Introduction To Chiron In The Natal Chart

Chiron glyphYou might be a big shot up on Olympus but down here you’re still just one of my students. Move it!”
                   –Chiron, Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

Chiron of myth is the wounded healer, oracle and famed teacher. He was a centaur with the torso of a man and the body of a horse. Chiron was immortal; when wounded in battle he suffered the effects of a poisoned arrow but did not die. In astrology Chiron is associated with Virgo and the 6th house, quite broadly health.

In the horoscope the placement of Chiron shows a very basic, primal wounding. It also shows where we are best able to be healers. This is not an unusual concept when one considers how much we learn from adversity. Who knows better the ins and outs of a subject than one who has experienced it firsthand? For example, many domestic violence counselors have themselves overcome domestic violence. It’s a common joke that all psych students are nuts. We’re trying to figure out what the heck to do to fix our heads.

It’s been said that the Chiron placement or wound is where we can heal others but not ourselves. I disagree with this. I think that the Chiron wound is deep and difficult to overcome. However I also think that through mastery of the subject, accomplished by practicing on others, one gains the knowledge and skill necessary to facilitate one’s own healing.

Where is your Chiron in sign and house? Do you see your “wound”? Have you been moved to help others in this area?

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106 thoughts on “Introduction To Chiron In The Natal Chart”

  1. Chiron in Pisces, 4th House. I’m beginning to get a handle on my wound… And, I agree with you Satori- I believe that it can be healed, but not in a way that it ‘goes away’… some things just can never be ‘undone’- but definately the pain can no longer be debilitating and life goes on and yes, gives one a certain compassion that would have been impossible to learn without the experience.

    1. Ditto – home & family destroyed on more occasions than I care to think about (father, mother/step-father, ex-husband, brother, out-laws, . . .) teaches you how to become a displaced nomad with a poker face 0:)
      Never undone, never goes away but I can always understand, listen & be there for others. Actually, I have excelled at that.
      My dream (goal with a tentative date) is to have my own home that nobody ever takes away from me again . . working towards it . . .

  2. Chiron in Aries, 11th House


    Chiron in the 11th house: The problem areas are friends, hopes, and wishes. On the one hand, there could be difficulty having or holding on to friends, or a fear of crowds or groups. On the other hand, one may compulsively seek out friends (or join groups, especially groups that want to change society) in order to compensate for inner fears of loneliness. You might get more than your share of “friends” who take advantage and drain you. More often, you give to friends whether they want it or not because this gives you a feeling of control (Saturn). But you could be the drainer here, always asking things of friends in order to compensate for a psychological neediness that never seems to be filled

    Chiron in Aries: Aries is the sign of selfhood and with Chiron here the sense of self may be weakened. Melanie Reinhart in Chiron and the Healing Journey says that sometimes the person feels as if they don’t exist and have to take their sense of identity from others. I mentioned this to a friend who had Chiron in Aries opposing her Ascendant, and she said that it was true for her. She frequently felt that way. At the time, she was on her third marriage (there was also one live-in relationship), as she couldn’t bear to be alone. Having a partner (opposition to the Ascendant) was the way she dealt with that feeling of non-being.

    Sounds pretty close to home for me. I’m working on my wounds… I’m feeling pretty good about the healing these days. 🙂

  3. I regret that I can’t get too deep right now but I have chiron in Taurus & I have issues w food supplies. Seriously, my husband makes fun of me bc I feel lost w/o a fully stocked fridge. Let’s leave the psychology for another time 😉

  4. Oh man. Chrion in Gemini conjunct Mars in 12th house. This is my shit (repulsive). In the third grade, I was traumatized by my first writing homework assignment. It was so hard for me! I had an enormous emotional breakdown/tantrum.

    I tried in high school, and got better, but as soon as I got into a cirricculum that took the pressure off of writing (art school), I really started to love writing, and found so much of myself between the words and my painting.

    And now that I’m challenging myself with some hard math & science studies, I NEED to write (and see myself moving away from the paint).

    I still have a lot of wounds to address and frustration to release, and writing is my best tool to figure out the things that come through in my art. I use it for a lot of work things now, and have put some stuff out there that’s been well received. I’ve written a couple solid pieces. But the bulk of it all is really baddddd. There are some interesting privacy issues surrounding my writing, because I always spill out stuff about taboos and wounds and imbalances, and I can be pretty bitter. It’s best I keep most of these things to myself, for now.

