Astrology And The Left And Right Brain: Test Here!

Following up on the great discussion around types of thinking, remember this:

If you see dancer rotating clockwise, you are right-brained (creative), counter-clockwise, left-brained (logical).

Some can see her spin both ways.

She spins clockwise for me, clockwise for my son, and counter-clockwise for my daughter but both kids said they could see her change up and go the other way.

I stared until I got dizzy and could only see the one direction. What about you?

Can you tie this to your chart?

75 thoughts on “Astrology And The Left And Right Brain: Test Here!”

  1. Oh hell. I can’t see it. I have two kids here pointing out the tricks and no matter what she’s a one trick pony as far as I can tell.

    I can’t decide if this means I am broken or pure. ;-0

  2. When I looked at her on your site, she was going clockwise. When I clicked on the link and saw it on the e-paper she was going anti-clock wise.

    I am sure it is tied to my chart…though not sure how.

  3. I clicked on both. In other left brain/right brain tests I tend to be in the middle with a slight emphasis on the Right brain side. Lots of Libra maybe?! 🙂

  4. If you concentrate on the swinging leg you can make her switch by seeing how it crosses over the top then switching it to swing behind in stead of in front (in you mind). I can make her switch any time. At first look she was counterclockwise then it switched to clockwise and of course I had to stay with it until I figured out how to switch her back. My chart is all air, fire and earth – no water, but I have a 12th house sun. I always tested balanced brain when I took the tests.

    That was fun.

  5. clockwise, clockwise, and only clockwise as far as my brain’s concerned. This does not come as a huge shock to me.

  6. I just can´t believe it. I´m the classical all-right-brainer ;-), and yet my dancer goes counter-clockwise on both websites and I can´t get her to switch at all.

  7. I can’t see it any way but counter-clockwise, no matter how hard or long I stare, and I can’t see any change in direction, even watching her bottom foot, as advised by Amethyst. Hmmmm.

  8. I voted counter clock because that’s the only direction i was seeing for a while. after voting she started spinning the other way! If you look away from the screen and look back she changes direction sometimes. weird 🙂
    me and my cousin were looking at the same time and seeing different things!

  9. Avatar
    Little Miss Hermit

    100% clockwise for me. To account for this, I have Uranus in Scorpio (water singleton) in the 9th house, Sagittarius Rising and Neptune in the 12th house. Neptune is in sextile my stellium in Libra: Mercury rx and Pluto in the 8th house and Venus and Mars in the 9th. Lots of air, 9th house and Uranus influences, in other words…:)
    I usually get about 50/50 left/right on other brain function/gender tests, though.

  10. Mostly clockwise, though I realize at one point she changed when I was not really focusing on her, just had my eyes staring in the space around her legs/knees while thinking of something else, and then –poof!– she looked like she was going the other way for a couple of turns. But now she’s clockwise in my mind again. 🙂

  11. Hours later, I come back to the page and the dancer has turned. Now I can only see her move clockwise.

    Must be the other twin watching now… I´m relieved.

  12. I’m very cardinal and far to Aries to sit and stare at the thing long enough to make it go any way but clockwise.

  13. Both ways. At first I saw clock-wise. Then I looked again and saw counter-clock-wise. It wasn’t just her feet, tho’–her bosom silhouettes differently depending on which direction she is spinning.

    Yes, of *course* I noticed her bosom–I’m a double Cancer! Although, I looked at her feet first. Lots of Pisces in me, too.

    Anyway, that was too distinct a difference, so I knew it couldn’t be a simply optical illusion. So I did what any good Pluto in 3rd would do–I obsessively studied her until I could pick apart the mystery: the animated .gif literally changes her, but the number of spins in each direction before the switch-out varies. Probably some fancy compilation .gif file, clever!

  14. Can you tie this to your chart?

    Maybe my 9th house stellium, or my Saturn in Pisces or all my Neptune aspects, not sure, but the trick to see both movements is this, if you look from the outside in, you will see the clockwise movement. To see the counter-clockwise movement you have to imagine yourself laying underneath the ballerina. When you do that, the direction of the movement immediately changes. It is the difference of looking from the OUTSIDE or looking from the CENTER. Instead of using the ballerina you can use your own index finger, it is the same. Move your index finger in front of you in a clockwise movement, then place your hand above your head moving your index finger and you will see the counter-clock movement. Or if you write the letter E it goes one way, but if someone draws it on your chest, and you look at it, it goes the other way.

    That is why it is said that what we humans perceive from our personal point of view, that is, from the outside, is always the exact opposite of what exists in the divine state of being. When you look at something you are in a dualistic relationship to that, you see the two poles, but when you are something, you are in a monistic state of being, in divine unity.

  15. Look at her, then scroll the pic up until you only see one foot. That’s when it changed for me. I would say it now goes back and forth, but I can’t control it. Sounds about right! I can’t control my brain either! 🙂

  16. hahaha – this is a riot! Tinkerer, I’m with you, I believe it is internally operating within the graphic itself, and was going to time it to see when the changes were as my Scorpio sun didn’t want to be tricked – either the creator is Dr. Evil & wants to mesmerize us all while he fights for world domination or they’re Dr. Feelgood trying to calm us all down so world peace can pervade the earth, yet, my Aries moon tracksuit said it was time to get some other things beaten out and off the to-do list.

