Love Comin’ Back To You, Because Real Love Never Dies

mostaI wrote this a year ago, nearly to the day. I had just gotten on contact with my daughter after a twelve-year separation.  March 2019, I wrote:

“Here’s a shocking thing. I spoke with my daughter yesterday. It’s been ten years!  It was great.

What struck me is that I have the same phenomenal love for her; as deep and as wide as if ever was.  She makes my heart soar.  Nothing can stop it.

Uranus in Taurus, is squaring her natal Uranus in Aquarius. Love comes back like a boomerang.

Mary might have had something to do with this as well. In whatever case, I’m really happy and so is she.”

March 2020:

My daughter came to visit over the last week. She flew home last night. It suspect it was nothing like you might imagine but I can’t say for sure because I don’t know what you imagine!

I know it’s hard to fathom but my daughter and I were always very close. Seriously close! Not enmeshed, just freaking CLOSE.  It seems possible a person could break their mind trying to fathom how a separation of this magnitude could ever occur.  I don’t know that either of us have the time or desire to explain but I’ll tell you what the visit was like. It was like one day had passed.

I glanced over at her, driving to the airport. She was playing her music which is exactly what she did when she rode in car with me when she was twelve years old.  I could see she was a little older but it had no meaning or impact at all. It was just my daughter, being my daughter, like she’s always been my daughter and I’ve always been her mom.

I asked her if she felt similar; she did.  I swear, it’s as if the umbilical cord is still there.  But there’s more to say…

I felt this same way when I reunited with my husband after 20-year (give or take) separation.  We both had the same feelings we had as teenagers.

I did a lot of whining about all the time we missed back then. Now I see it doesn’t matter.  The time has no meaning, really, when it’s up against this kind of love.  Agape love.

68 thoughts on “Love Comin’ Back To You, Because Real Love Never Dies”

  1. Such a story helps us know life is worth living, for all its travail. Very uplifting to read this today. We must hang on for the longer waves of joy sometimes.

  2. I’ve read all your Pluto Moon posts and does this stuff really happen or is it all in our minds like left-brainers want to tell us? I have Merc/Nept conjunct natally.

    I just had my first vivid dream of my quite recently deceased (nearly two months) man and in my dream he showed me some things about himself which seemed legit. Prior to his sudden departure I had hypnagogia and other intuitive phenomena for no particular real life logical reason. Still having hypnagogig sleep experiences weekly. Currently going through Pluto conjunct 4th house cusp, exact square to Moon in 7th and applying to Venus in 4th transits.

    1. I’m sorry for your loss, Justine. Still so new and raw…
      Your man probably finds it easiest to communicate with you during a hypnagogic incident and in dreams. Believe in it! Also keep an eye out for any symbolism (with your planets being where they are you probably know that).
      Hang in there.

  3. I have MC at AQ 6 degree. Since last night, I’m seeing that I’m forgiving other people and spreading the love. Uranus is in my 12th house currently. 2 incident has happened so far and my friends are accepting my love!!!

  4. Trying to get out of my own head and grief for a while, and understand how massive this is for you, as an individual person in this universe, walking on this earth. All my love to you and your family. Love is eternal even though there apparently are dark nights of the soul. This gives hope, thank you.

  5. Avatar
    Terrie CumminsJamison

    How LOVEly and WONDERFUL! ?
    I’m know that it’s real.♥️
    And I am crying happy tears for you two too.?

  6. Avatar
    Corinne Pettrone

    What an absolute blessing and I am so happy for you! You must be beyond the moon with this! You also give hope to those of us who have two daughters not speaking to them. It has been almost four years for one and the other one is off and on and right now off because she chose to scream at me at her brother’s birthday party in front of everyone. Abuse whether from my child or anyone I will not tolerate. I love her to the moon and back and I always will but I will not tolerate that behavior. It is my hope to one day to get a phone call just like you. You give us hope Elsa! ???

  7. Great! Sounds shocking after 10 years gap!
    How Uranus square Uranus is related to love? Could you say sth more about it?

  8. Wow!
    That gives us hope. I am a very active Democrat and my close sister had no politics, until she announced she was Republican during their 2016 convention. So, thereafter, I avoided anything political when we talked weekly. She stopped returning my calls shortly after the inauguration. Though Ive left her pleasant messages and emailed her clippings about people and things she loves, she has not responded. I finally gave up a year ago. What a loss.

  9. This is wonderful news! I remember Mosta, the girl who named herself after her favorite pasta.
    Or, my memory is failing, again.

  10. Congrats and best wishes for continued success on the relationship bridging whatever divided you. I’ve been reading this blog for over ten yrs and remember you posting of your sorrow over the lost of your daughter from your life. happy for this outcome for you:-)

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