How do you stay prosocial during war and times of crisis?

Libra shirt“A lot of Americans aren’t used to crisis, lack of water or food or war on their soil. How do we not fold into ourselves, but stay prosocial and aid our fellow citizens during war, crisis or revolutionary times? (For instance, there was some pressure to take a boat to a war-torn country to deliver aid, where soldiers often shoot at civilians.) I’m having a lot of trouble not ‘protecting number 1’ and hiding and doing right by my fellow citizens. I am having my nodal return in Aries in the 3rd house, I’m not doing well at all.”
                                                           – Anonymous Person

What a complex, interesting question. I admire you, tremendously for asking it. No matter what you’re currently doing, you have common sense, perspective and a lot of heart.

Assuming what you describe, manifests, Americans can take a lesson from other groups of people who have suffered through times like this. You fare best by cooperating with at least some, “others”.  You’re going to have to trade, eventually. You’re not going to be able to do that, if no one knows or recognizes you.

There is also only so much time in a day.  My neighbor’s and I, do this now: “I’m going here, can I pick anything up for you?”  My neighbor swings by some store, to pick something up for me; I hand them fresh vegetables from my garden?

Consider a situation like this next to, doing everything alone, all day, every day.  There’s no question which is preferable, never mind, the day will come when there will be something you cannot do alone.

You can’t do this with everyone, or just anyone.  You’ve got to be a decent person and find other decent people. Just reasonably decent! This is why I’ve been imploring people to bond with their neighbors, now.

Your answer may be this simple: ultimately, you can best protect number one, by co-operating with others.  You may be stuck, thinking if you help at all, you have to help everyone, without discrimination.  This is the not the case.

Just think about having X to share.  Your snobby jerk neighbor needs it, as does the neighbor who has been trading or cooperating with you for years.  There’s no question who’ll get the commodity.

I’m taking my husband for surgery in city some distance away, next week. Our neighbor will come by and let our dogs out, as many times as needed.

What would we do without these neighbors?  Stress about our dogs stressing, that’s what. Instead, it’s handled.

I highly recommend, you connect with others. Not everyone, but people in your sphere, who are reasonably sane and understand give and take.  Once you do, cherish and maintain these connections.

Understand, you don’t have to be best friends.  You want to have some kind of understanding; you’re working together in some capacity. You say, “Let me know if you need help with something,” and you mean it.  When you get tapped, keep your word.

Most people won’t take advantage of this. They will reciprocate in some way. But if they do, tap you again and again; revealing themselves to be takers, only, then easy peasy.  Tell them you’ve had sufficient and move on.

Do you network with others? Are you generally, reciprocal and cognizant of how energy is exchanged?  Do you tangibly express appreciation for people who assist you and contribute to your quality of life?

5 thoughts on “How do you stay prosocial during war and times of crisis?”

  1. I find that in trying times it’s best to try and quiet the mind with a positive affirmation to stay grounded and CALM. One of Louise Hay’s ; All is well in my heart now. Repeating this in your mind over and over like a chant to yourself helps to find clarity

  2. ive been pondering this for a few years as i started seeing the writing on the wall in the usa, as what was done abroad is now being done inside the usa, and biden is our yeltsin. whan made people tolerate eachother here is the prosperity and freedom narrative, but once the money power starts erroding a bit faster, i dont know how things will be-other countries have ethnic or religious cohesion. but im a free agent, not tied down by property and family, so im not gonna stick around to find out. ive been through two civils wars in my life. thats plenty.

  3. I have networked and exchanged with neighbors for as long as I can remember. When I lived in VA, my neighborhood of 30+ years had small farms as well as homes on 3-10 acres. We all gardened and exchanged food with each other. We slaughtered together, we canned food together. We also watched and cared for each other’s animals and farms so each of us could actually get away for a vacation or in times of emergency. I can’t imagine living any other way. I now have a couple of neighbors in TN who are this way too.

    1. Normal for me, too. I babysat my my neighbor, ten hours a day, for free, when she had to go to work. I did it for two years. This was in the 90’s.

    2. thats so beautiful. i had that as a kid back home, but i never found that community living in new york city. no wonder cities are ruled by aqua, freedom and alienation.
      i also find rural areas in the usa very daunting. It’s probably why i dont see mysefl living in the usa longterm. i think my preferences for a europen lifestyle is just too deep in my blood.

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