with ‘everyone’ represented , to show different ways of ‘being’ not just ‘one way’like a cult. l do not trust monocultures…most of them are man made not nature made.

  7. I have wondered about my son and the potential for narcissism/psychopathy. He has Venus conjunct Pluto at last degree of Scorpio in second house. Besides our history, maybe it only occurs to me because of our synastry – each of our Mars are conjunct the other’s Sun. Sometimes (often in past) I unwillingly have to go into the darkness with him and pull him out. My moon is conjunct his Mercury in Libra (his 1st). I’ve felt that I needed to save him (and myself from him) from the threat of darkness. since he was a child that still napped. Could this be something? Yuck it’s dark. And other times it’s not.

      1. More info… astrology, context? It’s like you said, a true psychopath will win over the lab created psychopath. There must be some susceptibility in my son and knowing this, I wanted to save him from being a target in life. Saved from being a target in life in general and certainly from being a target to a psychopath (including grooming via media). He was exposed to all the temptations of the taboo early in life. I fought and failed to prevent that. When I was a young mother I did not have the vocabulary nor the maturity to articulate this in confrontation with those that could have helped or at least not harmed. He has Saturn Moon in Pisces – Saturn return in May! I’m a few years I hope it’s moot. I look forward to a future family dynamic reading by you Elsa. FYI I have never posted anything on a forum before. Thanks for stirring me to squeak out in public.

  8. Elsa, please write something about the people who follow, enable and support psychopaths. What do their charts show. There are those who lie and those who lie to support the liar. Synchophants?

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