    But Analysa makes it sound so beautifully zen! and I’m not astro-astute enough yet to tell you if that’s my Neptune or Venus talking!

  17. When i first looked it was anti-clockwise, now i’m looking and its clockwise and i cant see how i saw it anti-wise the first time. Just flicked back and its back to i guess both. I have a see-saw chart..

  18. No way! I can only to see the clockwise direction! Always I have thinked I have a balanced brain, but I cann`t see the counter-clock wise anyway. It is remarkable this site has a preponderance of right brained people. What means: people not tied at strict official logic (saturnine logic?) what means people opened to astrology (very uranian don’t you?) OK a crazy geminii moon t-squared with the sixties opposition saturn qiron- pluto uranus, and that moon quinqux neptune and….. trined with an libra sun (everything is fine for me)

  19. When I started I could only see her go clockwise. I’ve always considered myself slightly more left-brained than right-brained having had to develop the right-brain as I’ve gotten older. At first it seemed to me that the very act of staring at it would naturally throw someone into a right-brained state, but after awhile I got it to switch to counterclockwise although it seemed to take more effort on my part. Viewing it clockwise is much more comfortable and natural to me. However, if I stare at it long enough it starts to switch back and forth after just one rotation which makes my eyes uncomfortable. Kinda makes my head hurt.

    I would think whether someone is right- or left-brained would be shown predominantly by Mercury and the 3rd house. Mercury by sign, house, and aspects; the 3rd house by planets in the house and their signs and aspects and the sign, house, and aspects of the 3rd house ruler. But what about Jupiter, i.e., how we evaluate, process, and judge what we perceive? Aspects to Mercury or to 3rd house planets from either Saturn and/or Neptune could modify it all extensively, so it would be a pretty complex assessment. I think it would take a fair amount of research to validate and to determine to what extent it’s modified by Sun sign, Moon sign, and rising sign.

    I’m a Cancer with a Scorpio Moon, water, right-brained one would think. But my Mercury is in Gemini in the 10th and I have Scorpio on the cusp of my 3rd. I’ve done a lot of left-brained work in my life.

    This was really interesting! Thanks for posting.

  20. I can make her flip but she’s usually going counterclockwise for me.

    Ambidextrous Gemini who usually thinks abstractly here.

  21. Weird, as soon as I typed that and looked again she would only go clockwise for me. Unintentional Gemiliar is me.

  22. saw counterclockwise only… and then i scrolled down to read something else… scrolled back up and she was clockwise…

    not sure what all this means….

    i think she flips. i don’t think it’s my brain flipping–

  23. I’m working right now – analytic stuff, so she’s going clockwise.

    Probably, later though, I can look and she’ll be going the other way.

  24. She’ll only go counter-clockwise for me today, however I was able to switch her with ease the last time . .

    I’ve a pretty big ninth house, and with a virgo moon and merc cnj sun square jupiter and saturn from the ninth, I like to think I’m pretty smart.

    I’d attribute the fact I can’t be as ‘creative’ and right brained now to the fact that transiting saturn is trining my sun/merc which it wasn’t before (when I could make it flip . . also when transiting Jupiter was closer to my sun – possibly cnj). These days its all bucklin’ down, eatin’ at home, payin’ bills, hardly even reading for fun anymore. I almost feel like Eyeore I guess I’ll go eat some nettles. hahahahhaha.

  25. This is a good one, I always keep the link under my favorites. She spins in both directions and also swings between left and right without spinning – it’s only a matter of focusing on her pony tail or on her heel (the one that “touches the ground” to move her around. If you open the file on your computer you will see that it’s a movie composed by 34 slides. You can scroll through the slides (like a slideshow) from the first to the last (clockwise) or from the last to the first (counterclockwise), and also stop in between to change the direction. And that’s what our mind does. The pony tail and the heel are in more or less the same position on the slides, so our eye can use it to change the direction of our “scrolling”. Most of us are more used to scroll through a slideshow from first to last, so that may be a reason why there are more people who see it spinning clockwise. My Aquarius could not sleep until I found out 🙂

  26. It was only counterclockwise at first and for a while but I got it to switch by relaxing focus (staring/sort of cross-eyed). Now it’s switched back to counterclockwise. Seems we switchers are in the majority so far, but I’m surprised I was in the minority of counterclockwise (first).

    I would have thought it was lots of Libra, but need more votes to come in here….

  27. funny, the first time I saw this I had such a hard time with it. now I can change at will my perception of her direction. cool.

  28. try looking at the bottom view only, legs. when the upper foot reaches the left side, visualize that the leg is going from right to left, then left to right, back and forth. you can trick your mind into seeing her switch direction if you tell your mind her leg is swinging back and forth. once you can do that you can scroll up and make it change at will.

    mercury in pisces.

  29. The fact that she is as likely to go one way as the other for me, or even just go back and forth without even turning all the way around…for some reason I attribute this to having so much mutable energy in my chart with the Mars in Gemini in the 3rd house, and Pisces rising, and all those mutable things.

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