Real Life

Relating astrology to real life

Pluto torment

Un-Comfort and Astrology, Abuse and Alchemy

So on this un-comfort topic, here’s some meat for your grinder. Awhile back I was talking to my ex, the career Special Forces soldier. And he has been through virtually every military training in existence on this planet. Internationally, I mean. And one of the things he’s been through is torture school. Now they don’t […]

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Un-Comfort, The Capricorn Plague and Writing This Blog With Neptune Conjunct the Midheaven

Regarding Capricorn and concern over public image, if not for this training with Ben… and others, but especially Ben who is so incredibly keen, I would never be able to write this blog. I put this stuff out here every day with no way to control how it may be interpreted… or misinterpreted. I mean,

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