  5. Chiron in the six, trine Mars and Neptune, opposite Pluto in the 12…and conjunct my South node…with Pluto conjuncting NNode…Even Melanie Reinhart had a hard time explaining that one!!! When Neptune and Pluto are involved…it is difficult to see your way out sometimes!!!
    That is where Faith commes in…
    Would welcome any input …

  6. Mine is in the 6th house pisces – I am a compulsive eater and organizer if I am stressed. I am also good at telling others what they should do but can’t figure my own life out. I like to “save” people.

    Venus I am the same way but I know why 🙂

  7. I have Chiron in the 3rd house, Sun in the fourth house. It is square Moon, conjunct Mercury, square Jupiter, square Saturn, and opposite Uranus. I have no idea what this means, but I don’t like the look of those squares…

  8. Mermaid & going home, I also have chiron in the 6th. In Aries trine sun,Neptune, and mercury, square venus,saturn, and pluto I think.
    I have eating things too but I have a jupiter moon, my moon makes a lot of aspects.
    Not sure how to tie it all together. I have had identity issues but I have Uranus on the ascendant.
    I am starting to feel more comfortable with myself in many ways. Still have a ways to go but I am excited about the opportunity to try to figure things out.
    Here’s to good health

  9. I have Chiron at 29degrees Pisces in the 10th house. I interact one on one with people at work, mostly I ask questions and they talk and when they leave they say they feel great. 😀

  10. Mine is in the 12th house in Aquarius conjunct Pholu. I give good advice to any one who brings me a problem. Generally they have to ask or at least state the problem. Advice is free they can take it or leave it. I like to think I save people or furry critters. I am a tree hugger that is for sure. Not a conventional type person really. I too have the problem of having a difficult time figuring out my own life or exactly what steps to take to iron out the parts that need fixing in my opinion. I also don’t exactly know how to ask for help so I just kind of go along trying to fix what I can when I can, and figure out how to fix it as fast as possible so that I can move on.

    1. I agree. Mine is in Aquarius in the 12th within 5′ of my Pisc Asc. People really appreciate my advice and often reward me for it. I am at a loss to solve my own inner fears that are quite fuzzy and hard to pin down. Healing is slow and steady. I like solitude in nature and small animals and other forms of solo escape like books and movies.

      1. Hmm. Mine is in the twelfth also, with a similar placement to yours James. I can relate to what you and lbetters have said. People often ask me for my advice, but I don’t like to give it. I want them to come up with their own solutions (I have a lot of Saturn). Take responsibility for whatever it is that they want someone else to give them a solution for. Sometimes I just ask them a lot of questions that helps them think about some other angles to their problems, and then they can follow a new path of enquiry for themselves. So, what does it mean for us? Chiron in the 12th house? Something wounded in our unconscious?

        1. Yes my fears are totally subconscious.(Pluto bang on the DESC) That’s what I meant by ‘fuzzy”. I don’t know where some phobias or repulsions come from but there’s a memory there somewhere (maybe another life?). They don’t connect with my very happy childhood and I don’t believe I’m blocking memories. Confusing but I am attracted to human psychology and what makes others “tick”. My Saturn is loosely opposite my Sun.

  11. 8th house Taurus Chiron

    Quite good talking about sex, something that anyone says, but well Chiron proves it.
    Great dealing with death, able to help ppl dealing with it, i lost my brother when i was 10, we had a fight one day before he was gone, and i wished it, screamed for it many many times, that really made me who i am.
    Made myself through rehab, quit marijuana, alcohol and cigars… all hidden from others… i mean nobody new i was quitting…

    i guess the wounded healer can heal itself… but difficulties in such area will always pup up.

  12. Chiron in Aquarius, I’m starting to think, 1st house. Wow, where to start….? When I was about 9, Pluto was transversing my Jupiter, which is inconjunct Chiron. That was when I started being bullied at school. Yes, I now have major issues with self esteem, when it is tied with large groups. One on one, I’m fine, but when I’m in a social group, major insecurities. I just went through a Chiron return a few years back, and am now experiencing Chiron opposing my Pluto, and then Sun. I’m actually starting to try to shed some light on this problem in my life, as I am tired of being limited by it.

