
Free Daily Astrology Forecast


Weekend Love Forecast – Dreaming Along With The New Moon

Friday afternoon, the new moon in Aquarius blooms and stretches away from its square to sign-ruler Uranus in Taurus. Simultaneously, Mercury in Aquarius closes in on a square to Taurus Jupiter, exact early Saturday. Myriad ideas, sensations and communications complicate a distractible mood.

fire and ice

Weekend Love Forecast – Unexpected Delights, Tending The Flame

Friday night, we hit the crossroads between the last full moon and the upcoming new moon in Aquarius, as the Scorpio Moon sextiles Capricorn Venus and squares the Sun. The Sun spends the weekend in sextile to Aries Chiron and an ongoing square to sign-ruler Uranus in Taurus. It’s a rug puller, but we end

Weekend Love Forecast – Significant Change

Looking at the sky this weekend makes me depressed. To be fair, looking at my life makes me depressed and looking at the real sky is the only thing that feels a bit better. BUT, who isn’t having a tough time, really? Let’s be clear, me saying all this is just a lark, because this


Weekend Love Forecast – GO SPEED RACER

Friday night, the Capricorn Sun perfects its square to Chiron in Aries. Have you been to your therapist lately? Issues are close to the surface and ready to be addressed. This is either a help or a hindrance depending on how you actively treat it.

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