
Advice on anything and everything under the sun!


Uranus Transits To Venus And The 7th House

“If you’re not failing every now and again, it’s a sign you’re not doing anything very innovative.” –Woody Allen This morning a client in a new relationship asked, “I’ve been reading about “uranus square venus” transits. A lot of them have said that during these times it will begin a relationship but a lot of

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two lovers

Defending Your Relationship From The Other Woman – Hints And Tips

uzmi writes on Defending Your Relationship From The Other Woman: “I definitely agree, you have to defend your relationship. but I’d love examples because I’m not quite sure what works best to prevent such attacks. Is it body language, glares, what exactly? All hints & tips please! what do you do when women blatantly look

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Sagittarius estee lauder

I’m A Depressed Sagittarius Woman

Hey Elsa, Almost 2 years ago I moved across the country to be with a guy (and to get away from home). I’ve got a decent job; can afford to live, etc. etc. I still live with the guy, but I’m not happy. I don’t know if it’s him, or me. I’ve almost come to

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