
All sex, all the time.

Scorpio pink box

Is Married Scorpio Man Using Me For Sex?

Hi. Five years ago I met up with an old Scorpio flame. He’s married with kids and I’m married no kids. We hit it off straight away even though I ended our affair thirty-odd years ago we still have that omg feeling for each other. We have met up 2-3 times a year as he

Women – When Do You Have Sex With A Man You’re Dating?

I had a client ask when I thought a woman should have sex with a man she is dating. I guess we all have some sort of answer to that. What’s yours? This fundamental sex question seems relevant with Saturn in Scorpio.  Do you have some kind of sex rules or standards? Also, have your

ElsaElsa ask the collective

Men Who Withhold Sex

This is one of the touchy areas but you know I’m drawn to these topics. Please indulge my 8th house: Has a man ever withheld sex from you? Why do you think he did this? How was the issue resolved (if it was resolved)? Have you withheld sex yourself? Thanks!

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