Real Life

Relating astrology to real life

Coping With The Current Saturn Neptune Opposition: Believing Things Into Reality

So about these older African men, after all these years of this happening, I got to thinking about it. Because it never fails. I have had an older black man supporting me, and I mean absolutely accepting me and everything about me without equivocation all my life. And when I move or they move, another […]

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Coping With The Current Saturn Neptune Opposition: Parenting

I use Saturn Neptune techniques with my children all the time. I would! And themes run in families so it’s no surprise my daughter has Neptune in Capricorn (Saturn ruled) in mutual reception with her Saturn in Pisces (Neptune ruled). My son has a Saturn square Neptune, so basically we are a family of suggestible

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Mercury in Aries vs Mercury in Libra: Love of Taboo and My Criminal Mind

These are excerpts from the other night’s conversation with my ex from almost 3 decades ago, the career Special Forces guy. He has Mercury in Aries opposite my Mercury Mars in Libra. He’s a Scorpio Moon conjunct Neptune. I’m a packed 8th house. “Well it was just like lighting a match. And we’d both just

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Coping With The Current Saturn Neptune Opposition: This Magic Is More Mainstream Than You May Think

Now for people who find all this made up reality scary, I wanted to point out how mainstream it really is. Consider what therapists tell you. “Fake it till you make it,” they say. And, “Act as if…” The idea is if you pretend (Neptune) something is real (Saturn) it will become so. A person

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