
Patterns in relationship

Attractive Woman’s Pattern Of Dating Brings Misery

Hello, I was married to a man who was triple Libra. He left me for another woman. He had already been with her but telling me I was his world. A year later I felt healed enough to start to date again. Unfortunately my dating relationships over this new year don’t last more than a

What Is The Astrological Formula To Hitting The Love Lottery?

Togi writes on the “He’s Not That Into You?” video… “I am confounded. So what are the actual parameters of hitting the astrological love lottery? Should they match your Venus, Moon, Mars, Rising or what? Conjunctions, squares? I have lots of earth, fire and water and seem to go for what I lack…air. Which is

The Enigma That Is Pisces Rising

“How come no one knows anything about you?” I asked. “Well I don’t know why you’re surprised. You know I don’t tell people things. I don’t tell anyone anything except in a blue moon. You’re the only person I talk to, P and not only that, for some reason I feel it necessary to talk

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