
Advice on anything and everything under the sun!

Can Astrology Help You Find True Love? Yes! But Not In The Way It’s Usually Sold!

Dear Elsa, How and what do you work on within and without yourself to finally be in a place to recognize, cherish and honor a true love? Starry-Eyed and Full I think the capacity one has to love another in completely contingent on their capacity to love themselves. For example, if I can look in […]

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Demanding Virgos Who Play “Little Maiden” (Venus Conjunct Pluto)

“…You don’t want anyone stupid – you’re a Virgo!  But to find the right partner, you’ll have to let go the “little maiden” thing. You’re far more complicated that that. Part of you is voraciously demanding though this is not something you’d put in your press kit! By accessing your own intensity, you’ll increase your ability to attract what

ElsaElsa ask the collective

How Do I Tell My Child Their Father Was A Rapist?

A mom from California writes: “I was date raped 15 years ago. My child is 14 now. He’s the child of my rapist. I love him more than life itself. How in the world do i talk to him about what happened to me without hurting him? He’s growing up so fast. I had thought

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