
Patterns in relationship

Her Relationship is Heavenly But Double Gemini Boyfriend Avoids Commitment

Dear Elsa, I met a lovely Gemini man (Gemini moon/Scorpio Rising) in February. We have been dating ever since and are in love, if not smitten! I’ve never experienced anything like this before and it’s HEAVENLY! My concern is that he feels the need to be financially stable before entering into a relationship. I don’t

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She Wants Copious Amounts Of Sex No Man Can Deliver: Aries Sun, Scorpio Ascendent

Dear ElsaElsa! I just love your blog! I like your insightfulness and your straightforwardness: no beating about the bush! Your posting on the mars-scorpio-sex-OCD-connection touched me! A wonderful example of how directness and empathy can go hand-in-hand, indeed! I am an Aries with Scorpio rising myself, so I do relate to this urge to” express

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I Have Trouble Maintaining Relationships Of All Kinds

Hello Elsa, I have never really been good at maintaining platonic friendships or finding and maintaining romantic relationships. Part of me longs deeply for closeness and intimacy. The other part seems to push people away when they get too close. Part of me aches for touch. But another part of me feels very anxious when

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