  13. Fifth house. End of Pisces. Lots of oppositions and trines to other planets so difficult to parce. Everything fifth house is next to impossible for me to ‘get at’. I have Saturn there too.

  14. My Chiron’s kind of confusing – it’s in Pisces in the 9th but conjunct Juno in Pisces in the 8th, and I feel as though the energies are somewhat blended and braided together? I’m still learning about delineating both energies because they do feel, so far in my life, quite concealed and hidden, though I’m hoping one day they’ll be more free to come forth and express.

  15. Been trying to figure out the 12th house for a year…. and thats where my chiron is. on the cusp at 11 degrees. My 12th placidus is to 4 gemini. I loose myself my identity or used too ALL the time. Am realizing that I have to be able to differential between the feelings, thoughts and actions that belong to me and those that belong to others. Not sure if this is Chiron in a house naturally ruled by neptune (ruler of my sun) or my moon/neptune conjunct 7th… Ahh the 12th house fog. My I have a healing touch that seems to draw in the hurting physically and emotionally

  16. Mine is in Taurus 5th house and when it is combined to my Venus (CAP 1st house ) and Mars (Virgo 9th house) it creates a GRAND TRINE in Earth Signs. Can I also say its all in Fire houses too?

  17. I have Chiron Rx Aries 28’29 degrees 11th house.

    Then… Chiron opp. Juno Scorpio 5th, Chiron sextile Asc Gemini 29’05, Chiron semi square MC Pisces 11’21, Chiron Opp. NN Scorpio 5th, Chiron Sesquiquadrate Neptune Sag.6th, Chiron Quincunx Mars Scorpio 26’32 5th, Chiron trine OOB Venus Capricorn 2’01 7th, Chiron quincunx Mercury Scorpio 28’57 5th

    I have an identity crises and I tend to have very very few close friends. 🙂

  18. Chiron r, 1 degree Cap in 2nd, opp Uranus, and square saturn and jupiter…..something to do with money and worldly goods maybe?

  19. ThankYou Satori Great Post as Usual !!!

    I have Chiron in the 8th house in tight conjuntion to Jupiter in Piscis so in the Next Years Chiron and Neptune are going to visit my natal Chiron and Natal Jupiter and i have always liked to heal others really interesting post !!!

    Blessings !!!

  20. I have Chiron in Cancer in the 7th.

    It opposes Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and the ASC.
    Trines Pluto
    Sextiles Venus
    Semi-Sextiles Sun

    I can think of many ways this can manifest. I also have Venus-Saturn in aspect and Pluto in the 11th, so I’ve had problems with socializing, Venus-Neptune, self-esteem issues, and trusting feelings. The issues still get worked on, but I know what to do and apply it. I help other people as best as I can.

  21. I have Chiron in the 10th house in Gemini conjunct the Midheaven. I was fired from my first two jobs out of college and went through 6 months of terrible unemployment. Chiron is so fascinating to me because as much as all that sucks and continues to suck, ultimately now I know that I have a deep fear of being seen as incompetent, inept or too stupid to do something. My wound is a huge, hairy inferiority complex. Opposing Saturn does no help either. I think I would be good at helping people someday but there’s lot’s of work to be done.

  22. @Togi.I have the same placement.Chiron Pisces in the 5th.Also Saturn in the 5th.I really want to be creative in an artistic way.I just don’t think I am.Or I’m fearful of not being good enough to even try?My eldest chid has relocated to a foreign country,and my youngest lives on the west coast.So there’s that feeling of seperation.Even though we speak often.My romantic life has been very painful.Not sure how to turn all of this around,or to use it to benefit others?

  23. @Melody for me it’s like something always comes along to hamper my creative zen or get in the way of good times. I definitely think I’m good enough but I’m missing the key to the magic door.

    Love affairs have been frustrating. I get just enough to keep me going but there’s always something missing; physical, intellectual, emotional. I usually get 2 out of 3 and yearn for the 3rd bit.

  24. @Togi.Yeah that really resonates.Mine is in late degree also.Atleast you have some helpful trines.Wonder what will happen when we get the chiron conjunction?I have yet to look it up in my ephemeris.

