Effects Of Libra Planets In The First House

libraI was asked to cover the impact of planets that fall in the house ruled by the opposite sign.  Libra planets in the 1st.  Scorpio planets in the 2nd. Sagittarius planets in the 3rd, etc.

I was specifically asked about how a stellium of planets in this condition, behave.  Well let me tell you, this is a book-length challenge.

This happens when a person is a late Virgo or Libra rising, depending on your house system. My son is a Libra rising so I’ve had a lot of exposure to this.

It’s the opposite of this situation:

Benefits Of Having Aries Rising (The Natural Chart)

I can’t take on the whole project but I thought I’d give some idea how to look at this; in part because I have a textbook example.

I’m talking about a man I knew who had Venus in Libra conjunct his ascendent.  Pure specimen see?  He was definitely attractive, but he was a lot more than that. He was favored. I’m telling you, it was almost impossible not to like this guy.  You just wanted to gift him. If you doubt me, check his story:

When this man was in his twenties, he was in pharmacy school.  He worked in a pharmacy, while attending school.  The pharmacy was owned by this older couple who liked this man very much. They also had no children, so when it came time to retire, they gifted him the store. YES. They gave him the entire business for no money at all.  He was twenty-eight years old.  Pennsylvania, as I recall.

He worked this store for a few some years, and then he sold it for a ton of money and he moved to the Colorado mountains. Once in Colorado, he bought another pharmacy, in one of the mountain towns; this was before Colorado, exploded in popularity. Needless to say, he became very rich.

I tried to date this guy.  I did date this guy, but honest to God, that Venus placement did us in.  It  had little to do with the man himself.   His Venus was pure veneer. He knew people nearly always liked him, nearly always favored him. He’s learned to use his quality, tactically. First house!

Now that’s not what did us in, either. My point the first house is the first house. Me, me, me.  If he’s armed with charm (Venus in Libra), is it surprising he’d weaponize it to get what he wants?

We talked plenty about astrology. He was fully aware what he was doing. I might have been mulling the morality of this –  he’d fake sugar yo’ ass. We talked about this, extensively. But that’s not what did us in either, because we got on like house on fire.  What did us in, was being in public.

This guy was always turned out, as you can imagine.  He looked like someone who must be someone. Warren Beatty in his prime.

I remember emerging from a coffee shop with him, in Denver.  We were in the middle of an intense conversation, so note the mindset. Some women started chatting with him, as we paused on the sidewalk in front of the shop.  He flipped into Libra mode, which was entirely appropriate.  What does this situation call for, if not a “first handshake”? But the way he engaged them…

Well, I looked pretty nice, myself and  I could have played, “spokesmodel” next to his leading man, but I just couldn’t do it.  Mars in Libra? Capricorn reality, integrity? Wrong movie, for Elsa P?

I don’t know but I dumped this guy and was I honest about why.  I cannot assert “veneer”, knowing who and how I really am. He could not /not assert veneer. We both understood this, so we said goodbye.

This is how these things work.  The house is the house and the planet is the planet. They do not cancel each other out. You have to think and observe. If you do this, you’ll see it.

Do you have planets in Libra in your first house?  How do they fire?

8 thoughts on “Effects Of Libra Planets In The First House”

  1. My son has sun and venus conjunct in libra in 1st house. He’s not even 2, so thank you for sharing this perspective. I wonder if it being conjunct sun instad of asc as in your example would make the quality more authentic, sun, instead of veneer, asc?

    1. You have to look at the whole chart to understand an individual. But I would expect your son to shine and be favored with that first home. He will not be the one the teacher doesn’t like?

  2. I’ve Libra Rising and Jupiter in the first house.
    I’m about balance, fairness and truth.
    Somewhere I read that this placement can make a person tall..I’m 5″ 10′.
    Also read we tend to gain weight as we age, true also.
    I do like my sweets and Jupiter often doesn’t know when to quit a good thing.
    People who know me see me as pleasant and nice.
    Someone who laughs a lot and loves beautiful things.
    Of course there is much more to me than those qualities.

    There’s Uranus square Mars in Scorpio. Ouch
    Sagittarius Sun and Venus in Capricorn. Relationships are seriou business for me.
    I’ve been married 40 years this year.

    I also have Neptune in the first house, but in Scorpio.

    1. That is so interesting. Thanks for your comment. Also, congrats on your 40 years of marriage. So few can say that these days.

  3. This is so helpful Elsa, thank you!!

    My husband has 5 planets in the 1st (Libra) including Moon conj ASC. Women are drawn to him like he is one of their best girlfriends (they tend to feel very comfortable spilling all personal info about themselves) but he also has the veneer situation you talked about, so I think they quickly find out that he doesn’t have the depth to go down the roads they were expecting with all of their deepest, darkest secrets.

    Which is interesting, because he is also a Scorpio Sun, which would make me think he should have the potential to go really deep, but it’s in the 2nd house. He is very superficial and is also very well-fed on that level (by all of these women) so he’s never really had to think too deeply. Until he met me, lololol!!!

  4. The evil woman who gave birth to me has a progressed libra ascendant with a whole lot of progressed planets in the first house. She is fake as hell and is definitely selfish and ‘me me me’ obsessed. The thing is it’s progressed and not in her natal chart so it off putting to everyone around her, even the object of affection/deception. Natal chart has Leo rising with Leo sun and Leo uranus conjunct ascendant so it’s in your face. Her Uranus is just behind her ascendant so she never realizes how off putting it is in public, or she doesn’t care. She also has munchhausen syndrome and is a sociopath. She has gotten uglier during this progression which I thought was weird. Guess I assumed things would get better when this progression hit for her but she just uses people more.

  5. I’m curious about a stellium (Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Pluto) in Libra in the first; 21 Virgo sun widely conjunct 0 Libra ascendant from the 12th and Venus at 1 degree Scorpio on the 27 degree Libra 2nd house.
    Moon conjunct descendant.

    Does this mean this “nice” person uses their lovely “veneer” to get money, power, etc from others?

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