Client Testimonial: “Accurate Description Of What Was Unfolding…”

zodiac vintate jewelrydb writes:

“Six months ago you gave me a reading. I recently began a relationship that embodies the qualities you prescribed for me. Curious, I called up your email to find I had missed the second half of your reading – which is an even more accurate description of what is currently unfolding in my life. Mercury Retrograde, I suppose!

Your insight, intelligence and depth continues to humble and amaze me. Thank you for your candor. And although I have only had 3 or 4 readings from you over the years – from 29 to my current age of 33 – your guidance and blog have been a touchstone.

You have a tremendous gift. Thank you for sharing it. I intend to pay it forward.”

Thanks, db!

8 thoughts on “Client Testimonial: “Accurate Description Of What Was Unfolding…””

  1. Elsa, coincidentally, early this morning, I also came across notes from a reading last year. You predicted that 2013/2014 would be like a combination of PATIENTLY combing a big tangle out of my hair (Quickly ripping a comb through a tangle results in both pain and damage). You also said that the coming year would be like a tsunami for me. With Sun in Scorpio, Moon and ascendant in Libra, that has CERTAINLY turned out to be true: I found out that I had some collateral damage due to last year’s radiation treatment for cancer (I remained calm, “combing out the tangles,” found a specialist who will help me repair the damage in about 8 weeks). And the “tsunami” was that my 92-year-old Mom tore a rotator cuff and I am now her full-time care-giver!) Your newsletter, blog and “Knowledge is Power! Guide to Navigating the Cardinal Clash & Eclipses” give me a BIG edge in these transformative times. Thanks to you, Elsa, at least I am not driving with a blindfold on!!!! Thank you for all that you do!!!

  2. PS: Fellow bloggers, Elsa’s “Knowledge is Power! report is only $15, and gives 11 pages of detailed guidance over the next two months of “Astrological Weather.” I have gone through the whole 11 pages in advance and made personal notes to myself in the margins. With all that is on my plate, with many others depending on me, I want to avoid any clashes and mistakes in the next two months of intense aspects. In my case, best $15 I ever spent…..and Elsa didn’t pay me to say that, HA!!!!

  3. Over the last few years I’ve enjoyed a few consultations (the phone consult being my preference over the email consult when my schedule was too full for a phone consult at the time). Your Deluxe Transit Report, “Knowledge is Power!” report, solar, and lunar reports have helped me tremendously. I’ve very much appreciated your eloquence and functionally applicable insight.

    With your help, my communication skills have improved the relationships in my life and helped me open my eyes to how in retrospect I may have undermined manifesting happiness and fulfillment in my life. It warms my heart (and inspires me) to know that your kind intentions are pure and sincere about helping people recognize what habitual tendencies keep dynamics in a holding pattern where changes can be made to improve the quality of their lives. Thank you, Elsa!

  4. I simply want to underline and confirm all that has been written above about Elsa’s gift . The combination of accurate predictions and ability to select exactly correct word from vast vocabulary is quite rare . AND she loves dogs , what more can anyone ask for…?

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