  25. @Togi.Forgot,I didn’t mean that I don’t feel good enough as a person.Perhaps not skilled enough to pull it off.I would be judging myself harshly on the merit and quality of my creativity,or the lack there of.

  26. Like KE, I have Chiron in Aries in the 11th. Mine loosely (5 degrees on the squares, 8 on the opposition) fills out a grand cross if you count these things. I don’t.

    I am an amazing, invisible, and difficult friend. Amazing in my friend skills, invisible because I change people’s lives without them seeing it, and difficult to be a friend to – but VERY much worth it. Learning to be less difficult and to help people find the things they need.

    I’ve also got an abandonment thing – so I don’t abandon people easily. I think perhaps I hang on longer than I should, and definitely well after most folks I know would have given up.

  27. chiron in gemini 3H fitting as well i love to help others by counseling, communication and writing ( song writer) but man..i am uber sensitive to comments, or ego spots in my fitting i think here..

  28. Great poat Satori.

    I’m glad tp hear you disagree with the standard script on Chiron. I too would say, it gives the individual an opportunity to become a master in the trade that Chiron never finishes processing. I would also venture to say, that the area it marks, could become an earned awareness (Truth) you are willing to die for!

    OK, maybe thats a bit much, but I have Chiron in Pisces in the 6th conjunct Saturn, opposite Pluto/Uranus in the 12th and it all makes a T-Square to sun. So maybe that death stuff is just my interpretation.

    I’ve had plenty-o eating disorders. scarcity/ overwhelm, dichotomy. With Saturn involved, it makes sense that I’ve done yoga forever and teach it.

    Chiron aspects everything in my chart. I’ve never read Jeff Green’s work, but probably would get a kick out it.

    Thanks everyone for sharing.

  29. chiron in aquarius 11th house square sun in taurus 1st house and trine Jupiter on the desendent
    also sextile mercury 1st house.
    not sure how to take all this and just moveing out of a chiron return being 52
    seems like a lot thought

  30. Chiron in late Aquarius in the 12th, trine Moon-Mars in the 4th. No idea what this means; never gave it much thought. Thanks for the post, satori. I’m learning a lot (off to research!)

  31. Chrion conjuct Moon in 10th (Aquarius, opposition Uranus in 4th house(Leo). Inconjunct Virgo Sun in 5th house, Biquintle Mars and, Mercury Virgo 5th house. Trine Jupiter, (Libra, 5th house), trine Venus,(Libra, 6th house). Square North Node, (Scorpio,6th house),Sextile Saturn (Saggitarius,7th house).

  32. I have Chiron in Aries in the 11th house…have had problems with friends- finding friends, feeling appreciated and just feel “on my own” – a good friend is hard to find kinda feeling. I also have had problems joining groups of any kind. I always feel like an outsider somehow, almost anywhere. Come to think of it, I feel like an outsider on this planet mostly.

  33. Chiron at 25° Aquarius in the 10th house, exact opposition to Sun at 25° Leo in 4th, square to Jupiter at 24° Scorpio in 6th… it was difficult to realize that my place is where I am, just doing what I am doing. I enjoyed the last Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter at the end of Aquarius, a profound change of consciousness arise, as if life was becoming simple ! I saw that many astrologers or healers have Chiron in 10th, did you observe that too ?

  34. I’m with venusflytrap and alicia – chiron in taurus, but mine is in the second.

    I think the house is really important with chiron, especially given the range of thoughts here.

    My issues are often expressed through food and finances – a major weak spot. I find when things are going bad for me (usually to do with money) I eat less, and as a toddler stopped eating altogther for a while.

    Weirdly though I am very very good at giving advice – just terrible at following my own wisdom!

  35. @ stellia, I have Chiron in 2nd too, in Capricorn and I also had a spell of not eating as a child. I remember being examined by school doctors and my Mother being told I was still too thin – Would have been about 5 yrs old. I have hardly ever had money of my own in spite of working my *** off for most of my life. Various reasons, one reason gets solved – another takes its place. I feel distinctly uncomfortable being given presents – birthdays and Christmas not good, although I would be mortified if I was unable to give presents myself – Weirdo!

  36. @akali-astro,
    my Spiritual Awareness Meditation teacher has Chiron in the 10th. Barbara Hand-Clow, writes that many with Chiron in the 10 have taken rilegious vows.

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