What’s The Difference Between A Personal And Generational Planets?

“What are the differences between the outer planets & personal planets?”

The personal planets are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars aka as your ego, your emotions, your thinking, your tastes and how you get what you want.

The social planets are Jupiter and Saturn; your perspective and your boundary, respectively. The best way I’ve heard this explained is that Saturn represents the skin or the barrier between you and what is OUT THERE.

“Out there” lies Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. These planets are referred to as the transpersonal, or generational or simply, “the outer planets”. They have dominion over things that transcend the personal or the individual such as atomic energy (Pluto), fantasy (Neptune) or lightning (Uranus).

See posts tagged – Astrology For Beginners

12 thoughts on “What’s The Difference Between A Personal And Generational Planets?”

  1. Great question, and once again, Elsa, you’ve made the murky go clear. Thanks, and I’ll be looking forward to your discussion on how these things combine. I especially liked how you described the function of Saturn.

  2. OK.

    LOL I think that’s one of my jobs this lifetime – questions haha.

    So if you have a personal planet in a house ruled by a non-personal planet, does that give your personal planet a non-personal flavoring?

    Like I have Merc/Neptune in the 11th, which is ruled by Uranus.

    Ahhh. I just realized. Everyone in my family has Merc/Uranus except me, I thought. But I have it after all, kinda? Am I correct?

    How funny.

  3. “So if you have a personal planet in a house ruled by a non-personal planet, does that give your personal planet a non-personal flavoring?”

    This will be the next blog I guess but someone is going to have to remind me.. like email me this, Jilly!! 🙂

  4. “So if you have a personal planet in a house ruled by a non-personal planet, does that give your personal planet a non-personal flavoring?”

    I find this to be a very, very interesting question. Will look forward to the blog on this.

  5. so, with jupiter and saturn both in taurus, and the others scattered elsewhere, does that mean that my common sense will over-rule the other planets forces or am I jumping the gun here?
    Love this by the way. Very nice thanks!

  6. heart you, don’t have Jupiter conjunct saturn in Taurus unless you are 9 years old. (the last time those planets were conjunct)

    You probably have Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Capricorn??

    Check your symbols and verify… Taurus is the bull – a round circle with horns. Capricorn is a V with a squiggly. 😉

  7. LOL you obviously know me better than I know myself…you are right…the little things do make a difference …as do my glasses, I had even made the correction myself on the chart

  8. I really liked how simple you made the planets to be. I have Saturn in Aries so impulse control is a struggle, explaining why Neptune can sneak in and distort my reality lol. Thanks for info

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